All hands on deck

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Lexie pov

"Sorry, i'm just stressed" it's like you can read my mind so i laugh.

"Sometimes i wonder if you can read my mind" i say with a laugh.

"I wish, because i really wonder what's going on in that head of yours"

"How about we make a deal" i say with a smirk.

"What kind of deal?"

"That we say what we think, at least in private. So that we don't have to guess"

"Sounds good" you answer and without taking your eyes off the road you hold up your pinky finger. I take it with my own pinky as we pull up at the parking lot.

y/n pov

Everything is chaos as we arrive at the emergency entrance. At least five ambulances are already standing there, and i hear more might be on their way.

"y/n, there you are" Meredith says, coming up next to us. "Did you two come here together"

"Um, yeah, no. We meet in the parking" i say, kinda panicking.

"Diaz, over here now" Alex calls from one of the ambulances, either seeing the interaction or just needing the help.

"Lexie, get the others and then find me okay" i say before running off to whatever the hell is happening.

<In trauma two>

"What happened?" i ask, walking in the door as im now changed.

"There was a fire in an hotel, there were too many trapped so more are coming." Alex says and i freeze as i see the burns.

"Diaz, out here" i hear someone call me.

"It's okay, i've got this one" he says and i'm out the room to find whoever calls for me.

"Diaz, get your interns and wait for the other ambulances. Page us if you need us" Callie says before running off with Sloan and a few patients. I turn around, panicking to all the burns that only remind me of my own. I trace my fingers over the burned skin as a hand takes mine in hers. I turn to see her beautiful eyes on me and i want to smile and kiss her. But then i see the other interns behind her.

"Theres another ambulance on its way. Get out there and wait, i'll be right with you" i say and they all run to the entrance except for her. "You too Lexie"

"You know it's okay to be scared"

"Well i'm not, and in this hospital you are my intern so get out there and wait for the ambulance" im sure she can see straight through the lie but i need her to be my lifeline, the line so i don't cross over and fall. If she didn't see trough it she would have looked hurt but she doesn't, she just makes her way out.

Everyone is running around on every side of me as im in the middle of the room. And i can't breathe, it's like the smoak is back in my lungs. I remember how it was making it hard for me to breathe, how i had to get help breathing. I don't remember that but someone said it, and it haunts me every night.

The sound of an ambulance cut through the air and brings me back to the ER. I quickly make my way out to see them stop. There's two of them.

"Teenage female, fell through a window of fifth floor . Trouble breathing but stabled in the field" a woman says opening the door and taking out a girl.

"Middle aged male, fell through the same window" a man says from the other ambulance.

"Who's more critical" i ask as i take over from the woman.

"Where is my daughter, where is she?" the older man asks in confusion and that kinda answers my question. I walk over to the man and light the flashlight.

"Could you tell me your name sir"

"Zavier Keith" he says under a strained breath.

"Okay, Grey, Dani take Mr Keith in, run tests and page me when with what you find. Newton, Murphy, your with me" i say before we walk back into the hospital.

Lexie pov

"He has a broken rib and ankle, his lungs are clear and he's stable. His alcohol levels are sky high, he's a drunk. We don't need to page Dr Diaz" Dani says, closing the chart.

"She said we should page her with what we got, not if we got something big"

"Just because your the favorite doesn't mean i'm gonna listen to you" she says with an extra attitude and walks away and i walk back into his room. I hear a groan and look up from the chart to see that he's awake.

"Mr Keith, your awake. Im Dr Grey and..." he cuts me off.

"Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

"My daughter, Ella-May"

"And do you have a picture of her that i can use to find her?"

"In my wallet" i go to his bag of his stuff and open the wallet to find a picture of a sweet blond girl with krystal blue eyes and a smile like it's the happiest day in her life.

"She came here the same time you did. She is currently in surgery i think, but i can check if you want to" i put down the chart.

"No, you should call the police"

"They are down the hall, why do you want them?"

"Because she started the fire" he says with so much hate that i don't know what to do.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes i am, now go get them girl"

"I am a woman and a doctor who you don't get to speak like that too, i also have to talk to my resident about you before i can do anything" i say and he snorts. I walk out the room to go find you. You're in the ICU with the girl that came in earlier.

"Good job Newton, keep me updated" i hear you say before walking out to see me. "Dr Grey, how is Mr Keith?"

"He is stable, a broken rib and ankle. His alcohol levels 0.073 but he's talking and breathing fine"

"That's good" you say but i'm still standing there. "Anything else Dr Grey?"

"Yeah, he said she started the fire, his daughter Ella-May"

"And you know that is her because?"

"He had a picture of her in his wallet that he showed me."

"Well, that girl's name is, according to her drivers license. A nineteen year old woman named Sienna Summer''

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