Bothered by it

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Lexie pov

It's such an amazing opportunity that none of us really had anything against just watching from the observatory. Pulling out eight nails from a mans head, from his brain. It's an amazing thing, weird, but surgically it's amazing. Apparently they've done this before, Derek and Mer, they did it in like her fourth week or somewhere there. So, like a year and a half ago, Y/n sat right here, watching the same surgery. Except for the skingraft. And i think she said it was seven nails that time.

"Aren't you bothered by it?" Abby asks, moving in the chair next to me. "I mean, i would be bothered by it"

"Bothered by what?" i ask, half listening as i try to stretch my neck to see the screens downstairs that show us his brain. More correctly, the insides of his brain as they work. Every now and then i even glace at her face, seeing it and loving it. She looks tired, and thoughtful. Like she has a lot to think about. Abby nudges my shoulder as i wasn't listening at her when she answered my question. "Sorry, what?"

"Aren't you bothered by it? Her being friends with Dr Sloan again. I mean, considering the history they share" i had almost forgotten that i had shared that with her. I wasn't supposed to but i needed someone to talk to. Y/n has Meredith, i have Abby. But i guess it's more like Mer and Christina, we're each others persons. And i think it's nice to have someone.

"Not really, why would i be?" i really don't see a reason to it, but i still use a hushed tone that makes her lower hers as well. They we're friends before, her brother is living with him. She's in love with me, not him, she never truly was. And i trust her.

"He's hot" she sighs and i let out a small laugh. She's not wrong, but there are a few other variables to the whole thing.

"He's not really her type, i'm not even sure how it came to them dating" it's an honest question. One i'm actually considering asking her about later. As Y/n pulls out the sixth nail she glaces up to me and even though she's wearing a mask, it's a smile towards me. And i smile back, a reassuring smile, telling her she's got this. I know she's done this a lot longer than me, but i like to think that everyone could benefit from having a familiar and supporting face in the crowd.

"I heard it was to get better surgeries, why would she otherwise date an attending?" Dani had overheard our conversation and was adding to it herself. "Seems you two have that in common"

"Shut it Dani, and she's not an attending" Dani huffs and leans back. Like she's waiting for a mistake to be made. "And Diaz is as hard on me as she is on you, weather i live in the same house or not"

"Grey, you don't only live in the same house, you share her bed. You also have the last name of Grey, your sisters husband is down there together with your girlfriend" i can tell by the whispers around us, and the glance from Abby, that the others sitting around us didn't know that. Because even though we work in this hospital, we had managed to keep that under wraps. Somehow. And everyone knows i live in the same house, they've seen me arrive with them all. But people have thought it's been about Mer, or them just being nice and it's practical and saves a lot of money.

"Dr Holmes" Derek's voice comes up into the observatory and we all look down to see them all looking up at us. In the corner of my eye i see the light of green. They had heard everything we we're saying. Maybe not me and Abby since we were whispering, but maybe.

"Yes Dr Shepherd" Dani answers with a small tremble in her voice. She knows that's gonna cause her a lot of trouble.

"I would suggest that you make sure the people you're talking about don't hear you when you talk about them" and there is protectiveness in his tone. Because Mark is his friend, they're the McBrothers, while Y/n is his wife's best friend. She might not be very fond of him, but they share Meredith, who cares for them both. Sometimes i even wonder if she might hold more love for her than him. But... it would make sense, i suppose.

"Yes Dr Shepherd" Dani's face gets red as she shrinks in her chair.

"Since gossiping is more important than watching the surgery, how about you go and find Tyler and tell him i sent you. He'll have some work for you" Y/n says but i can't make out if she's smirking or if she's about to cry. It's very hard to tell with the mask, glasses and light. Plus, it's Y/n. Dani doesn't say another thing, just leaves. "Now, if there isn't anything else you'd like to discuss. Please turn of the intercom" and one of the people closest to it, turns it off. They can't hear us, we can't hear them.

"I'm not bothered by it because i trust her, i don't have a single reason not to" i whisper back to Abby after a few minutes of silence. "We don't have secrets." and it's true, or so i thought as her next words might disapprove that.

"Not even when she's covering for whoever was pregnant. And the father might have been Mark" Abby's words stop right at my ear in her whisper. They don't go in, they just stay there, echoing. I had forgotten that rumour even going around. It was a few months ago, in the beginning of our relationship. Which would make it almost a year ago, since our one year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. But i can't see that Y/n would cover for someone, unless it's someone she's close to. If not, she just wouldn't care, she wouldn't go to great length to hide it. It doesn't make sense. For who else would it be. It'd have to be Callie, Izzie, Mer or maybe Christina. But Mer wouldn't have kept it a secret from the rest of us. Izzie wouldn't either, she would have been crying when she lost it. Since no one is pregnant. And Christina, maybe but it probably would never have become a rumour at all if it was her. That leaves Callie, which seems unrealistic, since she's been with only women since before that rumour. The echo makes it hard to focus on the rest of the surgery.

A/n chasing cars is playing here and I get the feeling to kill somebody off. Who shall it be???

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