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And that's what can happen when you leave your phone. They even made Derek call me, like they thought I didn't want to talk to them specifically. I unlock it to call Meredith back and before any of the signals goes trough she answers, like she was just sitting and waiting.

"Where the hell have you been? You can't just leave and then not answer calls and texts y/n, you don't get to do that" she almost screams at me and i understand her. I should have charged my phone before i got on the plane.

"I'm sorry Meredith"

"Your sorry y/n? That's not good enough" she cuts me off.

"If you let me talk, my phone died on the plane and my charger was packed. I forgot about it when i got here to the hotel and put it in the charger before i left" she quiet for a few seconds, making worry fill me.

"Where are you?"

"I'm home, im in Miami"


"I needed to get out of there and I don't know. Thought i would talk to dad"

"You haven't spoken to him since he kicked you out, and just a few months ago you literally broke your brother out the house"

"I know, but he has a new wife that'll get him to the hotel cafe so i'll meet him in public"

"He has a new wife?"

"Yeah and i think she's younger then me but that's not the point"

"Your meeting your father for the first time in over a decade, are you sure?" i can hear the worry in her voice over the phone.

"I promise, and i can defend myself from him"

"Yeah and that got him to the hospital and you kicked out the house" she says and i remember when i finally fought back, using what Callie had taught me.

"Everything is gonna be okay, it's in public and maybe it'll be good. Can you just announce to everyone that im okay and sorry for leaving"

"Yeah but you should call Lexie, she's almost been worse than me. What's going on between you two anyways?" oh im not having that conversation with her today.

"We're friends, that's all" i say and she gives off an 'aha' sound but i ignore it. "Just tell everyone im fine and should be back in a few days"

"I'll do that" she says and i hear multiple voices coming closer to Meredith on the other side of the phone, wanting to talk to me.

"Okay, love you, bye" i say and hanging up. The whole purpose of leaving was to get away from them.

New Message from unknown

Hey it's Cassandra, will four pm be okay?

from me to unknown

Four will be great, i'll see you there

I put my phone back down and fall down on the bed, feeling the slight panic for later being to grow. Hoping to god that he'll not be wasted, but not getting my hopes up too much. Who doesn't enjoy the taste of tequila on a saturday or wine at lunch. But sixteen bears for breakfast is not healthy. Well mom did drink when she was pregnant both with me and my brother, maybe that's why we both like the taste of it. But it also gave her five miscarriages because of her drinking. Making me the only one in our family that hasn't been or is a drunk.

In two hours I will meet my dad and his wife that's not my mom. But according to Jonas he has had multiple girlfriends and a few new wifes over the years.

Lexie pov

It's been one hour since Meredith told everyone where you were and that you were okay. Even after she seemed still freaked out but i never got the chance to ask before they went back to work. I take my phone out of my pocket again to see if you've answered me. But still left on read. So you've seen it but decided not to answer. Well you did call Meredith back to tell everyone you were okay and in Miami. So i try again and press call, a few signals in you pick up.

"y/n Diaz speaking" you say with a tired voice. You probably don't know it's me calling.

"It's Lexie"

"I know it's you, i have your number so it says it's you" why you gotta be so rude about it.

"You didn't return my text"

"I didn't respond to any texts, I called Meredith instead of writing it thirty times"

"I just want to check up on you and i think we should talk about what happened"

"We should but that doesn't mean we will"

"You know you don't have to be so rude to me anymore"

"I'm not, it's who i am. Ask anyone, im worse then Christina in how i act towards people, im worse then Meredith in how to talk about feelings"

"Then don't talk, you could just show how you feel" that almost sounded like me requesting you to kiss me again.

"Look i need to go now, im meeting my dad and his wife for lunch"

"Okay, can you at least call me later or just text"

"Fine, i'll call you when i get back."

"Bye" i say and you hang up.

"Was that y/n? Did you talk to her?" Meredith jumps out of nowhere and scares me.

"Yeah that was her, she needed to go for lunch with her dad and his wife" i say to calm her down but that doesn't seem to work. "She's gonna call me back when she gets back"

"Page me when she does"

"Why so worried, she already said she was fine?"

"Because she's meeting with her dad"


"She hasn't seen him since she was sixteen and got kicked out the house for fighting back against him, sending him into the hospital"

"Why didn't he call social services instead of kicking her out?" like it's better to get someone to fix her behavior then kick her out.

"Because then he would be under investigation and he's an abusive drunk Lexie, that's what worries me" she says before walking away again. Well, a good way to leave me not worried. Now am terrified.

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