Oh honey

460 19 2

Y/n pov

If i do die today... don't cry for me tomorrow

"Eh excuse me?" a young girl asks me as i'm standing by the desk in the clinic. I'm only down here to pick a few things up, so that's why i'm writing down exactly what i'm taking so that Bailey will know. "Can you help me?" her cheeks are flushed, like she's embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, i'm just picking a few things up but i'm more that happy to get you someone" my answer is apologetic but true. I don't exactly look up at her as i'm focused to write it down before i forget. Okay, to be honesty, i've already picked the things up, just forgot to log it in.

"Please, there are no one else who can help me" her voice sounds like it's about to break. I meet her gaze and it's in a frantic state, like she's about to panic and run somewhere to get a breath. I look around the clinic for anyone else to help and there are five who doesn't have patients. Who are all male. I'm the only one who doesn't already have a patient... and doesn't have a penis.

"I... sure, let's go in here" i was about to reject her and leave but her gaze makes me change my mind just as i was about to say it. But instead, i lead her to one of the beds. As she lies on it i realise how uncomfortable and flustered she is here. So i grab the curtain and pull it all the way around to cut us off from everyone else. So to make it all seem less formal, before i put on gloves, i extend my hand and present myself. "I'm Y/N Diaz"

"Daphne" she takes my hand with a strained smile. She can't be more than fourteen, maybe even thirteen.

"Now, what can i help you with?"

"I don't know... a few days ago i started having these, i don't know, pains in my stomach that wouldn't stop." she explains, looking up at the non-interesting roof. I gently lift the bottom of her shirt and press my hands against her stomach. As i reach the middle lower abdomen, she flinches and almost folds.

"How long have you experienced these cramps?" if i'm guessing her age right i think i already know what this is.

"I think they started about a week ago"

"Daphne, have there been any vaginal bleeding?" her face flushes red and she refuses to meet my gaze. "How old are you honey?"

"I'm thirteen"

"Well, Daphne, seems like you just got your period" i say and pull her shirt down again. She looks at me with a million questions. "Menstruation is something we all go through, often starts around ten to fourteen if not earlier or later."

"So, there's nothing wrong with me?" she seemed genuinely scared about it. Like she was worried she'd somehow bleed to death.

"No, there is nothing wrong with you" i lay an comforting hand on her arm as she breathes out. "How come you came here? I'm sure your mother would have helped"

"I... i live with my father, it's kinda only him and me, has been for all my life" she lets out a she sits up properly to face me. "What do i do now?"

"Well, there are a few different products you can use. Tampons or a menstrual cup. But if you're not comfortable with something going in you can use a pad, which you can use together with a tampon if there's heavy flow"

"And the cramps?"

"Well, if it's to much you can take some ibuprofen like an Advil or naproxen sodium like Aleve. But you can also use a heating pad and i suggest you let your cravings for things like chocolate take control. It'll make you feel better. Here" i pick up the chocolate bar out of my pocket and give a row to her. She hesitantly takes it and starts to eat it. "Now, i'm sure your father will still help you through this but i'll give you some things to help you. And if you don't know what to do you can always come back here, there's always someone here to help you. But if you're not comfortable, just ask them to page me and i'll come down as soon as i can."

"Thank you dr Diaz" her smile is genuine and so is mine.

"You can call me Y/n" but just as i'm about to help her go through the bag i'm sending her home with. Pads, tampons and some ibuprofen. Sort of like a beginners kit. Someone calls out my name.

"Diaz?" so i get up and pull away the curtain to see who's looking for me. I meet the gaze of Alex and i can tell that he doesn't quiet understand what's going on just yet. Even though i explained it as best as i could yesterday.

"I'll be up in a minute" i answer and lead the girl to the stock of things, packing up the things she could need. "This should help and if you ever need more help with anything"

"I'll come back here" she finishes my sentence with a smile on her lips as she looks at me. She thanks me again but before she leaves, she gives me a small hug and runs out. I turn back to face Alex, my smile fading immediately as i meet his worried gaze.

"They're waiting for you" he's calm, causing my not so relaxed nerves to be less tense. I hadn't only gone down here to pick things up for the pit... but to perhaps make time go slower, give me a little more time. It's not because i don't want to do this, i've wanted it for quiet awhile. But now that the day is actually here, i don't know what to say. Jonas will be there too, waiting with Cassandra and Oliver, and the police. Apparently Jonas didn't know about them either, saying that the wife of their father was named Maria Holland and she didn't have a kid. Meaning that they married some time after i got Jonas out of there, almost five months before i met her for the first time.

"I'm sorry... about all of this" i begin as we start to walk. Walk the hall, the corridor that seems too short for once.

"Well, i didn't sign up for normal family dinners and thanksgiving, i signed up for our fucked up one." he pulls an arm over my shoulders, a brotherly gesture like he's about to tussle my hair and start a wrestling fight. I laugh. "We'll be fucked up together, it's our thing. Everything will be okay, we'll be okay."

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.

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