"You don't choose who you fall in love with"

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Lexie pov

I feelt so bad for making you feel bad that im now standing on the doorstep of your house. The house where Meredith and Izzy and Alex also live. Christina is probably still here too.

"Are you going to knock or just stand there?" a male voice asks behind me, making me jump.

"What?" i ask, turning around to see Alex Karev. "I'm not so sure i should"

"Why? Because you're screwing your halfsistsers sister in everything but blood" when he says it, it sound so weird. "Hey im not judging here, you can't help who you fall for"

"Right, you can't. Now i just have to say that to Meredith" i say as he walks past me, unlocking the door.

"So you wanna come in or are you gonna stand out here for another hour?" he asks, opening the door. I hesitate but walk in and he closes the door behind me. As soon as the door closes behind me i hear someone call out from upstairs.

"I can get her if you'd like to"

"It's okay, i still don't know what to say" i say but as he's about to walk up the stairs i stop him with saying. "Thank's"

"What are you thanking me for?" he asks rudely and confused.

"For being on our side i guess"

"Don't get it mixed up Lexie, i'm on y/ns side and you just happened to be there too"

"Still, thanks" i say and he walks up, out of my sight. I can't believe it was just a few weeks ago that i had spent almost every day in this house and never actually meeting them. Just when they rush in the kitchen to get coffee in the morning or when they come home and go to bed. When we had been sitting on the couch or on your bed just talking, about anything. It was like we've known each other for ages when it's just been a few months.

"y/n?" someone asks in the stairs and i look up once again to see Meredith stand there. "Sorry, i thought she'd come home"

I admire how she cares so much when she's mad at her.

"She felt ill and went to the hospital, Callies with her"

"Is she okay? What happened?" she asks with panic in her voice, coming down the last few steps.

"She's fine, i think. It's probably just stress" i answer and see the panic dial down a notch. "You still thought she'd come here when your mad at her?"

"Yeah, of course i expect her to come home. It's the only rule in our family, you always come home, no matter what" she says and i think i can actually see a tear starting to form in her eyes.

"Sounds like a good rule"

"Yeah, ever since..." she hesitates to tell me. "An incident we made it a rule for our family"

"So your not really mad at her? Or me?"

"Oh, im pissed" she says with anger but then takes a breath. "But not because she found someone, even if that is you."

"Because she keeps it a secret?" she nods and i feel even more bad then i already did. "That's my fault. I made her keep it a secret, so don't be mad at her"

"I'm not mad at her"

"Your not?"

"Well i am mad but not for the reasons you think." she looks me dead in the eyes as she thinks im doing something wrong. "i can't help but think your using her..."

"Using her...?" i cut her off but she continues.

"Using her for better surigers, become close to me or some shit"

"I would never do that"

"But i don't know you so i don't know that" she takes a step closer, overprotective steps that makes me step back. "The only thing that can make me actually hate you is if you hurt her"

"I would never hurt the ones i love" please tell me i didn't just say i love you to Meredith first.

"You love her?" she asks in chock. Like it's an impossible thing for anyone else then her to do. For anyone who doesn't understand what you've been through.

"I do, you can't help who you fall for Meredith. This was certainly not what i planed when i transfered to seattle grace"

"No you really can't help who you fall in love with Lexie" she takes a deep breath, like she just made the 'big brother talk'. Even though i guess she kinda did. My life is too complicated for even me to comprehend. But all i really do know for sure now is that i actually love you. It'a crazy how i never thought i'd be in a stereotypical lesbian realetionship where everything moves so fast. But here i am, in love with my boss and my half- sister's own sister.

"Can you go to the hospital and find out how she is?" she asks after hesitation. Like she's asking a stranger to watch her dog.

"I think she'd want you to come if anythings wrong" she looks at me with a warm smile for the first time in forever.

"You know, she was right about you. Your not so bad, once you start to get to know you" i smile at the fact that you said that about me. "Not that your bad in general, i'm just happy she found someone that's good for her"

"She's good for me too"

"You've made her change, just be careful not to change her too much that she won't recognize herself in the mirror. Just for her to be perfect, those flaws are what makes her her"

"I love her because of her flaws, i would never want her to change for me" she just looks at me and i can see in the reflection of her eyes that im the protective one now. So to eas the tension i say.

"Besides, that thing about not being mean was because she was being rude to me without reason. She apologised for that too"

y/n pov

"Can you just check it, it's been thirty minuets" Callie says impatiently.

"I don't want to know because i don't know what i will do if it's positive"

"Well you'll tell Mark and Lexie and we'll all help you"

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