I heard a rumour

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Lexie pov

"If you think for a second that just because you get all these privileges that you're a better doctor than me" Dani says, backing me into a wall. I bet she's never shown this side to Dr Diaz, because the way she changed personality when you entered was massive.

"Dr Diaz doesn't give privileges to anyone Dani, it was one of the first things she said. Remember the 'don't bother sucking up, that's not gonna help you' part"

"Then you must have something on her because she seems to give all the big cases to you"

"She gives them to me because i am that good, maybe you should learn one or two things. Like just because your nice looking doesn't mean your a snake" i say and i swear that she's about to push me again but a wave of other doctors pass us so she just says.

"No one is better then me Lexie, just because your all of a sudden her favorite and the sister to Meredith Grey doesn't make you better" just as she's about to leave me there i come up with what you would say that can make her even more infuriating.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you darling" and i was right, i did piss her of even more as she walks away with angry steps. And i can't help but smile, at my impression of you and how it affected her.

y/n pov

After Lexie's left i turn back to Sienna and Ophelia.

"I'm so sorry about that, their interns, the newbies. Haven't learned the rules yet" i say with a smile that somehow successfully makes me look happy and not in panic. I have to change the subject to keep focused. "I will have a serious talk with them later, now you wanted to talk to me"

"It's Jack, Dr Holmes said nothing was wrong but then the other doctor, Dr Grey said that he has a fever but it's common and he has a short of breath but his heartbeat is strong." Sienna says and before i can say anything Opheilia flicks in.

"Jack also said that he had some pain in his stomach and chest but it's gone now. Dr Grey said that if the pain comes back we should call someone"

"Dr Grey is right, as usual" i mumble the last under my breath before continuing. "I will take him down for some test to clear out some stuff out if that's okay"

"Yeah, do whatever you can. Just make sure he's okay" Ophelia says and i can see the tiredness in both their eyes.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" i ask.

"Not so much, Jack couldn't sleep so we couldn't" Sienna answers this time.

"Well it could take a few hours to get some test results so i can take care of him in the meantime"

"We can't ask you to do that, you have other patients" Ophelia says and i can tell it's just because she doesn't want to leave him.

"It's no problem actually, Jack can come with me and the two of you need the sleep" i say and after a few seconds they hesitantly nod. Sienna makes Jack sit up and jump off the bed.

"Your going to go with this very nice Doctor, me and mommy will be right here"

"Okay mama" he says like it's a casual thing and walks up to me.

"He has autism, just so you know if he gets hard to handle" Ohpelia flicks in to.

"It's okay, my brother has ADHD and was a drunk while my mother had dyslexia and was a drunk. I think i can handle a four year old with autism" i say and they just look at me and i smile. "I know, a complicated family. Sienna isn't the only one"

"Just take care of him" they say almost in union.

"I will now get some sleep. There will be a nurse just outside if there's anything you need" i explain and give Jack my hand which he takes. We walk out the room where i find Lexie is still standing out there. Jack yawns and i pick him up so that he's sitting on my hip.

"Can I help you Lexie?" i ask her with a gentle voice instead of the one i would usually use.

"I was just wondering, are you giving me privileges just because we're... together" she stops herself from what she was really gonna say when she's reminded that im holding a toddler. His head is resting quietly on my shoulder.

"I don't give privileges tesoro" i continue to walk so that i can put him down onto something. Just holding a toddler is making me feel bad about what i might decide to do.

"Your not?" she asks like it's weird.

"No im not, you get hard cases because you have a photographic memory and because your good at what you do" we come to the elevator and i push the button.

"You know that's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me"

"Not true, i've called you gorgeous, cute and other things" i say with a smile as i enter the elevator.

"I meant about me, not just how i look" i hadn't realised i didn't give those kind of compliments.

"Well i heard this rumor about someone who apparently loves me" as i say it i watch her smile become a straight line.

"Well you know how you should never trust rumors, it's like high school" she says, trying to laugh it off. It kinda hurts but i don't blame her, we've been together for one day, officially at least. But i would be lying if i said i didn't have similar feelings for her. I would call it love but that scares me more that I'd admit.

"Shame, but i guess they'll tell me when they're ready if it isn't a rumor" the elevator door closes before our eyes and it starts to go down.

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