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y/n pov

Just as i've fallen back to my bed, my phone makes a buzzing sound on the nightstand. I don't have the energy to check it now but i do it anyway.

Lexie to me
How about we eat lunch together? It's not perfect but it'll give us a chance to talk

Me to Lexie
Sounds like a plan

Lexie to me
Great, i'll see you on rounds then

I don't answer again, just put it back on the nightstand. This is completely wrong, i know it's right between us but everything else is wrong. It's like the whole world is standing against us, and the one person i want to tell i can't tell. Not yet.

Lexie pov

"Goodmorning Sienna, slept well?" you ask as we enter the room. She's lying there with her son still in her arms.

"Well my family is alive so i sleeped marvelous" she answers with tired smile.

"That's great. Newton present your patient" you say getting more serious.

"Nineteen year old female Sienna Summers, post ob..." Abby begins, but i don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything but you. On how your h/c hair falls from your head, how your eyes are fixated on something on the chart and then looks up to the patient. How your lips move when your talking. The necklace with a ring on it, makes me wonder what kind of ring it is.

"Dr Grey?" you say and i notice everyone is staring at me. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry Dr Diaz" i say, meeting your e/c gaze.

"You seem distracted so why don't you go down to the clinic and wait for us" you say and i can sense some of that warmth underneath the cold.

"Yes Dr Diaz" i say and walk out. If we're gonna be together i gotta be better to not get distracted by you. Even though that is hard.

y/n pov

"I'm sorry about that, most of us had a long shift before getting called in last night and not getting much sleep" i say and then i yawn. "Me included"

"That's okay, i can understand that. Ophelia and i are in med-school so i guess i will have to get used to long hours" Sienna says, brushing her sons hair out his face.

"Well i will leave you too get some more rest" i say with a smile and then turn to Abby to say. "Stay here and page me about if anything changes"

"Will do. And you should check on Lexie, i have a feeling your the distraction" she says with a lower voice.

"Yeah i got that" i say with a laugh and we walk out the room.

"What can we do Dr Diaz" Dani asks with too much enthusiasm for me to work with in the morning. We've made it to the nurses station where i see Christina sit.

"Well, you'll circle the pit, do sutures and page if you've got something" i say, sending them away and then turning to Christina.

"What do you need?" she asks, not looking up from her papers.

"I have a hypothetical question"

"How hypothetical?" she looks up to meet me.

"It's not surgical so quit the hunger eyes" she smiles but doesn't look down.

"Then i ask again, how hypothetical?"

"Very hypothetical" she gestures for me to ask away. "Would it be wrong to date your best friends sibling"

"You wanna date Lexie?"

"No of course not, i was asking for a friend. She wants to date my brother" she thinks for a while before answering.

"Well as long as she tells you about it, i mean you don't need to know the specifics but... a heads up so you don't freak out when they kiss or sleep over"

"Thanks Christina, that really helped" i say sarcastically, even though it did help.

"So it wasn't hypothetical?"

"Nope, but now i've got to go. Grey left on me"


"Little Grey, Leixe" she give me a look that i can't read. "I'll see you later"

"Yup, Izzy's cooking tonight. Why don't you invite Lexie" i stop and turn back to her.

"Why would i invite Lexie to our house?" i ask nervously.

"That favor for her, the deal you made. She gave you a brain bleed her first day with you so you got to talk to Meredith about her" she explains and i let out a breath.

"Right, i had almost forgot about that"

"So your gonna invite her?"

"Maybe i will" i say as i walk away. This could be the perfect time to talk to Meredith the both of us. Or at least be with Lexie in their company. To everyone we're at least friends, even though people call me the new McDreamy. We've told everybody we're friends, even though that's not entirely true.

<down in the clinic>

"Grey?" i call out as i don't see her.

"Here" two women answers. I didn't know Meredith also would be down here.

"You want both or one?" Meredith asks, coming up to me. Lexie just stays with her patient who looks like there drunk and got into a fight at the bar, judging by the wound on his check.

"Well i was just thinking about her, but since your here i can talk to you" i say, taking her to a more private part of the clinic.

"What did you do?" she asks if I killed someone.

"I haven't done anything"

"Then why the secrecy?"

"Because we're at work and i just want to run something non-medical by you"

"What then?"

"Can i invite Lexie to dinner tonight?" i ask and she just looks at me before it clicks for her.

"So that was what involved me before, you were gonna talk to me about her or make us talk"

"Just give her a chance, she's actually pretty nice and good and..."

"Almost sounds like your in love with her or something" she cuts me off and i cough a laugh.

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