Protective Calliope

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y/n pov

"George said your still feeling ill" Callie says, walking up to me with a water bottle. "And said you don't want Lexie"

"I never said i didn't want her to come, but i guess i didn't"

"Why not" she hands me the bottle and i pour it down but spits it out on the grass. Still tastes sour.

"I don't want her to see me like this" i let out and drink some more water. This time i make myself swallow it down my burning throat. It makes it a little better but still tastes weird.

"Your still the same old y/n you've always been"

"I'm really not" i say with a laugh, letting my hair out again.

"Did you catch up with Meredith?" she asks, changing the subject.

"Kinda, just got scolded at by Izzy and Christina" i answer looking at her, almost with tears in my eyes. "You married one hell of a catch"

"I know" she says with a smile. "Do you need a place to sleep for the night?"

"No im going to the house. Izzy said 'see you at home' so i guess i'm still welcomed"

"Well it is yours and Meredith's house mostly, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but i should go"

"You don't wanna say goodbye to Lexie?" I see her and George peeking from the door.

"I think I'll call a cab and head home. Maybe i can talk to her" Callie drags me into a hug and i allow her. I meet Lexies eyes full of worry. I see one pull over right outside the bar.

"Just tell her i'll call her when i get home" i say, releasing myself from the hug. "Have a good time with Erica, she seems nice"

"She is, be safe" she says as i start to walk towards the cab. Im not trusting myself to walk but i decide im going back to the hospital instead of the house. Non of them will listen to me today, maybe i can get her to listen tomorrow. If we're trapped in an OR together or just in an on-call room when she's sleeping. I can check in on Sienna after i've sobered up.

"Where to ma'am" the taxi driver says when i've closed the door.

"Seattle Grace hospital" i answer, kinda under my breath but he hears it and begins to drive.

Lexie pov

I watch as you got into a cab and went somewhere, i know your house ain't that way.

"What happened? Is she gonna be okay? Is she okay?" i ask Callie as she comes back into the bar.

"She's fine and on her way home, and i think she'll be okay but i honestly don't know with that woman." she answers with a reassuring smile.

"Did she talk to Meredith?"

"No, she wouldn't listen" George answers.

"I shouldn't have made her hide it"

"So she's not just lovesick because of you but she's actually sick because of you too" Callie says in an overprotective tone.

"I didn't know she was gonna become sick by it. I don't know her"

"Your right, you don't know her. So i suggest you stay away from her for a couple of days so that she can catch a breath" she walks past me back to the table as my phone buzzes.

Abby to me
Why is she back at the hospital. I thought you had a date at Joe's

"Who is it?" George asks, looking over my shoulder to see.


"She knows?" i just nod before answering.

Me to Abby
It's complicated, i'll talk to you later but can you just make sure she's okay. She's a little drunk

Abby to me
I'll make sure she gets some rest and don't do any doctoring

Me to Abby
Thanks i'll own you one

"I didn't know you were friends with anyone in your group" George says surprised.

"Why is that surprising?" i ask, putting my phone back in my purse.

"Because everyone is fighting to be the one y/n likes the most, they must hate you"

"Abby doesn't. She said it would be tragic to not have friends since we're spending at least five years together and then a few years if we choose the same specialty"

"She has a point you know, i should know since i'm a part of the OG six here"

"You mean your intern group? The one before us?"

"Yupp, with Meredith, Christina, Izzy, y/n and Alex" my phone buzzes again and i pick it up again.

Abby to me
You might want to send someone here because she's really sick

Me to Abby
What happened?

Abby to me
I was about to take her to a bed so that she could sleep, she took off into the bathroom and has been in there for at least ten minutes now.

me to Abby
I'm on my way

Abby to me
She said she wants Calliope to come, who's that?

me to Abby
Dr Torres, their childhood friends. She's here, i'll ask her to come

Worry bubbles up in me but then Callies words come to my head. Maybe it is me causing this stress, making you ill. I walk up to Callie with nothing but worry and quilt in my steps.

"You need to go to the hospital"

"Why?" she asks as she finishes laughing. Erica just looks at me. Must be weird for her to come in the middle of everything that's happened and is happening and is gonna happen.

"Y/n, Abby just texted and said she's locked herself on the toilet"

"And why must Callie go instead of you? Aren't you her girlfriend" Erica asks and technically i am, or was. I don't know anymore. You've called me that one time, only once and i didn't call you mine. Maybe i should have.

"She asked for her and because its my fault and i'm gonna give her breathing space. Im the one that forced her to keep this a secret" i explain in disappointment, without breaking eye contact with Callie.

"I'll check on her, but for her not you" she says getting up and leaving.

"You guys really have a lot going on here" Erica says and i hum in an answer, opening my phone again.

me to Abby
Dr Torres is on her way

Abby to me
I'll wait and take her to her

me to Abby

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