Trying to...

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Lexie pov

"Did she just lie to get out of here?" Mark asks, but i'm not sure if he's actually asking me or just thinking out loud.

"I should get this back and head up" i try to pass him but he puts up a hand to stop me. Then looks down at me for an answer. "Yes, she made that up" it's an easy answer for a whole lot more complicated question. He doesn't say anything else as i've answered, just lets me pass him out and back into the halls. I put back the shart at the nurses station and stay there, starring into the wall.

"Hey" a female voice says behind me, making me jump. I turn to meet Callie's kind smile and my whole body calms down. "What's got you all so worked?" her question kinda caught me off guard. But it's only because we're at work, it's not the same as when we meet each other in the hallway of the house or at Joe's.

"I'm fine" it's not a lie, I am fine, but it's not me i'm worried about. "Y/n's just acting weird"

"Walk with me" she says instead of asking why. But the question comes when we start walking. And i get that she said it because as i said, we're in the hospital. "What do you mean she's acting weird?"

"Ever since our family dinner about a month ago, she's been jumpy, avoiding Mark at all costs and she's this happy person" and Callie seems as surprised as Christna was. But less freaked out over it. She doesn't even need to ask what subject may have caused her to act like... not herself. "I got there late but Izzie said they talked about work, how they all know each other, Jonas applying to med school, Kepner mentioned that rumour, surgeries and..."

"Wait, what rumour?" she cuts me off and stops in the middle of the corridor where people are rushing past us. I get two more steps before stopping myself.

"That pregnancy rumour last year." realisation and... terror? I think, can be seen in her eyes as they beg me to tell her more. "They're saying that she knows who it was and that Mark was the father, that she helped that woman and that's why she and Mark are friends again" then three seconds, three seconds where she stands absolutely still, panic in her eyes. And after those three seconds she comes back to be more laid back and calm, continuing to walk.

"I wouldn't worry about that to much" she continues calmly as i catch up to her. "She's fine, she's Y/n"

"Yeah, she's always fine" i sigh as i stop walking, making it her turn to stop two steps ahead of me.

"Trust me Lexie, everything's fine" and before she continues to walk on her own she says, "Happy anniversary"

Y/n pov

One hour after the stairwell i'm paged to the darkroom. But what i don't expect is for there to be no scans up on the screens and someone hiding behind the door to close and lock it behind me as soon as i enter. I jump at the sound and take ahold of the closest item to use as a weapon, a keyboard to be exact. But i don't get far in that as i see it's Mark. Fuck.

"Oh my, Mark, what the hell are you doing?" i ask as i calm down my panic, putting down the keyboard again. "Why'd you paged me?"

"You've been avoiding me" and double fuck.

"No, i've been busy in the ER, i've been running it for almost a month now"

"Exactly, you've been avoiding me. Every time i've tried to talk you, you bolt the other way."

"I've just been busy" i really don't want to have this conversation. I know i made a promise for my second chance but i'm still not ready. I'm still working up the courage to tell him and i'm still getting ready for him to hate me. But does he have the right? I mean, it was a drunken hookup, it wasn't like it meant anything. We weren't together anymore. Of course he has the right to know Y/n, it was his. And i took that away from him, when i know how much he would have wanted it. With me. "And i'm busy now, so if you'll excuse me" but he stops me by standing in front of the door. "Mark"

"No, i want you to tell me what's up with you. You're so different, i'm starting to think that something happened in Miami that made you like this" he says angrily and i almost releases a relieved sigh that he somehow connected it to Miami. But he's not far off, what happened in Miami is also a part of this change people are talking about.

"You're right, something did happen in Miami" i start but i don't know how to continue. For now it's for the best that he think it's because of that. For the time being, until i master up the courage. Until i manage to tell him, until i figure out a way. I'm pretty sure i can't just buy a card saying 'i was pregnant with your baby and had an abortion, sorry'. Would be weird if there actually was, and sorta cool. I realise we've both been quite, me thinking and him waiting for me to continue. So i take a step back, looking down to the floor and lean onto the wall next to him. "I met my father"

"That part i know, tell me the rest" he cares, i know he cares. And that's what's making this so damn hard.

"When i came knocking on his door, someone else opened. My dad remarried" i let out, i hadn't told anyone else that either. I'm not sure if Jonas knows, if he does he just don't talk about it. But it's not like our 'home' is a common topic at lunch. "Her name is Cassandra, she's actually really nice... and pretty. She's also younger than me, i think"

"And i guess you're father hasn't changed?" he figures it out fast.

"No, he hasn't. And she has a kid, about ten i think. His name is Oliver" my heart breaks over what he has to go through. I hadn't noticed the tear slipping down my cheek as i've been talking, not until he wipes it off with his tumb. He's close, close enough for me to have to look up to meet his gaze. "I feel bad leaving them there so i guess i'm trying to make up for it, trying to be a better person, trying too..." my voice trails off and he wraps his arms around me. It's not a lie, none of it is a lie. It's just a part of the truth. Half truths, like i said, my specialty.

"You are a good person Y/n, you've done what you can" he comforts me but it doesn't work because a sob breaks free from my throat. I've missed him. I mean, i knew i did. But i never realised how much until now.

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