Recovery time

477 23 2

Three weeks later

Lexie pov

Laughter erupts from upstairs, from mine and Y/n's bedroom where both her and Meredith are lying a the moment. I finally understand how Derek feels when getting kicked out of bed at least.

"You think it's time to tell them?" Derek asks, putting down a cup of coffee in front of me. Starting to drink his own.

"I'm afraid that if we tell them they can come back to work tomorrow, they'll both go back to brooding and... i don't know" there is a small laugh on my lips to my words but i'm serious.

"I know, the last two weeks there haven't been a single quiet moment in the house. But it's a good thing, none of them having to stay at home alone all this time" Derek makes a point, and point i can agree on. Alex and Izzie comes into the kitchen as another loud laughter comes from upstairs.

"What are they doing up there?" Izzie asks, yawning and trying to pour up two cups of coffee while Alex sits down two chairs from me.

"I have no idea" Derek answers and i chug down the last of my coffee. Burning my tongue in the process.

"Mer came in about two hours ago, kicked me out of bed" and i'm pretty sure that my answer is the exact that Derek has said a few times about Y/n or Christina. "I better get to work" i meet his gaze with an uncertain question.

"I'll tell them, you go" he answers with a nod at my unasked question.

"Thank you, i'll see y'all later" i get up and out before anyone can say anything else. Except once i get to the to door. Izzie catches up to me.

"Be home by six, i need help preparing dinner"

"What?" and i'm more confused than i've ever been in months.

"We're having a family dinner, all of us, together" she has this smile that makes it hard to say no.

"Any particular reason?" i mean, there has to be one. Only time we eat dinner together is on thanksgiving or Christmas, maybe someone's birthday, but not often. Otherwise we're always at the hospital, eat there together instead in the cafeteria.

"Celebrating Mer and Y/n's recovery as well as we could use it. Give these to Sloan when you see him, and one to Christina" she hands me three handwritten cards, invitations. To Mark and Jonas. And then one to Christina.

"Sure, i'll do that" but just as i turn to walk out the door Avery stands there, waving an awkward wave. I open it to let him in, he has bags filled with stuff.

"Y/n sent me a list of things to buy for tonight" he says, putting some of them down. I look at Izzie to see her just as confused. She hadn't told Y/n about the dinner, that much i do know. Since i didn't know of it either.

"Great. Did you remember the icecream?" Y/n asks from the stairs as she comes down. Her back still a little stiff as she walks. But i guess it's a positive thing that the injurie has given her, better posture. Avery picks up a pack of vanilla icecream and one with chocolate. "You are a literal life saver Jax, i've been craving icecream for days but the people here refuse to buy some"

"Always happy to help Y/n/n" and the smile they share are real. I still don't get how they are friends. Well, none of us like them yet... as Y/n is still hopeful. Which scares the shits out of Christina. Wait... what did he call her? Y/n/n??? I'm officially confused on another level. He gives Y/n a small side hug before walking towards the door again. "I'll see you tonight"

"See you tonight" she answers before he walks out. "If you want a ride, i'm sure he'll take you" she is turned to me, but i'm quiet and let Avery walk back to his car where Percy is waiting for him. Also to let Izzie take the conversation. Instead i just put a small peck no Y/n's cheek and a side hug as well and head out without another goodbye. I need to clear my head... preferably in an OR. Meaning i'll hang onto Christina for the day probably. It's worth her questions about what Y/n really things about the merger. And the people coming from the merger. At least they don't have orange scrubs anymore.

Meredith pov

"Why did you invite them?" I hear Izzie asks as i make it down the stairs myself. It's been raining and for some reasons the whole house is so cold. But Y/n didn't have any problems walking down in her shorts and t-shirt, i on the other hand went and took a pair of sweets out of her closet and put on.

"Why wouldn't i? They're friends and i would like for you all to stop hating on them. They are here to stay" Y/n answers and i know exactly which parts of that sentence that's lies and which is not.

"I hadn't even told you about the dinner i was planning, i just made that up like half an hour ago. Because that's when we got the message"

"What message?" i ask and join in on the conversation. I glance into the kitchen to see Alex and Derek listening in as well.

"That you get to come back tomorrow, you're recovery leave ends tomorrow and you get to come back to work" Izzie says and i hear Derek chuckles. Guess he and Lexie had made a deal that he would tell us instead. I get the feeling that Lexie is hiding something, or has started to hate me. Which would be unfortunate. Since Y/n has just learned to like Derek.

"That's great, then they'll be here to celebrate" Y/n doesn't give in and Izzie knows she's about to lose. Not about to, but has already done just that.

"How many?" the victory smile on her lips is mesmerising. Reminds me of our first year, everytime she got a surgery or impressed Bailey. Or got someone else to do her work because they already saw her potential to become like Bailey.

"Well, it'll be us who live here. I've invited only Avery and Kepner, then you just invited Christina, Mark and Jonas. That makes us about eleven?" Izzie signs and picks up the bags while Y/n takes the icecream. I go into the kitchen to get spoons, giving Derek a kiss and Alex and good morning, before going up again. Y/n in my heels as we go back into her room and sit down on her bed. The tv is still on. A new episode of Criminal Minds has just aired and we're watching it, we've finished the new NCIS episodes, rewatched all of Friends, rewatched the three seasons of How i met your mother and the new episodes. Rewatched Harry Potter, even snuck out to buy Order of the Phoenix and watch it for the first time. So now we press play and eat our ice cream. Me eating the chocolate and her the vanilia. Even though she takes some of mine from time to time, and i take of hers. Reminds me of date nights in our old dorm.

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