Coming to you

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"You let your ex operate on Jonas?" he asks even more infuriatingly.

"He's the best plastic surgeon on the west coast but i was out cold so no i didn't let him, he did what he had to save his life and mine"

"Come on Johnny, we're leaving" he says to the little boy and gets up. "Come on Cass"

"Can't you give her a chance, she is your daughter" she tries to argue with him.

"She's not my daughter, she's a disgrace to this family because of her liking to women" and that was the last straw as I also stand right up in front of him. He's still taller than me but i'm angrier.

"And you stopped being my father the first time you punched me in the face" i say with a lowered voice but judging by Cassandra's face she heard me. He just turns and walks. Before she can leave i stop her.

"Is he the father?"

"Not his biological, no"

"Good, that's good"

"How's that good?"

"That means i can still go to the police about him"

"Please don't" i'm surprised that she's against it.

"I don't care that you love him, i don't care that he's my father, i will do what is best"

"Please give me a chance to make him change"

"You have my number, don't hesitate to call" i say as i can't go against her. She's too innocent. "A bit of advice"


"Take your son and leave"

"I'd have nowhere to go"

"You'll always have family in Seattle"

"Why are you so nice to me, you don't even know me?"

"But i know him and what he does makes us family in another way"

"Cassandra come here now" dad says with a higher voice, making everyone look our way.

"If he ever lifts his hands to you again you just say that i'll come back for revenge, that'll make him back down"

"Thank you y/n" she says before leaving and i sink back down in my chair. So much for a casual lunch with dad. Public or not, he'll always be the same. I take another and bigger sip of my wine.

"I guess you'll be eating alone?" Jess says, appearing next to the table. "I saw and didn't want to interrupt"

"Glad you didn't, i don't know what he would have done" i sigh and continue to drink.

"Are you still gonna eat?"

"Yeah i am"

"Then here you have a menu" she says, laying a leather green covered book. The ring on her finger catches my attention.

"You go to the church on the hill?"

"No it's my mothers, i thought i looked good"

"Who was your mother?" i ask and she just looks at me. "I might know her"

"Amanda Tarazi"

"Your Amanda's daughter?"

"Yeah, how'd you know her?" i take out the necklace with an identical ring on it.

"I used to go to that church when i lived here"

"You grew up here?"

"Yeah, how is she? She was one of my best friends"

"She got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago"

"I'm sorry to hear that. What kind? Im a doctor so maybe i can help treat her"

"Lung cancer, that would be great but i'm not sure we can afford"

"That won't be a problem, i want to help" so leaving tomorrow might not happen yet.

"I still don't know how we're gonna afford"

"Sit down and we'll talk" she sits down and we begin to talk.

<back up at my room>

So from coming here to take a vacation i talked to dad and agreed to help pay for an old friend's surgery to help her with lung cancer. Maybe it's time to break into that deposit of mom's money that she left me. She especially sighed so that dad couldn't spend that money. It is all the family money, from what she inherited from the family company. I should visit grandma while i'm here. She's the only one i talked to from our family when I moved. How time flies.

I lay back down on the bed, kicking off my shoes.

"Right i have to call Lexie and Meredith" i mumble to myself as i drag myself to sit up. Taking my phone to see a new message.

New message from Meredith (2h ago)

If you come here with so much as even one scratch i will call the police on him whether you like it or not

Sometimes overprotective Meredith can be a handful.

from me to Meredith

Breathe Mer, we talked and they left before we got the chance to eat. Im okay so you can stop worrying now.

from Meredith to me

I will never stop worrying about you, especially with your bad luck and history

from me to Meredith

Way to kick me when im laying

from Meredith to me

Just come home tomorrow, please

from me to Meredith

I have a friend here with cancer that im gonna help first and i wanna talk to my grandparents so i might stay a few more days

from Meredith to me

Then i'm coming out to you

from me to Meredith

Meredith no, you do not need to come here

The message just marks as read without an answer. Great, now she's probably booking a plane ticket here. When is she gonna start listening to me.

Meredith pov

I immediately start packing my things from my locker when someone comes in.

"Are you going somewhere" it's Christina and behind her is Izzie and Alex.

"I'm going to y/n"

"I everything okey?" Izzie asks worriedly.

"Yeah everything is okay i think, she meet her dad by choice and i want to make sure she never do it again" i say and start to walk towards the door.

"Say hi from me" Alex says and i nod.

"Just tell Callie im taking a few days off to go to her" i say before starting to head home. She let you just leave so im sure she'll let me leave to get to you.

A/N so is y/n a bottom and Lexie a top or the other way around? Maybe a switch? I need to know to keep writing so comment what you think it should be.

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