Reminiscing the past year

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Callie pov

It's the way you two look at each other that makes me jealous. It's the kind of love i've always wanted.

"So, you feeling any better after your rest?" Erica asks as i told her it was a maybe that you'd come, because you feel ill.

"Yeah, much better" you say, glancing to Lexie's ass at the bar, fixing us some new drinks.

"I can tell" i say with a smirk at your look shots up to me and i smile. "Oh, don't worry, people have sex in the hospital all the time"

"I know that Callie. It wasn't my first time" you say with a laugh.

"Who else?" Erica asks and you look questiongly at her. "In the hospital i mean"

"Oh, Mark for starters, I was dating him so we had sex all the time. Then we have a few nurses, both girls and boys. And then we have Alex at the start of the year and Addi before she left"

"You had sex with Addison?" i ask her in shock.

"What she's hot" you answer to your defence and laugh.

"Who's Addison?" Erica asks and Lexie comes back to the table with another round of beers.

"Derek's ex wife, Callies besti and McHottie or Satan who most called her" you say with a smile.

"Who was Derek's wife?" Lexie asks as she missed the conversation.

"Addison Montgomery, y/n sleeped with her before she left for LA" i say and you just look down as she looks at you.

"You sleeped with my sister's boyfriend's ex wife?" when she says it, it sounds so crazy.

"She's your half-sister and there not together, they broke up at Christina's wedding"

"Christina got married?"

"No, well she was supposed to but then Burke left her at the altar"

"So im replacing a dick?" Erica flicks in and it makes you laugh.

"Yeah, basically, as long as you don't leave her at the altar im sure you'll be fine" you say with a smile that makes us all laugh.

Meredith pov

"What are you guys stopping for?" i ask as both Izzy and George stopped in their tracks at the door.

"Yeah, move and let us in, i need a drink" Christina says, pushing through but also stops when she sees something.

"Maybe we should do that dinner instead Izzy" George says trying to walk out but im in the way.

"Yeah, dinner sounds nice" Christina says too and turns. So does Izzy but i don't move.

"What? It was your idea to go to Joe's" i say, trying to push forward but they block me. "What is the matter with you guys?"

"Nothing, i'm just hungry instead" George says as Alex walks up behind me and asks.

"Why are you blocking the door?"

"Why do you keep y/n's secrets?" i ask him with a tone.

"Because she asked nicely" he says back with the same tone. "Now, can you move so i can go in?"

"Sure" they say and move out the way. But before he enters Izzy whispers something in his ear that i don't hear.

"What are you guys whispering about?" i ask but they all just start to walk me back to the car.

"Nothing, let's just leave" Izzy says and this time i don't listen but push past and walk through the door. I hear a laugh that cuts though everyone, a laugh i could recognize anywhere. I search to find you sitting with Callie, Hahn and Lexie at a table. Izzy, George and Christina comes back behind me and Callie notices us. She says something to you that makes your head turn to meet mine. I can't believe you lied about that. I was actually gonna believe you because i trust you.

y/n pov

I meet her green eyes over the room and my smile fades. As I stand up she turns and leaves, with the rest behind her.

"I told you they didn't believe me" i say to Lexie who also noticed who came in.

"Maybe if you talk to her she'll understand" Callie says and i look back at her.

"Yeah, because im not just screwing her sister, she'll listen" i say and grab my purse. I look at Lexie who just looks worried at me. "I'll call you later"

It's all i say before leaving. When i get to the door Alex steps in front of me.

"You could have warned me" i say to him but he just smiles.

"You should hurry, if you still wanna live in the house"

"It's my house to, i pay for it too"

"But your screwing her little sister"

"Half-sister that she doesn't even like" I correct him but i feel awful as i say it. He just shrugs his shoulders and let me pass. I feel the nausea rush over me again as i run to catch up with them.

"Meredith" i call but she doesn't stop. "Meredith, can you just please listen to me"

"Why should she?" Christina snaps back instead as Meredith seats herself in the car.

"Because i have an explanation" i say even though i don't really know how to explain it. I know how but not just how she'll listen or forgive me for keeping it a secret.

"We'll see you at home" Izzy says getting in the car, so does Cristina but not George. Guess he's going home with Callie.

"George get in" Izzy says but he stays.

"I'm going with Callie" he says and i was right. They close the door and just drive. I just stand there, looking after them as George comes up to me.

"I'll listen" he says with a smile and a hand on my shoulder. I return his smile.

"Thank's George, but i don't think that'll help"

"Well you have me at least, it must count for something"

"It count hella much, but it's her i hurt the most" i feel that sickness in my stomach again. and i bend over and throw up. His hand already holding my hair so i don't get puke in it. I feel the taste of sour beer in my throat as i vomit again. As i feel my stomach empty i straighten back up again.

"I think you've had too much to drink" he says, as i hold quickly put my hair in a messy bun incase i throw up again.

"No, i've only had like two beers and i was feeling ill before i came here" i breath but just feel the sour taste burn. "Can you get a glass of water? My throat is burning"

"Yeah, i'll be back in a minute" he says and runs back into the bar. Typical of me to be sick of a feeling. I should never have let myself fall for her, this would all be so much easier then it is now. Well I hope it is because of that and not the other thing roaming my mind. The other thing that matched the symptoms.

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