Orange scrubs

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A/n let's start for real now. And I apologise in advance because I already know how this is gonna end, and it's probably gonna hurt. Sorry. But happy reading.

And it's this kind of excitement and love that makes me even want to

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And it's this kind of excitement and love that makes me even want to. So thanks

Y/n pov

I'm awakened by Meredith who gently shakes my shoulder. I had fallen asleep half in the chair and half leaning onto her bed, last night after she had fallen as well herself.

"You know they'll be on your ass if they find out you've been here all night" she says with a small laugh as i stretch to wake up.

"I wasn't on the clock, i just didn't care to change" i say as i repress a yawn. I'm on my way to laugh but just then a few Mercy West people pass us outside her room. How do i know they're not ours you may wonder, it's their orange scrubs. It's making it easy to see who's from here and who's the invaders.

"At least it's easy to see who's who" Meredith signs and i meet the gaze of one of the men passing by. I recognise him but can't really place him just yet. But as i meet his gaze i also see the clock, i'm going to be late. "They're so many of them"

"Shit, i gotta go but i'll come by later and check on you and keep you company, love you" i only get a humm as an answer before i kiss her cheek and walk swiftly out towards the lounge, but as i come out into the entrance i see Izzy, Alex, Christina and Lexie all standing upstairs by the railing. So i make my blue way through orange towards the stairs and up to join then, standing next to Lexie. Up from here i can see why they all have the long faces. Almost everyone downstairs are in orange.

"They took George's cubby" Izzy blurts out and i feel a sting in my heart at the reminder of him, and we all look at her as she continues to look down. A almost unnoticeable shake goes through Lexie next to me, a small sob, and i take her hand in mine as i look back out into the sea or orange. I guess now it's a sea of sunrays and not a sea of water. Or where the sun meets the water in the horizon as a few blue's come into the mix to pass everyone.

Six hours later

Lexie looks out through the blinds of Meredith's room to the orange passing by like they own the place. Christina is fixing with Meredith's hoes as i sit on a chair on the other side. Izzy leans on the foot of the bed, Alex leaning on the couch as three others from our year are hiding in here as well. Elena Morris, Amelia Gilbert and Robert Harren. Harren knows Izzy, Morris knows me and Gilbert... i don't know, but she's nice.

"They're locust. Comfortable locust feeding on our surgeries" Meredith says and i look back over at Lexie by the window.

"It's rude." Izzy breathes a frustrated breath. "There should be at least couple of days where they act like guests before they put their feet up on the coffee table"

"And what's with the orange scrubs?" Lexie takes to work and looks back at us. "What, ours aren't good enough for them?"

"We ran out. They're on back order, Randall from the supply company says they'll be here in a week" Meredith says and we all look surprised at her. But i knew that too, because i was here when she overheard it. "That's what you learn when you lie here all day"

"Why bother ordering new ones? We can just give these to our replacements" Harren says from his place in the corner. Christina goes to sit down in Gilberts chair and she immediately gets up so that she can sit there.

"We're not gonna be replaced by anybody" Alex signs and Meredith's hand lands on mine by her side.

"If i have to become a coroner" Morris says from the other chair.

"No one is becoming a coroner" Meredith almost snaps at her. "Y/n, tell her"

"Tell her what? They're here" i shrug my shoulder. "It's over"

"Hey, we are not some stupid hosts" Meredith begins her rant, and i successfully avoided a slap on my shoulder. "They can't invade us. They can't attach themselves to our faces, and then while we're eating spaghetti, explode out of our chests and skitter across the floor. This is out ship" she is so determent that it's adorable. "This is out ship" everyone looks at her as they don't understand a word she says.

"Excuse me, are you quoting a Sigourney Weaver movie?" Lexie asks, sitting down on the armchair of the chair.

"Shut up" Meredith says as the others let out a small laugh.

"That's what happens when you live here. You watch a lot of TV" Izzy says as she also knows how it's like. And she's not wrong, i remember it as well. Though i had the luck of only being stuck in here for three days and getting to do the rest of my recovery back at the house.

"I knew i recognised that quote" i mumble under my breath as i lean down onto Meredith's bed again, just like i was doing this morning.

"We own this hospital." And there she continues. "We were born in this hospital. And we will hold this hospital with our last gasping breaths"

"I really don't wanna be a coroner. I don't like dead people" Morris says and i let out a scoff at her worried tone.

"Go out there and go get surgeries before they take them away" Meredith raises her tone so that everyone rises and starts to head out the room as she continues. Lexie drags her hand over my back as she goes out. "Go! And i want a full report by the end of the day!" until it's only me and Christina left. "And what is wrong with you?" she calls out to Christina.

"I... i, i don't know what i'm fighting for" Christina answers, unsure of her words.

"Surgeries, Christina!" Meredith exclaims. "Surgeries. There will be a cardio god here again one day. And when there is, you don't want to be out of practice. Now, go!" but it takes her a few second to get up, before saying.

"What about her?" Christina says and i only have to assume she means me but i'm not sure, there could be someone else here. I'm already half asleep and don't get to hear the rest of whatever conversion they're having. I'm so regretting not getting an extra bed in here last night.

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