Yes, yes, a thousand times yes

579 19 5

Lexie pov

"We've got two bodies, one male and one female, in 2" my heart skips a beat as the the words come through the radio of the officers down on the OR floor. I can't breath, not for minutes, until they speak again. "Male is unconscious, patient is fine"

"4 is clear, got five out. Proceding forward." even though nothing confirms that they are alive, it confirms that they're not dead. Or they're lying just further down the hall.

"Another body, male" must be one of the attackers.

"Explosive secure" Webber breaths out his own breath, it's only the two of us left in the room of the radio, together with five officers. And both the FBI agents who came here this morning. Everyone else is still evacuating everyone and taking patients to hospitals around us. Two guns shots are fired on the other end and nine of us in the room all hold our breaths.

In my head i go back to a safe place. To the shower we took only this morning. The comfort of being in her arms, kissing her. Not only that but just the mere fact that she was there, unharmed, untouched by anyone but me. At that moment i think i realised that i don't ever want to not be Y/n's girl. "Threat neutralised, we're coming up"

"What about Y/n and Oliver?" i ask right out just as Avery comes running in to the tent in the parking lot where everything's been set up. I look up to see him, his eyes already answering my questions. Still holding my breath, i push past every damn police officer in the whole place before making in through the hospital doors. From the stairs is Mark walking with Y/n in his arms. Half her chest is drenches in blood... please don't let it be her blood. But the hole in the middle of it tells me different. She stirs in his arms and he helps her stand to her feet. Oliver is being carried by another officer who's taking him out to Cassandra. As i meet her gaze i feel myself finally breathing and her lips curl in a soft smile.

I start running, towards her. And she does the same. Meeting me halfway, not even caring of the blood on her before pulling me into her embrace. I feel her body wince as she's pressed against me, but she doesn't let go.

"I told you you would make it out" i breath out in tears into the crook of her neck. I can tell she's keeping in her sobs, like it hurts only to breath. I take her out of my arms, holding her face in my hands. That's when my gaze goes down to her chest, seeing a white cloth through the hole in the shirt. Instead of saying anything she holds up a necklace, a big necklace with something in it... no, not just anything, a bullet. My breath hitches as she just looks at me, relief and love filling the space between us.

"It'll only be a little scar" her smiling mouth tells me and her eyes search my face as to see if it's real. Distracting me so much that her next words takes me by surprise. "Marry me"

"What?" i breath out, my brain telling me that i'm imagining it.

"Marry me"

"You're not saying that just because..." but she stops me by putting her lips onto mine. Just a peck on my lips. And then she stays close as she takes the word.

"I was gonna ask you five days ago, i had the ring in my hand when i came down the stairs to find Cassandra in the hallway with Oliver. When i went out i gave it to Mer." i look deep into her eyes as i realise what she's telling me. "I had this perfect plan for it... but"

"I don't care where we are, ask me and i'll answer." we both know my answer already. It's likely written across my face, i swear on it. "As long as it's not because of what just happened."

"I wanna marry you because you're the first person i wanna look at when i wake up in the morning, and the only one i wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that i held your cheeks, i couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly, when you love someone as much as i love you, getting married is the only thing left to do. So, will you, Alexandra Caroline Grey, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" one second of silence, where we're still, where nothing around is moving. Maybe we're alone? I don't know, and i honestly don't care. I just close the inch between us, connecting out lips together as i throw my arms around her neck, her own arms wrapping around my waist pulling me in.

"Yes... yes..." i mumble into her lips as tears falls down both fo our cheeks. "Yes... a thousand times yes" i can't believe it. I've never felt so many different feelings in only a few hours. Happiness, scared but hopeful, anger, worry, more fear, relief, scared and now, more love than i've ever experienced in life. And exited. I'm going to be her wife.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in the world. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

Well i love Y/n Diaz, i'm becoming a surgeon and saving lifes and i hope for a happily ever after.

A/n I've decided to give y'all a happier ending instead of my original heartbreaking one.

updated A/n since i have so much in school, i decided to write it anyways. Hope you enjoy it anyways.

Hope you liked it anyways. I've loved the support and it has been needed as this story has taken some time, seen some dark places. But here we are. And if you'd want to, you can read my new One Last Case, or any of my others.

I'm forever grateful for you all. Love, author

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