It's like having your heart ripped out of your chest

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Lexie pov

"Oh my gosh" Izzie says as she comes into the exam room to find me trying to stitch up myself. I should have just asked Mark, but i don't feel like talking to him. Not when, i've finally sat down, the rumour is going around in my head. I wouldn't be able to resist asking him about it.

"I need help" i give up and drop the cloth to the plate that i so nicely put up with the things i'd need.

"I can see that, what happened?" she asks as she starts to help me clean up the cut on my cheek. "Looks like you got into a catfight"

"I'll have a bruise on my hip as well" so much for it being safer for me to stay here. I would be safer by her side, by the collapsing building in triage.

"Y/n will be so pissed" she mutters under her breath and i wonder how close she and Y/n are. I mean, they're friends, they live together. But how close are they really? Izzie seems to fear her on some level. I mean, practically everyone does. That's why she's called Draupadi by a lot people at the hospital. Named after a woman from Indian mythology. Born from the fire, they both were fiery, gorgeous and strong-willed. Planner and astute strategist. And if anyone knows how to take revenge upon her enemies, it's Y/n, just like Draupadi. A powerful woman, who is feared and caring. And does things right. No one dares to go against her. So i would like to see Kepner try to do the same thing she did to me with Derek, just to see her destroyed. I mean, Y/n can literally make Chief Webber change his mind. I would bet that if she tried, she'd be able to do it with Bailey as well. Or they would destroy the whole hospital in a war, being the only ones left standing afterwards.

"My patient happened. He's sedated now, clearly confused" i answer her former question, not even feeling the sting of the salve on my cheek.

"That happens sometimes, unfortunately." she finishes up and throws away everything.

"Do you know who it was?" i can't stop myself from asking. Gods, i'm so nosy. "Who was pregnant last year"

"No, why?" her answer is flat. But there is curiosity in her voice, deep down.

"Nevermind" she doesn't know anything. Y/n hasn't told her anything. If there even is anything to tell. But Izzie looks at me to continue anyways. "I heard that she knew, and that the father was Sloan. And that's the reason they're friends again"

"I thought it was because of Jonas" she's confused and it tells me that she doesn't know this rumour either. There is a silence again and i decide that it's enough. But she doesn't leave, not even as i stand up to leave myself. "You should probably call Y/n"

"Why? She's busy" i say but as i look up to meet Izzie's gaze i realise why. "You called her?"

"I didn't" she says, putting her hands up in defence. "Shepherd did"

"Great, just great" i don't know why but i almost get the feeling like i'm being treated like a porcelain doll. I don't even get further than that before Charles Percy comes running in with a phone to his ear.

"Grey?" he asks right out and i wave him over. He makes his way to us... me, Izzie has already left. I though she liked him, now she's avoiding him? "Diaz is on the phone"

"She called you?" she called around, because i didn't answer. I don't even cary my phone with me when i'm on shift.

"You weren't answering, just take it" he basically shoves the phone in my hands before walking off towards whatever patient might need the assistance. I don't pick it up to my ear, but i can hear her asking for me.

"Lexie? Lex, are you okay? Hello? Lexie?" She's worried, really worried. I can hear it, so i press the phone against my ear and start to make my way out into the corridor where it's a little more quite.

"Yes, i'm okay" i hear how she lets out a breath on the other side before calling out for someone to do something, to be careful. "How's it going over there?"

"Well, it's going somewhere. I heard what happened, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a small cut, and a bruise. Izzie helped me take care of it"

"I'm so sorry" she apologises. What is with her today? She says please without really having to, she apologises without a reason.

"For what? Be getting hurt or leaving me behind. You know i would have been safer by your side at the triage, right?"

"I know, and i'm so sorry. But i wouldn't be able to breath if i didn't know you were safe. No one at the hospital knows this, but the place is still falling to pieces. The ground is unsteady, we've had eight sinkholes in the hour we've been here" the information she's giving me is not only making my heart beat faster, but it's information i'm not supposed to have.

"Was that supposed to make me calm?" i ask, my breath starting to get stuck in my throat.

"I don't know, but i need to get ba... please don't tell Mer that. She'll go ballistic... the end of it" she starts to cut out, only half sentences getting through.

"You're cutting out" but the words getting through from her side of the call don't make full sentence anymore.

"Y/N!!!!!" "DIAZ!!!!!!!" people shout on the other side of the line, i hear that. Then comes the rumble... and then quiet. Nothing. No beep. No breathing. No talking. No half sentence. Just silence.

"Y/n?" i ask, merely a whisper. The call has ended, i know that. But my breathing and the tears starting to form in my eyes are not. They're very real and about to burst.

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