Worst kind of humans

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TW for a homophobic heterosexual and sexist middle-aged white man

Lexie pov

"How are things going here?" you ask me, walking into the room.

"I paged for an ortho consult, but they're short-staffed so it might take awhile" i answer, giving you the chart.

"Not another child, can i get a real doctor" Mr Keith says and you laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment since I'm almost thirty" he just looks at you surprised."Yeah i'm older than i look, i get that a lot"

"Just get me those damn pigs already?"

"Well Mr Keith, the 'pigs' are with your daughter right now. And from what i've heard you haven't been really nice have you" you say with a smile that has nothing but hate and anger in them.

"Your really gonna trust a little freak girl instead of a grown man"

"What do you mean by freak?" i ask, and if this wasn't a serious situation i could have sworn you wanted to laugh at my question. But i don't get an answer so my question.

"Yes, when that man is a heterosexual, homophobic and sexist i will listen to the woman that has raised a wonderful son with her wife" you say and put down the chart by the end of the bed. Before you walk out you say. "Oh and im into girls, so is she, so you got saved by a woman who likes other women"

"How about that?" you laugh as you walk out. I must admit that that was real girl power. You could be a real life wonder woman. Now i get why so many both fear and admire you. Well i got an answer to my question. I guess i didn't grew up around the same conervative people as others. All my life people have supported my choices. Guess i was lucky. Just as im about to ask something more three police officers enter.

"Andrew Rollins, you are here by placed under arrest for arson and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you if you so desire" one of them says and another one nods for me that i can leave.

I should feel good about the fact that I helped catch a wanted man but still I'm not. Maybe it's the fact that you're mad at me. You said 'sorry' in the car and that it was because of stress. Maybe this isn't the right time for a relationship between us right now.

That's too many maybe.

y/n pov

"Finally, Dr Diaz. Can you please tell me where my wife is, you intern refuses to tell me" Sienna says as i walk into her room again. Her son is laying in her bed, snuggled up her side. I must wonder how it would be to have a child. Maybe i can have one day, if i still can and deserve it. And have the right person of course.

"That is because i told her not to. It seems like they had just got back to the hotel before the fire and according to your son, your wife protected him with herself"

"Is she okay? Please tell me she is okay" she holds her son even closer.

"She is in surgery with Dr Shepherd right now and i need to talk to you about what might happen when she gets out of it"

"So your sure she will survive"

"I trust Dr Shepherd and so should you. Sure there is always a risk but this was an easy one for him."

"I trust you, and if you trust him so do i"

"Good, now i'm gonna try to explain this so you understand." i say and she laughs. I stand by the foot of the bed."There was a small bleed in the brain that may cause some damage"

"What kind of damage"

"Hippocampus, it's one of the parts where your memory is keeped. There might be a chance that she won't remember anything. She'll know the basics, like how to walk and speak but she might not remember people or moments"

"Is there a chance of getting those memories back?"

"No I'm afraid not medically, you'll have to start from scratch"

"You said medically, is there another way?" she asks and i see a tear fall down her cheek. Her son moves a little so that his head lays on her chest.

"Well there is always the power of positive thinking. Remind her who she is, tell her about all the good and the bad times you have together. Take her to places that has special meaning to her"

"Will it work?"

"I don't know, but if it comes to that i hope it does. But we won't know if that happens until she wakes up"

"Dr Diaz?" Lexie asks to come into the room.

"Yes Dr Grey" i answer without looking at her.

"The police needs your help to transfer Mr Rollins to the medical center that is connected to the prison he's being sent to."

"Who's Mr Rollins?"

"Mr Keith, his real name is Andrew Rollins"

"Then we can add lying on hospital forms to his charger list" i say with a smile.

"He's going to jail?" Sienna ask.

"Yes, he'll never bother you again"

"Does that mean im not in the program anymore?"

"Yes, it does" i answer and that smile on her lips only gets bigger.

"So does that mean i can go home?"

"You can go home, you can go wherever you want without having to look over your back" I see Lexie studying the smile on my lips. Maybe more my lips then my smile"Newton, are you call tonight?"

"No" she answers.

"Well you are now, go check on Ophelia and then you keep Sienna here under check. Talk to Shepherd about putting them in the same room so they can be together and get a smaller bed for the kid" i say and she leaves.

"We'll see you in a few hours then, for rounds. Be sure to get some sleep" i say and she hums in answer. I walk out the room and Lexie follows me out.

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