Rule number one

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y/n pov

I wake with a breath in the back of my neck. At first i panic but as soon as i look ever my shoulder i see Meredith's blond hair and green eyes look at me.

"You didn't come home" she says with a low voice for worry.

"I didn't think you'd want me to, and not while Christina was there" she lets out a laugh.

"You broke rule number one"

"I was just gonna wait a few hours, i was coming home" i turn to that i'm facing her in the bed. So i say while not daring to meet her eyes. "i'm really sorry for keeping it from you"

"It's okay, she really seems to love you" she says and i finally look up. Has Lexie really said she love me? To Meredith and not to me.

"She was on about how you can't help who you fall for and that your good for each other"

"Well you really can't Meredith, just like you and Derek" i say and she looks at the wall instead of me.

"Well we're not anymore"

"What happened?"

"He wanted more then i was ready to offer" i place my hand on her cheek where a tear had started to run and she looks back at me.

"I'm sorry" i say and then add something to make the thing less depressing. "But don't go all out and get another dog"

"Hey, you and Izzy helped me buy that dog" she says with a laugh, gently pushing my shoulder so that i roll over to lie on my back. We both laugh.

"I was driving, you and Izzy got the dog"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I won't get a dog" she takes my arm and uses it as a pillow. But just as i'm about to say something our pagers start blaring and we both reach for them.

"You sobered up?" she asks me as we start to get out the bed.

"I was never drunk Mer" she just keeps looking at me for an answer. "Yes, im sober"

"Good" she says with a smile and everything is back to normal. Well almost everything.

Lexie pov

"I'm sure there is nothing to worry about" i hear Dani say from the room im passing.

"Well i want Dr Diaz to come and say that to me if you don't mind, a real doctor" another woman says that i recognize to be Sienna Summers. I thought Abby was on her case.

"I am a real doctor, she is just one year before me"

"I don't care, get her here" another woman says with panic in her voice.

"Can you get a page on Dr Diaz to Sienna Summers please" i say to one of the nurses passing me in the hallway.

"Of course" she answers with a nice tone.

"What's going on here?" i ask, walking into the room.

"Nothing Dr Grey, everything is fine here" she answers with a smile that is full of hate.

"No, everything is not fine, something is wrong with my son and this woman isn't listening" Sienna says, holding on to a little boy.

"Mind if i check?" i ask and she hesitantly nods. I go up to them and hear Dani snort behind me. This will be the second time i go over her.

"Hey, i need to listen to your heart, is that okay?" i ask the little boy and he turns out so that i can. "Now this might feel a little cold"

I put the end of my stethoscope against his chest and listen to his strained heartbeat. As i'm finished i place my wrist on his forehead and it's boiling hot.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" i ask in a such calm and soft voice i can. Which was pretty easy.

"It hurt my stomach and chest before, not much anymore ma'am" he answers in a weak voice. His speech is not the best for an almost five year old.

"What a gentleman you are" i say with a smile and prick my finger on his nose so that he lets out a small little laugh.

"There we go, good boy" i say with a smile and he gives one weak smile back before turning back to bury his face into his mothers chest.

"See there is nothing wrong" Dani says and both women just look at her with anger.

"He has a fever which is common to what you've been through, he has short of breath but his heartbeat is strong. The pain seem to be gone, but if it shows up again you should call on someone again" i say in a comforting voice and they smile appreciatively as they nod. "Does he have a diagnosis? I have to ask since he's not a patient i don't have a work up on him"

"He was diagnosed with autism just a few months ago" Sienna says and i smile as a thansk and then turn back to Dani.

"Dr Holmes, may i ask what your doing here? This is Abby's patient"

"She got paged to the pit so there are my patients now" she says like it's an award.

"By who?"

"What is this, twenty questions. I don't answer to you" she says like it's the argument to win the war.

"But you do answer to me" you say at the perfect timing, walking into the room.

"Dr Diaz?" Dani says in surprise since she doesn't know i paged you when i heard the panic in the second woman's voice, Ophelia.

"You know it's against the rules to steal patients" you say, totally unbothered by the fact that im also here.

"I was given the patient Dr Diaz" she says, trying to set me up with being the bad guy.

"By who?"

"Newton, she was paged to the pit and asked me to check in on the Summers" she says and i'm surprised that she didn't lie, or maybe she is.

"Then why was I paged?"

"I don't know, i didn't page you" you turn to me as im the only other doctor in the room.

"I heard panic in Mrs Summers' voice and they asked for you but Dr Holmes refused to page you" I explain but she quickly cover her tracks.

"I didn't get the chance, i was about to when Dr Grey interrupted"

"Both of you out of here and we'll have a discussion later, until then neither of you so much as breaths the same air as a patient i'll make sure your residency here will be hell" you say calmly but still angry. Dani gives me a hating look before walking out the room. You give me a warning look too and i leave.

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