The old me

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y/n pov

"Your boyfriends a bitch" Izzy says walking up to me with her interns in her following. Mine are sitting around the table, looking at sharts with me.

"He's not my boyfriend... What did he do now?" i ask, not really interested in what he did.

"I was looking at a cut off arm and he said and i quote 'You wanna rub up against me, you got to buy me a drink first' i mean come on"

"Your boyfriend is Mark Sloan?" one of her interns ask me as they must have been there.

"He's not my boyfriend"

"You should go talk to him, Callie let you go so you could talk to him" Izzy continues to talk about personal life in front of our interns.

"Iz, private life is a private conversation" i say standing up in front of her.

"Sorry i didn't know you minded"

"Just leave it alone" i walk away without thinking about it. Leaving my interns with Izzy, maybe she can put them to work. On my way to somewhere i bump into someone, dropping the papers in my hand.

"Shit, sorry I wasn't looking where I was..." i stop myself when i see who it was. Mark Freaking Sloan.


"Sloan, well now im not sorry anymore" i say, continuing and bumping hard into his arm on my way away from him. I can't believe i let myself ever fall for him. It just feels so wrong now that i think about is, but it was nice, like really nice to be with him.

Drunken hookup

That's the word that comes up in my mind and i can't ignore it, because it kinda is a good idea. Maybe that'll distract me from my thinking about Lexie.

"Do you know anything about the anatomy of a deer?" Izzy asks me as i close up on the nurse station.

"Yeah i do, why?" i answer and she looks surprised at me. "I used to work at the animal shelter with Callie back home in Miami"

"Well i could use some help, my patients a deer" well not what i expected her to say so i crack up a laugh.

Lexie pov

I literally can't stop looking at you as you're standing at the nurses station with Dr Stevens. I thought the only thing that was gonna roam my head today was meeting Meredith but after seeing you i can't stop thinking about you.

"You need anything Dr Grey?" Stevens asks me and i notice i had walked up almost all the way to you.

"No... i... i just"

"Spit it out Grey, we don't have all day" you say not looking up from her chart.

"I was just wondering if you could lay in a good word for me with Meredith" i say and you let out a laugh.

"You think that just because i tell her, she'll like you?"


"Well we'll see about that, what do i get in return"

"And she's back ladies and gentlemen '' Stevens says mockingly. "Congrats you lasted almost half a day"

"Oh shut up, at least i tried" you say, looking back at me. "I'll talk to Christina about transferring you as my intern, maybe i'll get the chance to torture you myself"

"And then you'll talk to Meredith?" i ask, knowing i would gladly switch you for Yang. Even though i have a feeling you might be worse.

"I'll think about it" you say with a smirk walking away.

"She's not gonna do it is she?" i ask myself but Stevens answers with a laugh.

"No she's not"

y/n pov

"Do you wanna trade?" i ask Christina as i lean over the desk and her papers.

"Trade what? Boy problems, gladly" she answer, pushing my arms off her papers.

"Interns, i'll take Lexie" she looks confused at me. "Three, she's Meredith's sister"

"Yeah i heard about that" she says, leaning back into her chair. "What you got for me?"

"John Brown, he's very promising and listens to every word. And he graduated on top of his class at Stanford, almost betting the highest score with only eight points"

"Talk to Callie and Lexie is all yours, just torture her a little for me too"

"That's all im gonna do"

"I'm glad you decided to ditch that happy face, it was making me scared" i laugh and start to walk away.

"Yeah, but i lasted almost half a day" i shout behind me and hear her laugh at my accomplishment. Now all i gotta do is talk to Callie about letting her transfer, just need to come up with a fake reason.

I walk past one of the conference rooms where i see her sitting, staring out the window. So i open the door and walk in.

"Hey Callie, I was wondering... what's wrong?" i change my question when i see that she's crying.

"y/n... nothin"

"It's obviously not nothing since your crying"

"I mean it y/n, its nothing" she says, almost angry standing up.

"I've known you since preschool Calliope, but you don't want to talk about it" I say, backing away back to the door.

"No, you wanted to ask me something"

"I did but this is apparently not the right time"

"No tell me" she says as she gestures for me to follow her out the room and walk the corridor.

"I was thinking about switching Lexie Grey from Christina with John Brown from me"

"Why? Why do you want Meredith Grey's sister? To torture her?"

"And what do you think Christina is doing right now? She was more than happy to switch"

"Tuche. You talked to Lexie and Christina and John?"

"Yes i have" she stops at the nurse station.

"Good, they switch right now so let them know" she says before walking away.

This is gonna be so fun, for me at least.

Later when I gathered all my interns to see how they are doing, I told them that John is switching to Christina Yang and Lexie Grey is joining us. He took it very well as he just walked away to find Christina. So now that's done. She's officially my intern and maybe I should keep up my end of the deal? Just maybe i'll talk to Meredith about her.

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