She's your what now?

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Lexie pov

My brain is still processing what the hell just happened. We were about to share a bowl of icecream and watch a movie. We've just gotten home from dinner, celebrating our ONE YEAR anniversary. And someone comes and pulls this move. It just feels rude. And Cassandra is her what now? Her stepmother, whom she met when she was in Miami last year. Whom married her father, got abused by the same man who abused Y/n and Jonas. And now she's here, knocking on our door. No, not quite, she and her son are up in Alex's bedroom sleeping. This is so bad. What are the others gonna say about this? What is Meredith going to say about this?

"So, i showed her where the bathroom was and made sure their bags are up there" Y/n says as she has now come back down to join me in the living room. But she's not quite there, still in the foyer, leaning against the wall opening. "Lexie?" the icecream in front of me has melted already. "Lexie? Are you okay?"

"I don't know." i answer honestly. "I thought there were no secrets between us" i'm sure she's aware of how this looks. Even though it's a part of her life she doesn't talk about, it's still something one might mention to the one she's living with and sharing a bed with.

"It's not like i expected her to show up here, i've only met her once and that was when i was there." she makes her way over to me who's sitting on the couch. I really don't know if i'm okay. If she didn't tell me about this, then what else could she not be telling me, what else could she be keeping secret. As she kneels down in front of me she continues to apologise. "I'm really sorry i didn't tell you, i just didn't want to think about it"

"That seems to be your solutions to everything" i almost snap at her even though the words are more an exhale than actual words.

"What's that supposed to mean?" there is confusion in her face now, no more apologising expressions. Is she really not aware of what she does? She can't be that oblivious, can she?

"It means that you think you can put everything away in little boxes and throw them away. You can't just expect shit to go away just because you don't talk about it, that's quite literally the opposite of what one should do"

"I don't think i'm following here" she says and leans back onto one of the chairs instead of in front of me. But i know she does, i know she understands exactly what i'm saying. She knows what she's doing, there is no way on earth that she doesn't.

"You don't talk about what you're feeling, you keep things secret because you think they're not worth talking about or you just don't want to think about it. That's not how it works, it's unhealthy" i breath out. This is so not how i wanted tonight to go. Have we ever had an planed or unplanned night that ever went good? Where we didn't get interrupted? I don't think so actually. Either it's work, family, friends or something else. "Talking about it could make you feel better, be happier"

"Well not everyone has to be happy all the time. That's not mental health, that's crap" Y/n almost snaps as the door opens. The three people talking become quiet as they come in to see us sitting so far apart the livingroom allows us to. We, who never want to be an inch apart and takes every opportunity to touch each other, are sitting feet apart even when we're home alone.

"Oh, sorry, did we interrupt anything?" Derek apologises and asks and i look up to see who walked in. Mer, Derek and Alex. Both Mer and Alex are just looking between me and Y/n while i don't think Derek understands the air in the room. Also glancing at the melted icecream on the table in front of me.

"I'm tired" Y/n says and gets out of her chair. She doesn't even look at me, doesn't say it to me specifically. "Oh, and Alex, i let out your room to... someone, don't be mad"

"That's okay, Iz's staying at the hospital, i'll take her room for the night" he answers it like it's not a big deal. I don't want to fight, i really don't. But i don't know what to believe anymore. Or who to believe anymore.

"It's her stepmother" i blurt our, knowing that wasn't my introduction to make.

"Cassandra's here? Did she bring Oliver?" of course Meredith already knows of it. But even with who they are to each other, it hurts me to know that she know everything and i don't. I don't care that they've known each other longer, we're dating, we're in love. We should know everything about each other. But apparently we're not as in love as i first thought.

"Yeah, they we're both tired so i sent them up to sleep and i'll talk to her in the morning. We'll get them into a hotel and she'll tell me what happened"

"Don't be ridiculous, they can stay here. It won't be a problem, we can just remake the attic to a bedroom until they get their own place" Meredith says like it's not a care in the world. Alex and Derek still don't seem to know what's happening.

"I'll wait until breakfast for the explanation then" Alex says with a small laugh and an uncertain smile towards Y/n.

"Goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow" Y/n ends the conversation but as she's about to pass Meredith she stops her, whispering something that looks like arguing. Especially since when it's ended, Y/n pulls her arms out of Mer's grasp and continues up the stairs. I have no idea of what just happened, it's all still processing. But i see that now, in Meredith's hand, now lays a small box. Which she quickly puts in her bag to avoid anyone seeing it, but i did, i did see it. Not that i know what it is, but she got it from Y/n only a few seconds ago.

"What just happened?" Derek asks like his head is loading just like mine. It probably is.

"I... Why don't you ask Meredith, she seems to know everything" i snap, not on purpose but i do. It surprises them almost as much as it surprises me.

"What are you talking about?" i get up as she asks it but i know she knows what's in Y/n's head. She knows everything, she always does. Oh gosh, my head is killing me. So instead of investing into the argument, i just shake my head and walk past them.

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