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y/n pov

"Here i got the keys" Meredith says as she comes back out to me in the garage. I was almost hyperventilating. "I can drive if you want to"

"It's okay, i'm the one that knows the way there" i say, taking the keys out her hand before starting to walk towards the hotel car. It's a red Peugeot 207, without a roof. Perfect for the sunny weather of today.

We get in the car but i hesitate to turn the key. I push all my thoughts aside and leave just my goal. To see grandma and help Amanda pay for treatment. It's the right thing to do, i hope.

"So where are we going exactly? You never told me" Meredith asks as we pull out the driveway.

"My grandma's place, to help pay for Amanda's treatment i must get ahold of the money my mom left behind."

"Wouldn't your father get that money since they were married?"

"Well he got very mad when he didn't get it, because it was a lot of money. But since she died in rehab she got her head clear and wrote a will that said that until i was ready her mother would keep the money safe from my fathers hands"

"I guess rehab really helped her"

"Yeah, that was before they gave her the wrong drugs and got her killed" i say and she's quiet as i continue to drive. My breathing is heavy as i stuborny pull over to the side of the road.

"Where are you going?" she asks me as i get out of the car.

"Just shut up and get in the drivers seat" i say as i walk around to the passenger seat. She jumps over to the driver's seat as i sit down in the car again. But on the passenger seat. I had a reason to walk to my dads house yesterday, and it was not nice weather. It was the fact that i can't drive a car without being terrified, i can't be in a car at all without being terrified. And even though were almost alone on the road as she begins to drive. My breath doesn't slow down. But it's less scary to just watch the trees as we pass them then keeping my eyes on the road.

"So where are we going?"

"Just take a left up here and drive until the road ends"

"Does she know we're coming?"

"No, but who doesn't like a surprise"

"You don't like surprises y/n"

Lexie pov

"Hey Jonas, are you ready to go home today?" Sloan asks as he enters the room.

"Hell yeah" he answers with enthusiasm.

"I thought Dr Stevens was gonna take him home" i say and Jonas looks at me. I guess he doesn't know why i have anything to do with it.

"She has patients, and we checked with y/n and i'm gonna take him home in a few hours" Sloan answers but i don't even look at him.

"Well she already signed the papers so you can take him home at any moment" i say before walking out.

"You don't like me very much do you?" Sloan asks, following me.

"No i don't"

"You don't even know me"

"I know enough. I know you cheated on y/n the same night as you told her you loved her"

"She told you that?"

"Yes, she and i are close now"

"Oh i heard" he says, making me stop in a step and turn around.

"What do you mean you heard?"

"Oh everyone knows she's the new McDreamy"

"Why is everyone calling her that? I thought that was Derek"

"Because Derek fell in love with Meredith when she was an intern" that i didn't know.

"Well it's not like that"

"Isn't it? Then i feel sorry for you because she's an amazing kisser" oh, that i already knew.

"You can take him home at any hour, i need to go check on my other patients" i say, handing him the discharge papers before turning my heal and walking. Now at least i know why they called you McDreamy. But your not falling in love with me, you hardly know me.

"And in bed" he calls after me, making me stop for a second again before starting to walk again. He did not just say that.

y/n pov

"Hi im here to see Marie Evans" i say to the receptionist as Mer comes a little behind me.

"Do you have an appointment?" he asks without looking up.

"No but im sure she'll see me"

"Im sorry but you need an appointment to see the boss"

"Are you new here?" i ask him and he looks up to face me.

"Started last month ma'am"

"And i guess you just moved here, since you don't know who i am" Meredith looks impressed at me.

"Then enlighten me, who are you" he say with the same tone.

"y/n Diaz, her granddaughter" i say and the confidence in his face washes away as someone calls from a balcony higher up.

"It's okay, she can come in" i don't see who it is but it's not like i forget the voice of the woman who literally saved my life. Even if it was by putting me on a plane out of here. The man at the desk gestures for us to walk trough and we do. Then stepping into the elevator to the fifteenth floor.

"You know you could have called me" the woman says as the elevator door opens to her floor.

"I thought a surprise visit would be better, who doesn't like a surprise" i answer as she gives me a big hug.

"I'll say it again, you, you don't like surprises" Meredith says and reminding us that were not alone.

"Granny, this is my friend, Meredith grey. She works at the same hospital as me. Meredith met my grandmother, Marie Evans" i present them for each other.

"You can call me Marie, we don't do formalities here" she says and then turns to me again. "When i heard you where staying at the Lotus i was just waiting for you to call, what brings you back to Miami nieta?"

"Well, don't be mad but i saw dad" her face completely changes from nice to angry.

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