Drunken hookup

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Lexie pov

It took us five more hours to fix the leg and i just walked out the scrub room to go find you.

"Can you page Dr Diaz" i ask one of the nurses at the nurse station and she does that. Even though it's loud in the hospital i can hear a pager, but i'm sure it's not yours. I decided to wait a few more minutes for you to get here, but you don't.

"She's in an on-call room, probably sleeping," Dr Yang says, grabbing my attention.

"Who?" i ask, pretending to be clueless. Wrong taktik with Christina Yang.

"Y/n Diaz, she was a Joe's with Sloan and then came back to sleep the roos off"

"With Dr Sloan?"

"I'm sure they're just sleeping, i don't think she has forgiven him enough to have sex with him yet" her words take me by suprise. But before she walks she says. "When you see her, tell her that Alice i alive and in the ICU"

Alice? Alice Green? The woman from Boston, is in the ICU, here. You went with Sloan to Joe's, the one that broke your heart by sleeping with another woman the same night he told you he loved you? Why would you do that? Why am i questioning what you do, it's not like i have a saying. But i do, im your friend, i do have a saying when your doing something stupid.

Before i can stop myself i have already asked multiple people where you are and are standing outside the on-call room you're in, with Mark Sloan. And i marsh in to see you snuggled up to him in one of the beds under the covers, not wearing clothing.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't know anyone was in here" i say and apparently waking you up.

"Lexie? Get out" you almost scream and throw a pillow at me and i walk out. I can't believe i actually did that, why couldn't i just leave it as that. If he makes you happy then i should let you, right?

Y/n pov

Great, i just screamed at Lexie and had that 'drunken hookup' i was kidding about almost two weeks ago.

"I need to go" i say starting to get up but he keeps me down.

"Why can't you stay a little while longer"

"This was a mistake" i mumble and he let's go of me in shock, though i don't know what's so shocking since i was drunk and i still haven't forgiven him.

"We can talk this through" he says as i get dressed again.

"Look, just because i had sex with you Mark doesn't mean i forgive you or want to get back with you" i snap at him before walking out, not looking back. I can't believe i just did that. And that Lexie saw it. How the hell am i gonna explain that to her. Well i know how, just not how to get her to listen to me.

"Diaz, i've been looking for you" Derek says, snapping me out of my head and into reality. He's looking at me like a lost poppy, like he feels sorry for me.

"Don't go all McDreamy on me Derek, i'm not Mer" i snap again and he looks hurt, but i don't really care.

"I wasn't... She's looking for you"

"Who is looking for me, you got to be a little more specific" i say, rubbing my temples trying to get rid of the beating hungover starting in my head.

"I'm looking for you" Meredith says from behind me.

"You got an update on Alice?" i ask her as it just popped back into my head.

"Your drunk"

"No im not" i know i am but theres no need to say it.

"Get a banana bag and meet me in the ICU" she says and walks away to leave me at the nurses station with Derek.

"Please don't" i say as he's about to say something more and i'm about to walk but he stops me.

"I just wanted to say that im here if you want to talk"

"I don't need to talk to you McDreamy, i need my brother to get better and Alice to make it through the night. I have a lot of things that need fixing but no one can fix them" he just looks at me as i feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"Tyler, get a page on my interns" i say to one of the nurses sitting there. Tyler, i i've started to know him as being the one to take care of my brother.

"What's the magic word Y/n" he says, calling me by my name which a few people do in the hospital. Even friends just call me Diaz, easier to say.

"Please" i say and lure a smile on his face as starts to page my interns. Derek stays, to keep a check on me i guess. Even though i tell him to leave, he stays anyway.

Lexie pov

I was just about to start eating my salad when my pager went off. Mine is not the only one. Every one of my intern group at my table get's paged. So we all make our way to the Nurses station where i see you standing, arguing with Dr Shepherd. He gestures so that you turn around to face us. You can't even meet my gaze, just avoid it.

"So i had a little too much to drink earlier so there's not gonna be much action here until i've sobered up" you say, still not meeting my gaze. I don't know if it's just because i walked in on you and Sloan or that you are embarrassed someone walked in on you and Sloan.

"Do you want me to get you a banana bag?" Dani says and you glaze my way, but still not meeting me.

"Thank's, then meet me in the ICU" they all give a questioning look since they don't know what happened.

"A friend of mine was in an accident and just got out of surgery, she's stable for now but i'm gonna need all of you to keep track of her for the next twenty-four hours" we nod and Dani runs to get the banana bag.

"Dr Grey, your with Shepherd" you say and finally meet my gaze and it's nothing.

"She is?" he asks from behind her and you whisper something that makes him agree to take me. "You are"

"Newton and Murphy, with me, now" you say and start to walk towards the ICU with them in your following.

"Either you're getting special treatment to be with me or she hates you" Shepherd says as he gestures for me to follow him.

"What do you mean?"

"She offered to talk to Meredith for me"

"She did that with me too, that's how i became her intern"

"If there's one thing i know about y/n it's that she keeps her deals, in sure time, she keeps them"

We continue walking down to the pit and he starts to make small talk.

"So what did you do?"


"Well y/n doesn't' do special treatment so my question is, what did you do?"

"Oh, i walked in on her and... him" i say as we see Sloan walk towards us. Shepherd had turned to me in a kind of chock.

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