Fast-forward ⏩

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A/n you can ship this chapter. The next one basically says the , only it's a new version of this. Since there almost a year between this and the next. Some new things and some are taken away. Do as you like with that.

<time skip a few months summary>

y/n pov

They all take turn to keep me company at the house for almost a week, i hated every minute of it. I missed work, the stress, the blood and trauma.

There was this boy who jumped into cement to impress a girl. I at least thought it was brave even though it was stupid. And in the end he did get the girl.

Erica left all of a sudden, later i found out it was because of Callie. She had addmitted she was gay and it freaked her out as she didin't like labeles.

Meredith and Derek go back together, oh and Lexie moved in. Well she has her own key and sleeps here every night but it's not official, yet.

Meredith found her mothers old diaries and to watch her read them was one of the funniest things I've done. While Christina kissed some military guy named Owa... Oliver.... Owen something. Later on that man is the new trauma attending and their dating or something, i don't really know.

Right, George redid his exam and passed this time so he became a resident with the rest of us. And Lexie officially moved in the house with me.

Our old friend Sadie come to visit, she kinda hates me so i just keeped away and hated on her with Christina. And Christina got her first solo surgery out of us residents.

There's this new attneting in peds, called Arizona Robbins. Who is very hot and a lesbian.

Derek's mother come to visit and apparently she gave him a ring, so now he's trying to find the perfect way to propose to Mer.

Addison came with her brother to ask Derek for help with two of their old friends. Naomi and Sam, and her brother survived.

Derek also had some nervous breakdown for sometime and it didn't go well when some of us we're sent to get him to come back. But he did and then he proposed to Meredith in an elevator. Which is weird but here we have something with elevators that just screams love.

Oh and Izzy found out she has cancer so now there's that. And Lexie and Meredith are finally sisters or at least friends.

Callie and the new attneting Arizona are dating and her father first rejected her before first did i have a conversation with him but i think it was Arizonas 'i was raised to be a good man in a storm' speech. She also calls her Calliope and not Callie like me.

What didn't make it better then George joining the army which i blame Owen since he did tell him about it in the first place. If he hadn't George would have been in that OR and not on his way to tell his mother and get hit by a bus. So we're back to greife and here i am but wait there's more. It made my plan to propose kinda fall into the ditch.

Meredith also have a liver transplant to Thatcher for Lexie's sake. Apparently she likes having a sister and she couldn't let her lose her father even though they technically share him. So she's home for about a month for recovery.

Tomorrow is Mercy West joining Seattle Grace. So yeeey, even more people who'll definitely hate me. And disturb me. And it's now 2009, i'm in my third year residency, i have been with Lexie for two years and this year i will give people hell.

A/N i'm not so sure i'll keep writing this one and if i don't i hope you liked it. So don't get your hopes up to get more chapters anytime soon. You are welcome to add to the summery of what happens and I will add them so it becomes complete

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