All flustered

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Lexie pov

I close the door behind me as i enter my house. Meeting the smell of alcohol, from my father. He's laying on the sofa with an empty bottle of scotch with the glass rolled out his hand to the floor. I give up for now, instead i let the idea of you take over my mind as I continue to walk to my room that views out the backyard.

I'd guess you have a pretty good idea of how flustered you left me. But that's not what i'm thinking about. Not that you're in the bathtub, naked and by yourself. It's still the kiss in the stairwell. Your hands on my ass, my hands in your hair. Your tongue in my mouth, fighting mine for dominance. But after two days, almost three, the memory is starting to fade more and more though i will always remember it.

y/n pov

I must have felt asleep in the water because i jerk up as my head had went under. I cough to get new air in my lungs. It sends me chills as i remember when Meredith had drowned, and tried to drown herself in her bathtub at home. A clicking noise takes my attention from flashbacks and i get up. Wrapping a towel around me as i silently take the metal nail file with a pointed tip from the sink into my hand. Carefully opening the door to see who's outside. But the sight of the blond makes me relax.

"Jeez Meredith, you could have knocked or just called" i say, fully opening the bathroom door.

"I thought you were asleep so i got my own key" she says with a smile, showing the keycard in her hand.

"I was asleep, in the bathtub" i say and she gets a scared look. She knows i have more memories of what happened then her so she decides to change the subject.

"You were gonna kill me with that?"

"No, but it was either this or a toothbrush" i say and she laughs. "I'll be back in a minute"

I go back into the bathroom and pull the plug on the tub. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a white crop top aka my pj's.

"You know you're not the only one to get scared" Meredith says through the door as i start to dry my hair with the towel.

"I know" i sigh as i think about it. We have been so dependent of each other that we're too overprotective and well, maybe get's to scared when were not together or at least in the same place.

"You know what Alex said when i told him i was leaving?"

"No, what could Alex Karev have said?" i ask sarcastically as i open the door to walk out.

"That's were attached at the hip because we can't be to far away from each other without worrying the skit out"

"Well then he should try to have our childhood and only have one person that his life depends on try to kill herself"

"It was for a moment"

"It was twice and you died the second time, you would have the first time if Derek hadn't pulled you out the water" i snap but then take a deep breath.

"Well you saw your father who you almost killed the last time you saw him"

"Well he would have died out of natural causes"

"You dragged him to the roof and pushed him"

"Gravity is natural" i say with a laugh.

"Okay, we can continue this conversation at breakfast in a few hours. I am so jet-lagged i might not even remember this conversation when i wake up"

"Fine" i say and she takes one of my oversized t-shirts. "What are you doing?"

"Well i left in a hurry i forgot to pack pj's"

"This is why... you know what, nevermind. Just change and go to sleep" i say and she laughs as she changes and i go under the covers.

"By the way, before i forget. Callie said i have two day's to get you home"

"That's all i need"

Lexie pov

Should i call her? Maybe she's not awake yet? It's nine am, she must be awake by now. But she's on vacation so maybe she's sleeping in. Meredith is there so maybe there awake talking. I don't know. I should call her right? Imma call her.

The clinic is calm so i can call her, my whole intern group got put in the clinic until you get back. I take up the phone behind the nurses station, dialing your number.

"Hi, this is y/n Diaz speaking" you answer and i hear multiple voices in the background. Maybe your having breakfast.

"It's Lexie"

"Hold on" you say to me and then to someone else you say. "I'll be back in a minute, i need to take this"

"Who was that?" i ask, not at all jealous.

"Meredith, she got here in the middle of the night and now were having breakfast" you say and i facepalm to my jealousy. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine here. Were all assigned to the clinic until your home"

"So i'll guess, the other interns made you call me to make me come home because your my favorite?"

"No i called to check up on you. I'm you favorite?"

"I thought that was oblius since i kissed you"


"That memory is getting a little heasty, maybe i'll need a reminder when i get home" my face must have gone completely red because everyone is staring at me.

"Did i make you all flustered again?" you ask with a laugh.

"No... i just... no of course not"

"Okay, if you say so. Well everything is going great here"

"When are you coming home?" i say impatiently.

"Tomorrow, we'll land in perfect time for dinner"

"Did you just ask me out?"

"If you want to, i might not be pleasant company after a few hours flight but"

"Yes" i say with a huge grin. "Yes, i'll go on a date with you"

"Then it's settled, when i get home i'll take you out for dinner. Any suggestions?"

"As long as it's not eggs i couldn't care less"

"Okay, so i won't take you to a breakfast place" you joke and makes me laugh. "Meredith is waiting for me so i need to get back, but i'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, talk to you later" i say and then we hang up. Now for once in my life something is going right. I just wish my mom was here to help me. Because i have absolutely no idea of what to wear or what to talk about. Maybe Abby can help me, she's the only one that's really talked to me since the other two got jealous when i became a 'favorite'.

"Abby, do you mind helping me later. I have a date tomorrow"

"I would love to" she answers excitedly.

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