The Diaz siblings

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Y/n pov

Relieved. Yes, that's the feeling of the five doctors before me. And i know that in a few minutes two more will come in, then a few more. I think the most relieved gaze of them all, face still being stone, is Bailey. She has now has almost all of us on the table, twice. Me, twice. Mer, twice. Izzie, a few more times because of the cancer. Christina, technically still once but i'm counting the time she got that icicle in her abdomen. But it's a comfort to see it, her face. Because even though neither of us will probably admit it, i've heard what people are calling me. Either it's Draupadi or just plain out calling me the next Nazi, after Bailey.

None of them are talking, they're just watching me, watching the monitors. It's actually getting a bit annoying... and uncomfortable. But i guess i should be happy. Because i remember the pain in my spine, it's not longer there and i have no problem moving it.

"Okay, if you're just gonna stare at me. Could you put me back into that coma, it's getting annoying" i finally break the silence and it's like i'm bringing them all, except for Meredith, out a trance. Like they, just like Mer, thought they were imagining that i was awake. Lexie breaks from the line first, coming up to my bedside and takes my other hand in hers. Mer standing on my right side, holding a hand there.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asks and i see him standing in the doorway. He only just came in, but there is a smile on his face. A smile that comforts me... and reminds me of the promise i'd made myself. I may not have had any control over anything or the time, but i remember every thought, every word.

"Good, but i'm pretty sure someone put headphones on me and played David Bowie on repeat" it's a try to make them all less tense, a joke. Half a joke, since i did hear that godforsaken song. Mark laughs as he comes up to my side, next to Lexie, putting a hand on my thigh as she's is holding that hand.

"Which one?"

"Heroes" i answer with a smile and he smiles back. Okay, i'm backing up on my promise. For the time being. I wasn't ready the first time, i'm not ready the second time either.

"I called Jonas, he's on his way" he says, face getting more serious. Oh my... Jonas, he must have gone out of his mind these past few days.

"Guess it's to late for me to come with opinions on schools" i try to joke again but instead of a laugh, a hard cough comes out and gives out a jolt in my entire body, shutting my eyes hard. I didn't expect it to hurt that bad, but as my body arches at the pain, they all jerk towards me to try and do something. But they all freeze only a few inches away from me. "Ouch, fuck" i mutter under my breath as a thumb rubs over the palm of my hand, causing my body to relax instead. I meet Lexie's gaze and realise that it was her. And now i feel terrible, because almost all the time i've been asleep, i thought about Meredith. And how i couldn't live without her, couldn't leave her. Now i have a similar realisation to Lexie. But it's not that i couldn't, it's that i don't want to. I can't live without Meredith, I don't want to live without Lexie.

None of them really ask me any questions, just about the pain, how i'm feeling, what i remember. The basics. Then i yawn and they all leave me with the Grey sisters. It's comical, i think, that i don't know which one of them i love most. Only the difference between the love i have for them. After another half an hour i send Meredith home to rest properly and that i'll be home before she knows it, and she listens. To my surprise. Then it's just me and Lexie. I've been given my second chance, i'll get to ask her. But i can't do it now, it was to be perfect. And now i'll get the chance to do that.

"Y/n?" Jonas calls out and stops the planning in my head that was starting to take form. He rushes over to my bed and for a moment he just stares at me.

"Hi little bro, missed me?" i ask with a smile. He takes a leap and jumps into my arms. I don't let it show how much it hurts with his weight on me, can't let him see me like that. It's not the same as when i'm not awake.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, prometeme" he whispers into the crook of my neck as i strokes his hair and hold him close.

"I promise" and even though me and my brother were never really that close, considering the alcoholic thing and our father. But i feel now what i missed out on. What we missed out on. I can't help but mutter our mothers words into his hair. Well, it's more a humm to the words, like they're a lullaby. "Espero que todo se vuelva mejor de lo que solía ser antes. Espero que el cielo sea un poco más azul, las palabras un poco más suaves y escuchen un poco más amables." A sob escapes his lips as i make room for him to lay properly next to me. Lexie has sat down in Meredith's bed on the other side. It's close enough for me to give her my hand. And i look into her eyes as i say the same words, in english. "I hope everything becomes better than what it used to be before. I hope the sky is a little bluer, words a little gentler and hearts a little kinder"

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