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y/n pov

I open the door to find everyone on the couch instead of sleeping. It's the middle of the night, i just had a sixteen hour surgery and i'm exhausted. And we almost lost the patients since that really was a fourteen hour surgery. So we'll have to come back and try again in a few weeks.

"Why aren't you guy's sleeping?" i ask them and alert them that i'm here. None of them can come up with an explanation. I've always been the mother of this house, making sure there's food, everybody sleeps and stuff like that. It's actually ridiculous, there all grown up but still they need someone to keep them in line.

"Since you don't have an explanation i suggest you all get to bed so that you'll have some energy tomorrow. Alex you have a fifteen hour surgery tomorrow and you Izzy, you have extra early rounds" i say, taking the beer out of his hand.

"Chill it mom, we'll go" Izzy says, making them laugh. But im to tired to even think if it's funny or not.

"You too Meredith"

"I don't have anything in the morning so i can stay up a little longer"

"No you can't because you have to be up early with Derek and talk to the new patient's on the trial" i say, dragging her up. "I don't have time to be your mom, so get on it then"

"Fine, i'll go" she says with a smile and starts to walk upstairs when Izzy comes back into the living room from the kitchen. She had just taken care of the dishes.

"Does Lexie live here now or what?"

"What do you mean?" i ask, confused out of tiredness that i actually almost don't hear her.

"She's just been here a lot lately and she's upstairs right now?"

"Fuck, i forgot i was suppose to meet her. How long ago did she come?"

"Like a few hours ago"

"Fuck" i mumble to myself.

"If she's gonna stay here you might want to tell Mer or at least get her her own key"

"Goodnight Izzy" i say instead of answering something i didn't quite hear. I walk up the stairs to my room. I open it quietly thinking if she's asleep. Something moves under the covers and sit up in the dark room.

Lexie pov

"When did you get here?" i asks in a sleepy and worried voice.

"Just now, there were complications in the surgery. Sorry i didn't call" you say, walking into the room.

"It's okay, you wanna talk about it?" i asks as you crawl up onto the bed next to me.

"No it's okay, i just wanna kiss you right now" you say with a smile and i laughs as you catch my lips with yours. It makes my stomach full with butterflies everytime. I guess that's what it feels like to be in love.

"God i love you" you say, looking into my eyes even though it's dark.

"Are you talking to god or me?" I ask with a smile as we lay down with my head on your chest.

"I'm telling god how much i love you"

"Well then you can tell him i love you too" i say and you let out a laugh as your fingers start to draw lines on my shoulder. Your other hand above mine under my head. Like a pillow, not a very comfortable one but i don't care.

"Good night tesoro" you say and i have to ask because i don't know what that means.

"Why do you keep calling me teroso, what does it mean?" you laugh at my pronunciation, i must have said it wrong.

"Tesoro, it means darling. My grandpa used to call grandma that, and he told me to do it to. And admite, it's cuter then in English"

"Yeah, you're right about that. I love it" i say and take in a deep breath of you. "Goodnight"

<time skip three days>

"Goodmorning Lexie" Jonas says as i enter the kitchen. I'm not surprised to see him up this early but to see Sloan also sit there is surprising.

"Goodmorning Jonas" i say, completely ignoring Mark.

"So it is true" Mark says, i don't really know what he's doing here.

"Is what true?" you asks as you also enter the kitchen, noticing Mark.

"That it was an intern who stole you from me" he answers with a smirk and i can see you roll your eyes as you walk over to me.

"I didn't have to steal her from you because she wasn't yours to keep" i say as you lay a hand over mine on the table while the other one is holding a coffee cup.

"What are you doing here Mark?" you say with a sigh.

"Well i came to tell Jonas the good news. That he is completely healed and can shadow you today"

"That's great" you say, a little more happy even though i know you don't like the idea of him in your house.

"And he came to offer to take me of your hands" Jonas says with a smile and you choke on your coffee.

"You what?"

"I have some extra room at the apartment so i thought he could be my roommate" Mark clarifies the question but you just stand there, staring at him.

"Mark, can i talk to you out in the hall" you say, walking out without an answer but he follows you.

"You know they were friends before they became something more" Jonas says like he sees jealousy in my face.

"I know, i just don't like him that much" i say with a smile to try and wash the assumed jealousy off me.

"No one does in the beginning, you should give him a chance" he says but i don't think i will. Not after the stories i've heard and after how he hurt you.

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