Grow up

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y/n pov

"All im saying is you should give her a chance before you judge her" i say and Meredith just looks at me before answering.

"For you, let her come. But i can't promise anything"

"That's fine, all that matter is that i'll be getting the deal of my shoulders"

"You really haven't changed a bit have you" she mumbles as she walks back to see over her patients and interns.

"Oh i really have" i mumble to myself before following her back out. But i continue to walk to Lexie.

"Who's that?" the man in front of her asks and then comments the first thing in his mind. "She's hot"

"That is my boss, Dr Diaz" Lexie answer without looking up to see if it's me.

"Pleasure, come find me in the cafeteria when your done here" i say before leaving her with her stitches to do. I had let my hand touch hers by a second, just to make her all flustered again. I know it's wrong to make her distracted but it's fun, ain't it.

Lexie pov

I can't help but look after you as you walk out of the clinic. I had managed to keep myself under control, even my face. I knew your intention and was deciding your not winning. Not this time.

"Dude, are you hitting that?" the man asks and i look back at him.

"Like i said, that's my boss" i answer, getting back to the stitches.

"Well if it doesn't go against any rules you should do her. She seems to like you"

"Well it doesn't go against any rules and were... dating" i say in a lower voice.

"Ah, and you don't want anyone to find out" i nod as i fix the last one. "Your one lucky bastard"

"Oh i know i am"

<In the cafeteria>

I see you sitting by a table in the corner of the cafeteria, yard or whatever you wanna call it. I sit down the opposite of you and you push a coffee cup over to my side.

"You wanted to talk to me?" i say as serious as i can without looking at you.

"Weren't you the one that suggested we'd hang in the cafeteria?"

"That was for lunch, it's not lunch so i thought you were mad" I breathe out as you let out a laugh to your smile.

"You thought i was mad for what? That you were distracted by me, oh honey. I can't be mad at you for that"

"You can but your not?"

"Im not" you answer, still with that smile as you sip on your coffee. "Drink, while it's hot"

"If you aren't mad, then why are we sitting here instead of taking care of patients?" my question brings nothing but seriousness to your face.

"Because, we need to talk about what this is and when or how were gonna tell Meredith. It will be better if she hears it from us or from the gossip in here"

"I don't know what this is, all i know is that i really like you" i admite and you get a more warm face expression.

"Good, because i like you too. Now that's settled, Christina and Meredith are coming over here to you should go" you say, looking over my shoulder.

y/n pov

"Oh and your having dinner at the house this evening" i add to my sentence.

"I'm having what now...?" she ask but there here.

"Move" Christina says and she quickly gets up her chair, taking the coffee in her hand.

"I'll see you later Dr Diaz" she says before walking away quickly and i can't stop myself to look at her walking as i take another sip.

"What can i do for you ladies?" i ask them as they sit down.

"You need to get laid" Christina blurs out and i almost choke on my drink.

"Christina" Merediths says to her.

"What, it was your idea" she says to her defence. I just look at them before starting to laugh.

"You can't be serious"

"We are, you've been acting weird lately and we think it's because..." i cut her off.

"Because i havn't had sex? Well that's not the reason since it's been a shorter time for me then for you Christina" i say meeting her gaze.

"y/n" Meredith says to me this time.

"No i heard, with McSteamy again. I was wondering when you were gonna go back to him like a lost puppy" Christina says back with the same tone as me.

"Well at least i didn't get left at my own wedding"

"Your a terrible person y/n" she says, getting up.

"I know, it's what keeps me up at night" i answer with a smirk and she walks away.

"What is the matter with you? First your keeping secrets and now your just being mean" Meredith says in a disappointed tone.

"I'm at least not the one still screwing McDreamy" i say getting up.

"How did you know that?"

"Oh please, your Meredith and Derek. You love each other and that will always make you go back together. Like Christina said, like a lost puppy" i say and walk away. Well, this is the worst thing about growing up like i did. Sarcasm and snarky comments is a defence mechanism. I didn't mean to talk to her like that.

"And your too much like Alex" she calls after me but i ignore her. She's not wrong, i am acting like Alex did in the beginning. Being mean for no absolute reason. Maybe i should be the grown up and say sorry.

<after lunch without Lexie>

The first thing i do when im on my way out the cafeteria is to bump into Christina. She stops and meet my gaze, like she's awaiting another snarky comment out my mouth.

"I don't usually do this, but im being a grown-up and i was told that i don't need to be so mean. So im sorry for what i said, now i don't care if you forgive me but im not sitting and holding grudges so i forgive you" i say, feeling a little bit lighter on the weight of my chest.

She doesn't say anything so i just walk past her. Either she's shocked or she isn't going to forgive and forget.

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