You're safe here

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Lexie pov

I'm relieved that she's telling me everything but the things she's telling me are more than i ever would have thought. I learned three new things about Y/n last night, about the woman that i love more than life itself. One - Last year, before we got together, she slept with Mark and became pregnant. Then she had an abortion and only pretended to be sick. Two - the marks all over her body don't all come from the accident or her fathers abuse, but from herself. Three - she doesn't believe in multiple chances even though she's been given three, THREE, chances at a new life. Then there technically is a forth but it's one more about me. That i am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her. And nothing she does can make me stop. As much as i hold her heart, she holds mine.

"How about some flakes? We have milk" i hear Y/n's almost desperate voice from the kitchen as i come down the stairs. "How about you? Coffee? Te? Bread?"

"I'm good, thanks" Cassandras answers is almost forced, like she's always been forced to not eat anything offered to her.

"You have to eat something Cass" Y/n says as i come into the kitchen. She looks beat. And not only because of the topic we spend half the night talking about, and morning. The other half was some anniversary celebrating. "Some toast? I think we've got some bread left" which also reminds me that it's my turn to go shopping.

"Sure" her word uncertain but she takes it and makes some toast. I come in to help her and take the eggs of the stove. Then start to pour up three cups of coffee and putting them on the table. "Thanks" she continues as Y/n puts down the toast in front of her together with the coffee. But something tells me that she doesn't just mean for the breakfast.

"Yeah, of course" and we sit down as well. We hear shuffling from upstairs and i know that in a few minutes they'll either rush down and out the door or into the kitchen where we're siting. "I can get you tea instead if you want" Y/n says and i notice that she's just holing her hands on the cup to warm her hands. She only hums a yes and she's up and running again, fixing a cup of tea and putting it in front of her. And Mer comes into the room together with Izzie and Y/n hands Mer the coffee cup so we don't waste it. I see Cassandra grow uncomfortable as they all come into the kitchen, a little claustrophobic i guess.

Then minutes of silence, uncomfortable silence where everyone gets a cup of coffee, doesn't sit down and we start to eat breakfast. First to begin and and filter out is Izzie, then Derek and lastly Alex. Y/n had given them a gaze that said that she'd explain, but not right now. Before Mer also follows she places a hand on my shoulder and a kiss upon Y/n's head. Then we're the four of us again. Me, Y/n, Cassandra and Oliver.

"Why are you here Cassandra? What happened?" Y/n asks worriedly, putting down her now empty cup.

"The weeks after you were in Miami, he... it only got worse." her breath hitches as she glances to her son before looking back at us. "So i threated with you coming back, we both knew that you would if i called" i can say that now i'm really starting to understand why Meredith almost went mad when she'd left, because she actually knew everything her father has done to her. I knew parts of it, but i never really thought it was as bad as this. "He laid of, actually became the man i always thought he was. Until a month ago, when i found out i was..." she doesn't say the word but we all know it 

"Does he know?" i ask and the silver in her eyes are about to fall out. Oliver has started to play with the crayons and papers we'd put out for him before breakfast.

"No, he doesn't know. I didn't tell anyone and he knew i kept something secret so he..."

"It's okay Cass, you're safe here, you don't have to tell us everything at once" Y/n places her hand over hers on the table as a gesture.

"I didn't know what to do so i just took some things and left, and came here. I don't have anywhere else to go"

"I'm glad you came here, he won't even know to look for you here. He doesn't even know where i live. He can't get you here, you both are safe"

"I don't think we'll ever be safe Y/n" it's the first time she's said her name since she got here last night. Almost like it's a foreign word on her tongue. The clock ticks loud into the room and reminds us that we also need to get to work.

"Why don't you stay here and rest, you can watch some tv, read books, explore the house. There should be a few leftovers in the fridge but we're going shopping later anyways." Y/n says as an offer. She's not keeping them here, it's up to them if they want to stay or not. "We need to get to the hospital but we'll only be a call away, okay?"

"Sure" her answers are short but i don't blame her. I start to get up and take out cups to the sink.

"We'll talk more later and Lexie can take Oliver with her out in the backyard and play while we talk" Cass nods and we say goodbye as well as writing a note if she ever needs help and can page us at the hospital. We also leave a map of the part of the city so she can walk over, or take a cab and say it's paid by Y/n. And of course some reassuring words that everything is going to be okay.

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