Who hasn't?

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y/n pov

We've been sitting there for the past eight hours and just talking. Like we've known each other our entire lives. Laughing and just knowing each other.

"I don't think i apologised " i say, remembering that i treated her very badly before.

"For what?" she asks with that soft honey voice.

"For how i treated you before, it was wrong to judge just because your the happy poser girl"

"The happy poster girl?"

"Yeah, the one to grow up with both parents being there and siblings and having happy posters on you bedroom wall"

"Is that why Meredith hates me? Because she thinks I had the perfect life?"

"No thats why she doesn't want to know you, she doesn't hate you because she has no reason. She hates your enthusiasm to get to know her"

"Well thanks for that, Dr Diaz" she says sarcastically.



"Y/n, you can call me y/n. I mean i call you Lexie so it's only fair"

"Okay... y/n"

Lexie pov

"I should go, i have to check on Mr Deacon again" i say getting up.

"Please don't" you say and it surprises me you want me to stay.

"It'll be quick then i can come back"

"No, can't you get someone else to do that?"

"No, because our shift ended two hours ago, so it's just me" "Why don't you want to be alone?"

"Because as soon as you walk out that door Mark will come in and this time i can't walk away"

"I'll be quick, i promise" i say before you can stop me i'm almost running down the hall to Deacons room.

y/n pov

Was i right or was i right? The second Lexie leaves the room Mark walks in.

"Have you been standing there for seven hours?" i ask him without looking his way.

"No, i've been past here a couple times, i was with you for some part of the time you sleeped"

"You where?" i don't know if i should be touched or not.

"Of course i was, after i saved your brother.." i cut him off.

"You saved him?"

"Yeah, i thought you might hate me if i didn't, he just started breathing on his own. I could take you to him"

"Lexie can do that"

"Little Grey? Since when are you bestis?"

"Since seven hours ago, since she was the only one to sit here with me"

"I would have if i wasn't sure you would have found something to throw at me"

"I would have" i say with a laugh looking at his sad face.

"I am truly sorry"

"And i don't care, now can you leave. I don't want to see you right now" and without a word he leaves the room. I guess there's one good thing left about him, he still respects what i want.

a week days later

"Ready to come back to work?" Izzy asks me as i enter the kitchen to get my morning coffee.

"More than you where" she looks hurt as i remembered her about Danny. "Im sorry Izzy, im mean when i haven't had my morning coffee"

"It's okay, Alex is the last one to leave the house today so you can ride with him" she says, handing me her cup.

"How's the bruns?" she asks, pointing to the slightly burned skin on my forearms.

"It's okay, that antibiotic cream healed it pretty fast, my legs are fine to, look" i look down at my almost healed skin.

"It's second-degree burns y/n and your brother almost died, you have to take it easy" she says and i roll my eyes. "I'm serious"

"Has Meredith left already?" i ask, drinking the last bit of it and changing the subject.

"After me it's just you and Alex" she says on her way to the door. "I'll see you there"

"Yeah, see you there" these past days have literally been hell, not going to the hospital. But also it's been nice, Lexie came over a few times to make sure i ate and got out of bed. She's so caring and i seem to begin to care for her. In a way...

"Fuck no" i mumble to myself as i caught myself with what im doing.

"Is something wrong y/n?" Alex asks, now standing on you side.

"If i tell you, you have to swear to never tell Meredith"

"I barely talk to her anyways so shoot" he takes his own cup of coffee.

"So you know how Lexies been here, taking care of me since the accident"

"Yeah so? She's your friend now right?"

"I think it might be more then that" i say, embarrassed.

"I don't blame you, she's gorgeous" thats not the reaction you were expecting.

"What do you mean?"

"Please, i've seen the looks and laughs you share, your almost like Derek and Meredith used to be"

"What?" i say in a panic. "Do you think Meredith has noticed?"

"Y/n, who hasn't"

"Me apparently"

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