Lets bring a toast

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Y/n pov

I don't know exactly what made me cry more. The fact that none of our fathers even bothered to show up, even though they were invited. Yes, i invited my father, through everything. Because i wanted to make one last try. Or the fact that Calliope managed to get my grandmother here, sitting in the front frown next to an empty seat saved for my mother. Even Addison is here. And i just feel whole.

Mark gets everyone's attention. Time for the speeches. From my own best man. "When i first met Y/n, i had come here to Seattle to win Addison back. But i was so enchanted by her that it ended with me staying for her. I don't know what i would have done without her, who i could have become or still be if it weren't for her. And when she found Lexie, she was broken, but Lexie mended her without even trying. But with everyone knowing of our past, i was more than surprised when Y/n asked me to be her best man. But it's a job i took more than happily. And even more happily, i took the job of walking her down the aisle because her deadbeat of a... maybe words for another day." Even i manage to let out a laugh. Because he has nothing but nice things to say about my father when i told him i had both invited him and when i asked Mark to walk me down the aisle." Well, i always imagined me being on the other end of this but this was a whole nother thing. Seeing her face lit up as she saw you Lexie, really warmed my heart. And i will forever be grateful that the both of you considers me your friend, i wish you all the happiness in the world."

Next up is Abby as Lexie's honour bridesmaid. "I remember the day that they had their first date. Dr. Diaz just came home from Miami and i was helping Lexie get ready. She refused to tell me who, but let slip that is was a she. It wasn't hard to figure it out from there. Because as everybody here knows, the whole hospital knew of their effection towards each other before they were ever aware of it themselves." We all laugh because it was true. And sort of awkward. "But that night, i might not have known any of them long, but i had never seen anyone smile as Lexie did. Even though her father was laying passed out on the couch from drinking, even though the surgery she had hoped to get in on hadn't gone as planned, even though she had barely had anything to eat all day." I glance at Lexie who just shots of a smile my way. I didn't know that. If i'd know about it we would have walked straight to a restaurant and not eaten icecream first. "She was the happiest person in the world, for one person. And i hope it continues like that for the rest of your long and happy lives."

Next to hold the microphone is Meredith. "I've known Y/n for most parts of my lie, and she's been my sister, my best friend, my everything. Most would say that we're joined at the hip, because we barely leave each others sides. And now... nah, still joined at the hip." She laughs and i laugh with her. "Just now we're four, instead of two. And Lexie, i never wanted a sister, it wasn't a secret either. But Y/n told me to give you a chance, before i knew you two were together. And i did, it was one of the best decision i'd made my whole life. I'm glad to call you my sister, to call you family in more ways than one. I love you guys."

After her, Derek picks up the mic. "I'm honoured to be here, to have walked Lexie down the aisle and to have you both as my family. Even though Y/n, still haven't stoped having sleepingovers with my wife, with me in the bed." We all laugh and my cheeks flush. Lexie's hand holds onto mine in her lap. "But it's okay, because i know you. And although, i don't think you hate me anymore, i'm still glad that you managed to see past that to let me be with Meredith. I just hope that it'll stick, and i hop you guys have the happiest of lives together."

Directly, he passes the mic to Jonas who stands up on the scene. "I never admired my sister ability to find herself in difficult situations. Just that she was so good at getting both herself out... and me with her. And seeing that she won't have to go through those situations alone anymore, it makes me glass. Glad that she thought i was worth enough to save so that i could see this with my won eyes. I'm not going anywhere, but i'm so happy to have both of you and you deserve the world."

Calliope practically takes the mic from his hand, her other hand holding a glass of champagne. "Espero que todo se vuelva mejor de lo que solía ser antes. Espero que el cielo sea un poco más azul, las palabras un poco más suaves y escuchen un poco más amable. Is something Y/n and Jonas mother used ot say, i remember it. Something she now says herself. And it means 'I hope everything becomes better than what it used to be before. I hope the sky is a little bluer, words a little gentler and hearts a little kinder'. Now i know most of you don't see her as the soft and happy person she is, cause she's not like that at work or in most situations actually. And this shows it. For ever downfall, she's gotten something out of it. When she was twelve, after her mother died, she became a big sister for real, not by Jonas being born but to protect him. The car accident, brought Lexie to admit there was something between them. Two months ago, brought her to propose when she almost died. And i am sure that whatever comes next, good or bad... Y/n will make something good out of it."

And i didn't even think she's speak, but Bailey takes the mic after Calliope. "I have heard everyone calling Diaz the next Nazi, the next Bailey. And i'm proud of her... and i'm not going to repeat it." I smile as she looks at me with a small smile of her own. "And this past event tells me that she has what it takes to take over, and i will be more than happy to pass the title to her when the time comes. Which will not be soon, so you'll have to stick around and wait. As for little Grey, i have never seen someone break through her walls as fast as you did, never saw her real smile in the hospital halls unless she was with anyone named Grey. You bring out the best in her as she does to you, i hope your marriage results in many happy moments and memories you can hold onto. Congratulations."

And to everyone's surprise, Addison takes the mic next. With a filled smile at us."I hadn't planed to speak, but i just want to congratulate you both. The first time i saw the two together a lot was happening, but still there was so much love and adoration in their eyes. I admit, i became jealous. But i don't know if i'm jealous of Y/n for having Lexie's adoration, or Lexie for having Y/n's protectiveness and loving. Their relationship reminds me of a book trope. 'Grumpy meets sunshine', and you can all guess who's who." Everyone laughs and she raises her glass. "I wish you all the luck in the world, you two deserve it all. To Lexie and Y/n."

"To Lexie and Y/n." Everyone cheers out and clicks their glasses. I can't believe it. I'm married. And i meet my grandmothers gaze and she smiles, glad and happy to have lived long enough to see this herself. To get to see my happy ending.

And while we dance our first dance i can see it all before me.

"You did it Y/n. You got your happy ending." Lexie says as she spins me back into her arms. And i also see how different i am when i'm Dr. Diaz versus when i'm Y/n.

"That's not what this is. It's something else."

A puzzled smile on her lips. "What then?"

"Happy beginning." Her gaze is holds a question while i spin her. And answer it as i get her back in my arms, resting our heads together. "Because there are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, so this is us giving us a happy middle, and a very happy start."

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