Just wake up

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A/n and how do we say to two chapters mere minutes apart. I like it. And it's Mer.

Meredith pov

I can't... i can't... i can't... i physically can't do anything. I'm paralysed. I was paralysed when Lexie came into my room and telling me she doesn't know what happened. I was paralysed as i saw on the news about the triage and a doctor running into the house before another sinkhole appeared close. I was paralysed when the ambulance came. I was paralysed when i was taken to her room.

That was almost two weeks ago. Same say that i was supposed to go home and rest there instead. Now i've just traded one hospital bed for another. I'm not leaving her side. Not now, not ever. Some nights Lexie sleep here as well, others i send her home or she's on shift. But every spare second, they all spend in here. I barely eat, i barely sleep, don't talk. Just lay there, in the bed next to hers. I was paralysed when they took her away for Mark to patch up the scratches and new burns, the cuts. I hadn't moved when they brought her back in. I could have been a statue lying there, but the only indication that i was alive was my shallow breathing. The breath that didn't quite come down but was still deep. Like my lungs are eternal but it only reaches half the way.

She looks to peaceful. Just lying there. Hair brushed back. Her own pjs and a blanket from home. Lexie brought them with her, thinking it would help her wake up. What was she thinking. Running in there. I get that she saved those girls but it wasn't worth it, not for us. Maybe for them but not for us. Call me selfish for it, but it's what i think, and i'm not afraid to speak my mind about it. But i don't speak at all so it would be hard for anyone to know. I think that for one meal, Christina got me to sit and eat a soup. She didn't say anything either, just sat there with me until i had finished and laid down again. Sometimes i think she's the only other one who gets it. Me and Y/n.

"I think Derek is getting really worried now." i whisper as i trance my fingers up her arm. The burn scars from the accident are barely visible. Only if you know they're there will you think about them. "I don't know what to do. You can't keep doing this to me, really. It's getting annoying" it's a try to humour, a dry laugh getting out of my throat.

"All i wanted to do was save those girls" Y/n whispers back and i jerk my body up to meet her face. Her eyes are still closed. It's too bright. So quicker than i can think i turn off the lights before sitting down beside her, on her bed.

"You did, Y/n, you did save those girls" i say back, holding back a sob. And as she opens her eyes i know i didn't imagine her answering me.

"Then how come you look so sad" her question is actually funny. But it's logical, and still funny. She doesn't know how long she's been asleep, she doesn't know how long that induced coma was to fix her spine.

"You've been in an induced coma for ten days. You don't understand how worried i've been. I was ready for you to drive me home, stopping my Jonas on the way" literally the whole night was planned. I'm not entirely sure who it was who called her brother, but he showed up thirty minutes later. It could easily have been me who called, could also have been Lexie or Mark.

"I saved those girls Mer, i think a few days sleep was worth it" it's her own attempt at a joke. But her throat is to dry to her to let out a laugh. I bring up my cup of water, putting in the straw to give her some. She finishes the glass quickly. I know i should get up and get someone but i can't, i'm paralysed, but my heart is beating again.

"But it's not Y/n, you broke the rules" and i'm betting she knew that when she started sprinting. They may not have thought that i listened but i did when Alex told us what happened. It was Jackson Avery who had brought her in the ambulance. He told Christina it was because Alex had frozen when he had caught her. She had collapsed, and he froze. "So we don't need you running into collapsing buildings, staying at the scene of an active bomb, getting stuck in an elevator where there's a gasoline fire and an active shooter because you're trying to save someone. Don't be a hero, you're my Y/n" i'm not even sure what it means, but it's something. I've never been good with words.

"Okay" her answer is dry once again, but there is a weak simple upon her lips. She grasps for my hand and i give it to her. I feel how she strains her whole body to hold onto my hand, so i make it easier and hold it hard with both of my hands.

"Okay?" i repeat, confused as she's not saying anything else. Y/n Diaz might not say many words a lot of times. But a one word answer. That's unusual.

"Okay, i won't try to be a hero" her smile falters again as she takes a ragged breath. "What happened?" she asks and i don't hesitate to tell her everything. About when she came in, the news coverage on it and that there are reports calling to see if she's awake at least eight times a day, that the girls are fine. That something had hit the back of her neck and misplaced her whole spine. But a simple surgery to stabilise it was made by Bailey, Derek and Mark went in to fix any burns or cuts. And then, to make sure her vitals would stabilise, they induced a coma that only she could wake up out of. Only when she was ready and healed.

When she takes that in i rise and let go of her hand, walking to the doorway to see if anyone's noticed that she's up. I meet a lot of eyes. Everyone knows i haven't moved, so people pause what they're doing for a few second to look at me. Then i meet Bailey's gaze, who quickly stop what she's doing and walks towards me. Then Derek, who does the same but with a worried expression. Lexie follows him as she notices me as well. I even meet Avery's gaze, and he forces himself to drop the chart back and come towards me.

Somewhere in the back of my head i can hear Y/n's voice. Words she said to me when something bad was passing by. Like when i woke up that day when i drowned. Nights i stoped crying. On George's funeral, even on my mothers. And this time, i believe those words with my whole heart.

"I hope everything becomes better than what it used to be before. I hope the sky is a little bluer, words a little gentler and hearts a little kinder."

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