Suprise visit

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y/n pov

"Now, let's go over some rules you must follow to shadow me" i say as i lead him through the hospital doors.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" he says with a yawn.

"No 'whatever', you need to follow them" i turn to face him and he just smiles at me. "I'm serious"

"I can see that" he laughs, making me laugh too.

"Just follow Lexie and she'll get you some clothes to borrow, then you will follow her to me. Okay" i say with a more serious face as Lexie emerges behind him. I give her a thanking smile and she just smiles lovingly back.

"Would you go through the rules with him? And the secret rule to" i say the last a little quieter to Lexie.

"Will do, come on then Jonas so that we can get you settled in for your day" she says with a joyful voice. I can't help but admire how she can be like that, like Izzy. Well not exactly but still. Happy and nice to everyone. People usually hate me when they first meet me because of my attitude.

"I'll see you for rounds then" i say before they walk away. A stinging pain takes for in my lower stomach and i feel like i'm gonna pass out. They said it could last one to six weeks depending on how far in the pregnancy you are, the pain and the beeding i mean. So i will practically have my period for weeks.

"Dr Diaz, are you okay?" Dani says from behind me, i had noticed her coming towards me but my head was too focused on the pain to be gone i didn't think of it. But the pain starts to fade as i meet her gaze.

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern" i say, starting to walk and gesturing to her to follow me. "How did it go with my patients yesterday? I forgot to ask"

"It went very well, i was very honored that you picked me to take care of them. There was just one problem" she answers and the last bit she sounds nervous.

"With Mr Williams?" i ask, knowing i shouldn't have waited with the surgery. He's been a patient for almost a week and it was supposed to be scheduled for three days ago but i was pulled into another surgery that didn't go well. Why didn't i just do it after anyways, Derek was there.

"Yes, he had a stroke and since i couldn't get a hold of you, not that it's your fault. But he needs the surgery today or the chance of him dying is to big to actually operate"

"Then book an OR this afternoon and i'll go talk to him, make sure Shepherd can get in on it and you get to scrub in as well"

"I get to scrub in on a surgery with you and Dr Shepherd" she says, to herself to clarify what i just said.

"That is if you don't have more important stuff to do" i say at the door of the resident's lounge. We had made it all the way while we were talking.

"No of course not, i will go do that now and i'll prep Mr Williams right away" she says before walking away and the pain strikes again.

"Lady problems?" Christina asks as i must seem like that. I see that it's just her and some others i actually don't remember the names of, maybe i do but i don't.

"Mind your own business Yang" i say and walk up to get my clothes and change.

"Oh i will, Hahn is going to let me scrub in todayl" she says with that cocky voice of hers. I'm sure Erica isn't but a girl can dream right?

"And i'm doing a Carotid endarterectomy with Shepherd, so i don't really care"

"Or you could just hang the day with me?" a familiar voice says from the door and i turn to meet the redhead that didn't leave that long ago.

"Addie, your back" i say as i meet her with a hug.

"Not back, just here for a surgery" she says with a smile.

"Well you, me and Calliope should have lunch together later" i suggest with a smile of my own as i pain grabs me again. Im sure it's not supposed to come this often.

"Everything okay?" she asks with worry.

"Yeah, but i really need to go, my brother is shadowing me today" i say with a smile, ignoring the pain. "And Mark's in his skin lab"

"Thanks i'll see you later then" she says and I had completely forgotten Christina was in the room as she says.

"Could you move, i'm trying to get out" i can't help but laugh at the not so hidden hate for the redhead. But we move so she can leave.

"I'll see you later, good to have you back"

"I'm not back" she calls after me and i laugh again, through the pain. Maybe i can ask her about this pain later, i mean she's an OBGYN, i can tell her it's my friend who wonders. She says she's not staying so maybe i can tell her without her accidentally telling half the hospital. The only she would tell is Callie and she already knows.

Lexie pov

"Who's the hot redhead over there?" Jonas says and you smack him in the back of his head with a newspaper. He's not wrong though.

"That is Dr Addison Montgomery and she's an excellent OB GYN... and Derek's ex wife, don't you remember her? She's here for a surgery" you say, looking at her from across the room. It's not a big room but i don't thinks they hear what we say.

"That's the boy that broke Meredith's heart right?"

"Yeah that's him, but we don't talk about people's personal life here Jonas, now. We've done rounds and i need to get ready for my surgery. If you could keep an eye on him or just leave him in the gallery in the meantime" you say this time to me. It's like i'm babysitting him.

"Sure, who's scrubbing in with you?"

"Shepherd and Dani" you say and i hope to god you didn't see how i roll my eyes at the name. But you must have because you start to smile before walking off.

"What's with this Dani girl, you seem to hate her" Jonas says, turning back to me.

"No, she's fake. She has this nice girl facade with your sister but with everybody else, she's almost like Alex or your sister before"

"Damn, now i hate and i haven't even meet her"

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