Alice Green

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y/n pov

I finally sit down in her new room, they just moved her out of the ICU. Which is good, i hope. I hear a groan and quickly stand up by her bedside, taking the IV drop with me.

"Hey Alice, can you hear me?" i say with a soft voice, her eyelids start to fight their way up. "It's y/n, can you hear me"

"Inside voice please" she says weakly and i can't help but laugh. "Where am i?"

"You're in the hospital" i can see the fear strike her. "You lost control over your car and crashed"

"I have a memory that i said no doctors"

"Yeah, and i let my sister take you to the OR where my family saved your life. Everyone here is family Alice"

"Thanks" she says, tilting her head my way.

"Well it's one hell of a way to get me to speak to you"

"Yeah, i asked your intern to get you but she said she couldn't find you. I knew she was lying"

"Im sorry, i didn't know how to face you" since i was just gone one morning with all my stuff out her apartment. With a damn note.

"It's okay, but that's actually not what i came here for"

"Okay, what did you come here for then?" i ask, taking some hair out of her face.

"You have the best neurosurgeon"

"What do you need a neurosurgeon for?"

"I passed out in my apartment again, so my neighbor took me to the hospital even though he knew i didn't want to"

"Well he did the right thing"

"I think he did it to get in my pants" we both laugh before she continues. "But they noticed something else to"

"You have a tumor" she nods. "What kind?"

"The kind that gives me lung cancer"

"You have a tumor in your chest? You need a cardiothoracic surgeon, why do you need a neurosurgeon?"

"I have a tumor growing in my lungs, no rush. This is what i get from smoking in college. But i also have an, what did they call it, weakened artery in my brain that can burst anytime"

I hold her hand as she continues to tell me what happened.

"And then when they where listing up the top surgeons to help me they said Derek Shepherd at Seattle Grace, where you also work"

"So you thought you could bash your eyelashes at me and make me talk to him about doing the surgery"

"Yeah, is it working?" she asks with a laugh, but i can see the tears forming in her eyes.

"I would have if you just asked"

"Well you avoided me so i couldn't"

"Right, i'm gonna go get Derek now" i say, letting go of her hand.

"You call him Derek, how well do you know him?" she says with a smirk.

"I don't sleep with attending"

"But you did, is that him?"

"No that was another... attending. I'm not having this discussion with you" i say leaving the room as i hear her weak laugh behind me. What did i ever do to get this bad luck. I take the IV out of my arm and give it to one of the nurses to take care of it, now i'm more than sober, i'm ready to help save her life.

"Abby, get me Miss Green's case file from Mass General in Boston. John, get down to the clinic and help with what you can. Dani, keep her company" i say and begin to walk to wherever i can find Derek.

It wasn't as hard as i thought since i quickly find him in a patient's room.

"Excuse me Dr Shepherd" i say apologising even though im not, but i interrupt so it's the right to say. As he's about to tell me to wait he meets my gaze to see my panic.

"If you could excuse me Mr Conner, Lexie get him the update" he says and i also notice she was standing right next to him.

"Yes Dr Shepherd" she doesn't meet my gaze as Derek practically pushes me out the room.

"What happened?"

"Alice Green, she has lung cancer and a weakened artery in her brain that can rupture any minuet" i ramble too quickly but he manages to hear every word.

"Have you ordered her file from Boston?"


"The page Hahn and meet me in her room with her chart" he say and i run away, leaving him with the information. Why can't anyone i care about just live normal and not be in a crash, a drunk or have a tumor or cheat. But i guess cheating is the most normal i'll ever get in this life.

Lexie pov

"Anything i can help with?" i ask Shepherd as i follow him down the corridor.

"A patient has requested attention by Diaz"

"Alice?" he nods, looking questioningly at me. "She was here this morning looking for her"

"Well this was a cruel way to meet"

We walk into the room where Alice is lying on the bed.

"I'm Dr Shepherd, this is Dr Grey"

"y/n, you said no doctors" she says looking past us to the woman in the chair behind us. We didn't even notice you there.

"I said their family, Alice meet Derek and Lexie" you present us and i can't help but like the way you call us your family. Then i remember what Dr Torres said about you not waiting for someone to make a move but you don't do them either. Maybe that's why you sleeped with Sloan? Or you just don't like me that way, may be a more probable explanation.

"Hahn is on her way and Dani is still waiting for her file to get transferred here" you say and Dani runs into the room and up to you handing you the chart. But instead of looking in it you hand it straight to Shepherd.

"Dani take Alice down for some new tests and we'll see where were at now" he says and then he looks at you as Dani starts to prepare her for leave. "y/n you'll have to wait in the waiting area if your staying as her visitor"

"I'll go help Izzy in the clinics instead if that's okay"

"That's okay, just keep there until Dani comes to get you"

"Just page me when you get back so i can sit with her, i'll talk to Callie and make it my day of"

"Good, you'll take Lexie with you" you just look him in the eyes as unspoken words fly. "I don't care what she saw, she's gonna be there to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything stupid"

"Great, i'll see you down there, i have someone i need to talk to before. It'll only take like five minutes" you say and walk out. Derek just looks at me as if to follow you.

"I'm gonna follow her?" i ask not sure if i read that look right but he nods. "I'm gonna follow her"

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