Oh fuck x2

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A/n Sry it's going slow to update. This is what it looked like when I tried to publish this chapter.

Let's how this shit goes better so I can give you guys a few more chapters and not only leaving you like this

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Let's how this shit goes better so I can give you guys a few more chapters and not only leaving you like this.

Y/n pov

"I think that'll be all for now" Officer Grant says to me and Jonas. It's time for them to talk to Cassandra alone. I don't know why, maybe to ask if we put her up to this. Siblings who are trying to ruin their father after everything he's gone through. Which is pure bullshit. Our medical records, all three of us, are proof for that. Cause i don't think we all managed to be that clumsy and depressed, the only common thread being dad. "Will you be around?"

"I'm on shift so if you need me, they'll page me." the question is only to me, not Jonas. Because i'm the oldest, i'm the responsible one, i'm the one who initiated contact. I'm... me.

"Wait, what about Ollie?" Cass asks me in a hushed tone before i can get out of the chair next to her. "That nurse can't take care of him forever"

"I'll take him, i need to catch up on paperwork anyways. It'll be fine" i lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder, light to not make her flinch in response. A nod from the two officers reassures me that i can leave. I mean, we're in a hospital, what's gonna happen?

So me and Jonas leave the room and i know it sound cliche but i'm actually letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding. I had figured it, but i didn't know i had physically held my breath in there.

"Diaz, Gilbert wants you down in OR 2, asap" i don't have time to register who calls out for me but i know it's important. There aren't many times that another one from our year calls us to an OR, practically never happens. Usually someone would page an attending, not a fellow resident.

"Go to work Jonas, i'll update you on what happens" i don't wait for him to answer as i place a kiss on his forehead. Only positive thing about the alcohol, he didn't have that growth spurt in his teenage years and is still two inches shorter than me. I go over to the two nurses who were entertaining Oliver for the last three hours.

"We can take him if you're going into surgery" Anna, one of the nurses, says as i come up to them.

"No matter how much i would love to go into surgery, she doesn't want him with strangers" it's apologetic but true and they understand that. But technically i'm a stranger, well, acquaintance. And legally family. But they leave me with him. He has these sparkling hazel eyes and his messy hair in light brown. He almost looks like a mini version off... what's his name, from that criminal series. Reid, he looks like his kid or when he was little. "Hi Oliver, do you know who i am?"

"You're my sister, right?" his voice is shy and i wonder if there are any pictures of us still in the house. Or maybe he can guess his way to it by what his mom has said.

"I am, you can call me Y/n if you want to" the fact that he doesn't even know me yet and seems happy to call me his sister is heartbreaking.

"Can i call you Sissy instead, for sister?" his smile makes my eyes line in silver.

"Of course you can" i extend my hand towards him as we need to go.

"I always wanted a sister" he says and takes my extended hand. He is happy to have a sister, even though i'm literally twenty years older than him.

"Now, i'm at work so you can't run around" my voice is more serious but he listens. He reminds me of a younger Jonas and i wonder how this kid isn't my father son. They look so similar. He doesn't just look like a young Spencer Reid but also like a young Jonas Diaz. "But a colleague of mine needs my help down in OR and i'm gonna need you to stay outside, okay calabaza"

"Okay" the chipper in his voice tells me that he doesn't really comprehend what's happing around him at this very moment. "What does clabama mean?"

"You mean calabaza?" i ask with a little laugh as we make out way through the hospital and towards the OR.

"Yeah, what language is that sissy?" and that tells me that they don't came from the same community as us. And even if they were, dad forbade the language from the house after mom died.

"It's means pumpkin, it's what i used to call my little brother"

"But now i'm your little brother"

"And he's no longer pumpkin, nicknames are cuter in spanish. At least most of them." and we make it to the OR door. "Okay, i'll be just a few minutes, don't go anywhere" and he stands against the wall in the weirdly quiet hall. I go into the OR to find it empty, only Gilbert in the middle of the room with a man on the table in front of her. The machines around her are still operational and keeping the man unconscious.

"Oh thank god Y/n, could you tell me what the hells going on?" she asks with as many questions on her face as i must have on mine.

"What are you doing Amelia? Where are the others?"

"I don't know, they all got paged and left. No one told me what was happening and i really need help, could you scrub in?"

"I'm watching a kid..." i'm hesitant but the panic her in her face is to much to look at. "I'll scrub in and help out" and i back out through the door again. And without thinking i pull Oliver with me into the scrub room, telling him to sit down and not make a sound or move or look. I scrub in and come back in to find her hands almost shaking with the scalpel in her hand. "Hey, Amelia, look at me, you're not alone"

"Just know that i still don't particularly like you" she makes me confused as i take the scalpel from her hand and hands her the suction.

"And still it was me you paged for" i let out a small confident smirk to lighten up the tension in the room.

"You were the only one i knew would come no matter what was going on" there is a relieved smile on her face. "I'm glad you're here" and she means it. She and i have never gotten along, even though she is nice. It's just the competition of interns and residents. But she's right, i would be the one to come find her no matter what, no matter what we feal for each other. Because that's unfortunately who i am, even though it's not who Mer wants me to be.

About ten minutes later both our pagers blare out into the room on the table. None of us can get to them and no one else is here to look at them. Until i remember who is sitting in the scrub room, waiting for me.

"Hey calabaza, i need you to come in here" Amelia looks surprised i spoke spanish, it's more likely for Calliope to do that while at work. Even though it's only a little nickname.

"But you told me not to" i hears his voice from the other side of the door.

"I know i did, but i really need you to now" and the power is cut. The strong white lights go over to back up generators low blue lights. "Oliver?" i call out as i can't move from the patient as i'm now trying to place this mans organs back into their right place. I don't even know what kind of surgery i walked into, just that we needed to cut it short.

"I'm here sissy" he says, holding a hand on my robe and i exhale in relief. I'm lucky that the stress of this situation is keeping me from having serious flashbacks to when Jonas was little.

"Okay, don't look on the man. On the table over there lays two pagers, i need you to tell me what they say" he does what i tell him to without questioning me, also sensing the panic and tense air in the room.

"It says... black"

"What? Are you sure?" Amelia's eyes are in panic as she tears her eyes from the patient to look at Oliver by the pagers.

"Yes, it says code black"

"Oh fuck" both me and Amliea breath out but my breath hitches in my throat. I'll thank whatever gods are out there that he doesn't understand what that means.

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