"Dije que ni te enojes"

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y/n pov

A/N sorry for misspelling, spanish is not my native language but that's why i have the translation next to it. Neither is english so bare with me and my spelling.

"Pensé que te había dicho que nunca volvieras a ver la cara de esa perra, me lo prometiste. ¿Rompes tus promesas ahora?(I thought i told you to never see that bitches face again, you promised me. You break your promises now?)" she snaps angrily and i know she's angry since she's speaking spanish. Dad forbade us to speak it at the house but mom teached us anyway, at least me.

"No of course not, but i needed to tell him that Jonas got in an accident but he's gonna make it." i say as i see Meredith's confusion in the corner of my eye. As i don't speak spanish so much at home. Only when I'm angry but I never seem to be.

"No me importa, no necesitas hablar con tu padre, él es la razón por la que perdí a mi hija, no dejaré que te lleve a ti también. (I don't care, you do not need to talk to your father, he's the reason i lost my daughter, i will not let him take you too)"

"Breath abuela, we meet in a public place"

"No me importa. No vuelvas a acercarte a ese hombre. ¿Me entiendes? (I don't care. Don't ever go near that man again. You understand me?)"

"Yes, i understand. Lo siento, but he needed to know"

"No he didn't" she breathes, gesturing for us to sit down by her desk in the office. "Now, you didn't come here to get scolding from me"

"I came here because i need a part of that money mom left me, i know she left if to you to keep it away from dad"

"No veo cómo puedes llamarlo tu papa. (I don't see how you can call him your dad)"

"Because he is, now that money"

"What do you need it for?" she asks as an end to the conversation about dad.

"Amanda Tarazi, she needs hospital treatment for lung cancer and i would like to help her pay since she doesn't have the money"

"How much?"

"She has insurance so she just needs help to pay the rest"

"How much?" is she really gonna negotiate?

"I don't know actually, i talked to her daughter who told me. Do you really need another sixteen year old girl on the street? Her husband is dead and her daughter is pregnant without the father to attend" Meredith looks questionly at me since i left that part out to her. She keeps fidgeting with the ring on my finger instead of asking questions now.

"No we don't, but you can't just go around giving out your money"

"I could have taken that money when you sent a sixteen year old me away to New Hampshire, when i was modeling to pay for med-school, when i traveled around the world with Meredith and some friends. Instead i am taking a small part of that money when i'm twenty nine, almost thirty to help save a woman's life"

"I can see you aren't the same sixteen year old girl you used to be, you've grown to become a powerful and fearless woman. That makes me proud of you"

"Thanks" i breath out as she smiles at me.

"Just leave her number and i'll take care of it" she says and that's it. The last thing that was keeping me here. Now i need to go back home even though im not ready. I know i thought i was but i wasn't, i lied to myself to sound more confident. But there is no changing it now because Mer already booked the flight this morning at breakfast.

"When are you leaving? Do you have time for lunch or a coffee before you leave" she asks and i turn to Mer since i've already forgotten what time.

"Our flight leaves at eleven am tomorrow, so you can come and join us for breakfast if you'd like" Mer says with a smile, continuing to fidget with my ring. What is the matter with her? Either she's hiding something big or is really stressed out.

"Then i will come by at nine, so you can get some privacy before" grandma says with a smile.

"Oh we're not"

"We're not together" i cut Mer off and she stops fidgeting with my ring.

"Oh, i just thought since your living in a hotel room with a king size bed"

"How'd she know that?" Meredith asks in a lower voice.

"She owns the hotel" i explain to her and turn back to grandma. "I flew here first but when Mer found out who i was meeting she jumped on a plan here before i could stop her"

"My granddaughter must mean a lot to you for you to fly here from Seattle just because she was meeting Victor"

"She does, she's like my sister and we've been through a lot together the last few years. She's told me everything that happened to her so i got a little freaked when i found out"

"So you and my nieta share everything, like sisters?" she asks with a tone that says 'is that really so?'.

"Yes, everything abuella. And not as lovers" i say even though that's not true. Since we used to date and i don't tell her everything.

"Okay okay, i guess it's normal nowadays. In my days it was even wrong for girls to like each other that way"

"And you don't?" Meredith asks, even though that's kinda obvious.

"Please, i have a pansexuall granddaughter, my son is trans and my best friend is a besbian" she says with a laugh. "How can i be homophobic?"

"I guess you can't" Meredith laughs and i just can't look at her. Thinking of her sister in a way i shouldn't. Maybe i should cancel the date. Maybe i should at least tell Mer about it. We can't sneak around like she and Derek did before. It's not right and it would be wrong for Lexie to be with someone in secret. But if i tell Meredith she might not agree with it or she will. Good, maybe i should come up with a new excuse to stay here. Maybe i can transfer here and then i can come away from everything. But i would miss it too much, what am i gonna do with myself?

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