Pray away the gay

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Y/n pov

Calliope walks through almost half the hospital until she pulls me into a supply closet.

"Okay, what's going on?" i can say that i absolutely don't feel as tired anymore. Not with as fidgety as she's acting. "What were you screaming about earlier?"

"My father is here?" my mouth almost falls open at her next words. "He brought a priest"

"Let me guess, to pray away the gay?" it's almost funny even though it's a serious matter. I don't get why people don't get that it's not a choice. It's not like i would chose to be hated by my father and be bullied by classmates, but it's what happened. Because that's unfortunately how society looks right now. And i hate it. I hate seeing her like this. "What did Arizona say?"

"That i should look at it from his perspective, that he's had thirty years of something and i've changed and shits"

"You know, she has a point" but my words only makes her glare at me. "I mean, look at it. How would you react if i all of a sudden would change and, lets say, drop out of the program to become a baker"

"That's ridiculous"

"Exactly, because for as long as we've known each other, meaning all out lives, we've always been certain that we've wanted to help people. And we've done just that" i place a hand on her shoulder to make her look at me, less of a glare at least. "So, you've exclusive only dated men, you even married one Calliope. And then all of sudden you're this amazing woman who is attracted to another woman, romantically" i skip over using the word love to not make her glare at me again. "It changes the picture he has of you, for good. He's only trying to keep his little girl"

"Well, i'm not a little girl anymore" she scoffs and i realise that she might not understand where i'm getting at.

"Talk to him, explain that he can't change you, because deep down this is who you've always been."

"I won't, but thank you" she says and i sign as i take a step back to try and get back to work "When did you change Y/n?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're kinder, more creative, more... wordy" i laugh at her choice of words. "I'm starting to think you've lost your sparkle"

"Okay, only me and Mer call trauma sparkle" but she still looks at me for an answer to her original question. "I never changed Calliope. I decided to care for life, grow up, there is a difference."

But as i'm at the door to leave, she says. "You're not really considering starting a bakery instead of surgery?"

"No, of course not. But i am starting to bake, so if you're nice you might get some"

"I'm always nice" she scoffs and i laugh as i walk out the door to leave her. Walking into whoever was outside. The orange tells me it's someone i might not know.

"Oh, i'm so..." But i'm proven wrong as i look up to apologise and see who it is. "Avery" and then i see April next to him. "Kepner"

"Diaz, we've been wondering when we'd run into you" April says as she pulls me in for a hug. I may have changed when i've been with Lexie, but i still hate hugs. "We thought you might have quit"

"Me? Quit? The hospital wouldn't last a day without me" i joke with a laugh and make them laugh as well. I gesture for them to continue walking and i walk with them. "So, how's it going?"

"I got to tackle a guy down at the ER" Jackson says with a smile as he walks before us, backwards. "He tried to kill another patient who supposedly is his best friend and in love with his nineteen year old daughter"

"That was you? I only heard how angry Yang was when you got the attention instead of her saving his bleed"

"Yeah, i have a feeling she doesn't like me" he says and i laugh. It's a carefree laugh, something that doesn't really happen in the hospital.

"She doesn't, none of them do" and as we round the corner, someone runs into me and i feel hot liquid run down my chest. Oh this is so not my day.

"Oh my, Y/n, i'm so sorry" the voice belongs to Reed, i could recognise her voice anywhere. It's kinda like Izzy's, but more... nagging. And obviously don't get that when she's not my brothers doctor, she should't address me by my first name. But i don't feel like dragging all that up. They need a friendly face in the midst of all the angry and hateful ones. I could at least try. Okay, I've changed. I've grown. Someone had to be the first.

"It's okay" i breath out with a strained smile as my chest is burning from the hot coffee she spilt over me. I meet the brown eyes of Lexie from the nurses station, she has a smile on her lips. And it's not because my scrubs are now pasted over me to enhance any features. But because Reed messed up. "Here at my court, we don't run with liquids, Reed. Especially hot ones"

"I will remember that, sorry, gotta run" she passes through the three of us and as soon as i meet Jacksons gaze, he smiles and i can't help but laugh. And then Lexie is by my side with her chart still in hand, and a towel in the other.

"Here, looks like you could need it" she says with an enchanting smile of her own, but only towards me. I will so not be a translator between the 'invaders' and my own people.

"Thanks Grey" i answer as i take the towel and hold it over my chest, trying to make it suck up as much of it as possible. "Avery, meet Lexie Grey, Lex, meet Jackson Avery. My friend" i emphasise the word friend for Jackson as a way to tell her to be nice. "And i understand that you've already met Kepner"

"Yeah, we have" Kepner answers instead with a smile and a genuinely happy face but i can see in Lexie's face that she's ready to wipe that smile away. So i become the middle man, once again.

"Dr Grey, would you follow me please" she gives a humm in answer and i say goodbye to the orange squad. Then we begin to walk back to the lounge. But just before we get in, i open the door to the on-call room before it instead. Pulling her in there with me. Maybe I won't admit how hot she is when she's frustrated, how this little crinkle between her brows enhance, her cheeks almost get flustered. Maybe I will admit it, in other ways.

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