He's not my friend

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Y/n pov

"You paged me?" i ask as i stop at the doorway of the darkroom. Derek is standing there, watching the scans on the screens.

"Great, come look at this" he says, waving me to him. So i come in to lean over his shoulder, looking at the monitor. And oh my heavens.

"Are those?" i line my fingers over them on the brain scan.

"Yep, eight of them" he says and the way he says it is like he's amazed. Amazed and sort of happy to have the opportunity to see this. "I've seen this before, but still, it's amazing"

"Amazing how someone shot eight nails into their scull with a nailgun, and still being alive. Yes, i would call that amazing among other words" i look closer at the scans. "Stupid and lucky being the other two."

"I was thinking that you could help me" he says and i turn to face him.

"Why? I mean, why me specifically?" i ask and it's a real question. It's not that i don't want to, it's just that i'm not even into neuro and whatever he may think, we're not friends. No matter that he's Meredith's husband.

"You've got the steadiest hands. And since my usual resident, Meredith, is bed bound, i thought i would give you the opportunity." his answer is honest. There is no explanation that could be false, no 'if you don't want it, i can get someone else'. But to the point, i have the steadiest hands. And Mer is bed bound. "You still don't like me, do you?"

"No, i don't. But i see this as my second chance on this kind of surgery, since Mer got the first" i answer and she smiles. "But that does not mean i'm your friend"

"Understood" he says, a small falter in the smile before the door opens.

"Did you get her to do it?" Mark's voice comes into the room and i sign. Of course, i would not only spend hours in an OR with Derek, but with both the McBrothers.

"I'm standing right her Mark" i let out a small huff of air as he comes up, laying a arm over my shoulders. I don't even try to shake it off. These days i don't care how close he is, i'm not even tempted and he knows it. And i make Lexie jealous, and she's hot when she's jealous. "And yes, i'm in. So why are you?"

"I'm doing a simple skingraft for the burns on his hand. Gotta practice you know, until Jonas's turn" he states and i huff a laugh.

"How is he doing by the way?"

"Good, he's working at the cafe down the street. And he's filling out applications to med school here in Seattle, one in California and two in DC"

"Good" i breath out. "That's great"

"He could use your help, if you wanted to."

"Sure, i could swing by after shift"

"If you're still awake by then" Derek jumps into the conversation, probably meant as a joke. But it's not funny, so i just glare at him. A pit starts to grow in my stomach. "Oh come on, he gets to joke but i don't?"

"Because he's my friend, your not" i say and Mark laughs, leaning back against the table that resides behind us.

"Don't take it so harsh Derek, it's nothing personal" Mark tries to comfort him.

"No, it is"

"You know he's worse than me, right? And it was against you" Derek says and the pit in my stomach grows even more at the thought. Sure, i forgave Mark, but the only reason i'm sort of friends with him again is because of Jonas. And the knowledge of what i've done, what i took away from him.

"Derek, please" i beg him to stop, beg them both to stop. This is neither the time or the place to have this discussion. And i know i really don't have a reason anymore to not like Derek, i tolerate him because of what he is to Mer and because he lives in the same house as me. But i don't forget the nights Meredith was crying curled up beside me, the nights i picked her up from the bar, the mornings where random men were running out from her room after a one night stand. And the scariest of them all, the nights we would spend in total silence, in her room.

"Fine" he complies, turning back to the scans. "We're doing a controlled extraction"

"Steady hands ready to assist the McBrothers" i answer with a small laugh of my own, Mark joins in as well as Derek's uncertain laugh.

"It'll only be us, we need as few distractions as possible" Derek's careful use of words are pointed. Towards me and Lexie.

"I assure you, having my interns in there won't be a distraction" but his gaze won't give. "Fine, they'll watch from the observatory"

"Good, call the OR and tell them that we're on our way. Send an intern to take him to prep and then i'll see you both in the OR" he says and walks out. An attitude in his steps.

"What did you say to him?" Mark asks, standing in front of me as i still glance towards the now closed door.

"Nothing" i answer in defence, looking up to meet his gaze. "I mean it, i didn't say anything"

"Expect that he's not your friend"

"He's not"

"How come you can be friends with me, who hurt you" his words hurt him as he says them. "But you can't be with your best friends husband?"

"Because you cheated, he lied about a whole nother life. Promised her everything, then chose Addie" when i paint it up like this i see how they see it. "You didn't"

"You're quite protective over her, aren't you?" and to this question i'm surprised he even considered. I look at him again to see if he's for real. He is.

"Of course i am, you know that"

"But, why?"

"What do you mean why?" and i actually don't understand his question.

"What happened between you two to make you like this? I never asked that, didn't even question your extremely close friendship with her, never once. But i am now, because you're hurting his feelings"

"I'm hurting his feelings?" i scoff, he can't be serious.

"Yes. You're his wife's best friend, you and Mereidth come as a two package deal. Maybe he'd like to be friends with the person living down the hall from him"

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