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Lexie pov

"Hey Alice, i'm going to prep you for the surgery." i say to her as i walk in with her chart.

"Your Lexie right? she was talking about you earlier"

"Who was talking about me?"

"Y/n, before she left a few hours ago, she said she had some things to think about and i figured that was you based on the way she was looking at you" she says almost proud for figuring that out.

"What do you mean 'before she left'?" i ask her as i start to prep her.

"She's taking a few days off, didn't she tell you?"

"No, I haven't seen since she told me to leave her alone in the ER with Dr Karev... i mean Alex" i reminded myself to not say Dr, just their name.

"Oh im sorry, i thought you knew since you're obviously smitten with each other"

"Did she say where she was going?"

"No but i have my guess"

"Care to tell?" i hear my voice more worried then i feel.

"Home, i think she's going home"

"Where is home Alice?"

"Where she and Calliope grew up, where her father lives, where her mother died and where she picked up her brother four months ago. Miami"

y/n pov

I hesitate as im about to put the key through the keyhole at the house. The same house i grew up in but have almost no good memories in. Only abuse and screaming, locking myself in my bathroom. Let's just say my childhood wasn't the greatest, and after mom died it only got worse when the blows and hits came at me and Jonas.

I decided to knock instead and think this more through. Im looking at the house that used to be my home. After mom died i practically lived at Callies, but it couldn't leave my brother so i stayed. She has thought me how to fight for myself. First time i fought back he gave me hell, he kicked me out the house and that was it.

I'm surprised as a young woman opens the door. Like really young, younger than me who's almost thirty.

"How can i help you" she asks with such a nice tone.

"I'm looking for Victor Diaz" i answer and she gives a quick look on the other side of the door.

"What do you want with him?" she ask with less kindness and somewhat protectiveness.

"I'm y/n Diaz, his daughter" there is a slight fear striking her face.

"You should leave, he won't be glad to see you" oh i know that already, not after what i did.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

"I'm Cassandra Diaz, his wife" she says and i just stand there in shock, he remarried?

"I guess that makes you my stepmother" i say with a smile. My new stepmother may be younger than me.

"I guess it does, how about we meet you for coffee somewhere later? A public place may be more appropriate" she is smart at least.

"I'm staying at the Lotus Flower hotel, so how about we meet there? At the restaurant" i answer with some enthusiasm even though my body is empty. I take a piece of paper out of my small bag and a pen, starting to write my number down.

"I'll call you about the time when he wakes up" she says as i give her the paper. In a discrete movement I glance at my clock. I had spent six hours at the hotel before i walked here, sleeping. It's a thirty minute walk. Making it almost one pm. But of course he's still asleep, probably drank too much and stayed up the whole night. I look at her once again and see a small bruise on her shoulder but she quickly pull up her shirt.

"I though that when mom died or I took my brother from here. He would learn his lesson, he just found a new one to punish for his failure" i say in a dead kind of way before saying. "I'll see you later"

I leave a shocked woman at the door when i leave. My hand trases over places that healed years ago but some scars are still there, but not all from him. I don't know what made me have this idea, why did i return here. Why did i have to relive all those memories I've worked so hard on pushing down?

I start to make my way back down to the beach where the hotel is. Maybe i can take a bath or i should get some sleep. It was a mistake to leave my phone at the hotel, walking is so much more fun when you have music. But it had died on the plane and i forgot to start charging it when i got here so i put it in before i left.

<Back at hotel Lotus>

I stick my key-card in and unlock the door. The first thing i hear is the ending note from my phone. I close the door behind me and walk right into the big room. The sun shining in through the big windows, lighting up the whole room. I take up my phone from the night table and look at the notifications.

8 missed calls from Meredith
3 missed calls from Christina
5 missed calls from Mark
4 missed calls from Lexie
4 missed calls from Alex
17 missed calls from Izzie
13 missed calls from George
2 missed calls from Calliope
2 missed calls from Derek

9 new Message from Meredith (12h ago)

Where the hell are you? You can't just up and leave like that with just a note saying 'i'm leaving for awhile so don't worry'. That's exactly what makes me worried

3 new Message from Izzie (10h ago)

So Meredith is freaking out you just left, just answer her cause she's freaking me out.

8 new Message from George (10h ago)

Everyone is freaking out that your not answering, so please just call us back.

5 new Message from Meredith (5h ago)

If your answering now i'm gonna assume your dead and you can't be that, i can't lose you now.

4 new Message from Alex (8h ago)

If you left because of Lexie you're kinda over doing it, but she is going crazy, they all are so just be careful wherever you are. Especially Meredith, when she is freaked out everyone gets a little freaked out.

2 new Message from Calliope (56 min ago)

Could you please answer someone, everyone is worried sick they can't get a hold of you. No one can focus on their job when they're worried about you. And a note, what were you thinking, it's Meredith.

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