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Lexie pov

"Have i done something wrong? I didn't know it was wrong for a resident to be friends with her intern" i ask you at the nurses station.

"What? no, you've done nothing wrong"

"Are you avoiding me?" i finally asks you."You've literally ignored me since this morning and your always sending me away"

"No, I'm just busy. I've been gone for a week so i have a lot to catch up on"

"Are you sure?" maybe i'm being too clingy but i just want to be near her. God, I almost sound like a creep.

"Yeah i am" you say with that smile that can literally break worlds. But as i smile back at you, you turn and walk away. Maybe i did something wrong, or maybe you can see my crush on you. Maybe you think it's weird or you just don't like me that way.

"Excuse me" a woman says behind me, grabbing my attention.

"Yes" i answer, turning around to meet a dark blond haired woman with perfect skin. Damn she's beautiful.

"Was that y/n you where talking to?" she ask, gesturing to the say you had run away.

"Dr Diaz? Yes that was her, how do you know her?"

"I'm Alice Green (sry if that's your name, just pretend it's not), her girlfriend" and what the fuck.

y/n pov

"Y/n it's so good to have you back" Meredith says, giving me a hug. We never got the chance to meet when i got in this morning with incoming trauma.

"Well you all kinda forced me to take a week off" i say as she realises me. I walk up to my cabinet to get changed.

"Y/n?" Lexie comes in the lounge asking.

"What Grey?" i say and it sounds more annoyed than i thought and Alex gives me a look.

"There's a woman here looking for you and she says it's important"

"Who is it?"

"Alice Green" and in panic i turn around to look out the window to see her standing out there. Before she sees me i almost dive down on the floor.

"So that's who you left me for while you were in Boston" Meredith says with a fake pout and i just roll my eyes at her.

"She drove all the way from Boston to here? That's a two days drive if you don't stop on the way" Christina says. "That's impressive"

"Who is she?" Callie asks as she missed the name.

"I met her in Boston when i was there to get my mind off Mark" i say as i meet Lexie's gaze. Somehow it's looking at me differently. In a good different, i think.

"So that's Alice, you do have a type. Well except for Meredith" Callie says and everyone looks between me and Mer.

"You had to announce that to the whole hospital?" i ask her, throwing my shirt at her. Reminding me that im in just my bra and i feel Lexies eyes on me.

"I didn't know it was a secret, i thought they knew"

"You dated Mereidth?" Alex says in surprise. "Dude, you have a type"

"Oh shut up Alex. It was first and half of second year in med-school until we discovered that were better as friends"

"So first strangers to girlfriends to sisters, that's not weird at all" Christina says with that tone that's so her.

"Lexie, get her to leave now" i say more angry than before to her.

"Of course Dr Diaz" she leaves. Oh damn, she called me Dr Diaz again. Fuck.

"I hate you all" i say, getting up and taking my things to go to the bathroom to change.

"No you don't" Christina says.

"Oh yeah i do" i say and they start laughing as i get in to change.

When i get back out they all left except for Callie who waited just to talk to me.

"Stayed to spil more of my secrets"

"Im sorry, i just thought they knew since you all live together" she says as i put my things back in my cabinet.

"No they don't"

"What did Karev mean by you having a type, do you have a crush on Grey again?" she asks and i look at her angrily even though she can see right through me. "Oh you do, don't you"

"No i don't have a crush on Meredith"

"But you do have a crush on a Grey?" she asks and i blush, looking away. "Holy shit y/n, you have a crush on Lexie Grey?"

"Can you say it higher, i don't think that man in a coma on the other side of the hospital heard you"

"Your not denying it?"

"I guess im not"

"You the new McDreamy"

"What? No" i say with a laugh.

"You so are, falling for an intern, your intern"

"But im not McMarried to McHottie or had the McDog with Meredith's McLife" and when i say that out loud it sounds crazy.

"Oh please, you soo are the new McDreamy. Take it as a compliment Diaz" she says as she starts to leave but before she gets out the door i say.

"Go annoy your husband Callie O'malley" i say with a laugh.

"At least the accident made you miss your week on Sloans service" she says before leaving and she is right. I put on my coat and walk out to find my interns still gossiping in the locker rooms.

"Am I interrupting something?" i say with no kindness in my voice whatsoever and they go quiet.

"We were just checking out some stuff" Dani answers and i look at what she has in her hand. A piece of paper with our names on it.

"Your giving nicknames?"

"We thought it'll be fun since you did it to Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Sloan" Adam says with a smile.

"I see that you had some time to relax when i was gone but now i'm back and i wonder why my interns are the only ones to not do their job" i say angrily and they see it in my eyes.

"We're sorry Dr Diaz" Lexie says and i can't help but admire her face once again. Meeting her eyes just melts away the anger.

"Murphy, Newton, Holmes down in the pit" i say and all three of them just run past me to get to the pit as i go to the paper they left but Lexie takes it before i can with a smile.

"I can't let you see that yet" she says and i put my arms across my chest.

"You know im your boss right"

"I am fully aware of that but i still can't let you see it" she starts to rip it up and throws it in the trash.

"How are you gonna remember them if you've trashed the paper?"

"I have photographic memory"

"That's actually kinda cool" i say and meet her smile. "Your with me the next hours, were on ortho this week"

"I though we would be on plastics since that's where we were supposed to be last week when you where home" i look at her with a killer look instead of a smile. "Or not"

Sometimes i really wish i was more like Izzy, maybe then she would have a chance to like me if im less mean.

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