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y/n pov

"You don't get it Calliope, i don't want to have this baby. I'm not ready to be a mother and im not forcing Lexie into something she might not want. I don't want to bring a baby into this world were it won't be wanted, it's not fair"

"y/n, look, just because you didn't have the best mother doesn't mean..."

"Don't bring my mother into this, she was the best mother i could ever wish for and she died because of it. I can't even keep check on my own brother"

"But you don't have to do it alone"

"I'm not doing something i don't' want, no matter what others think. I don't care that Mark will hate me for it, because he won't even have known about it. No one will."

"You don't even know if it's positive yet and here you are, already planning the end of the world" she says and i walk up to the test.

"If it is, you will be the only one to have known and it'll stay that way"

"You mean your not even gonna tell Meredith? I know you have a set of rules after she drowned" the words that come out of her mouth gives me chills and even more memories flood my brain. I try to push them away but they refuse to leave. I let the thought of the test fill out the memories.

"No one will know, the less to know the less is the chance of Mark finding out" i pick up the test in my hand, too afraid to actually look at it.

"What does it say?" Callie asks as i just stare at it in my hands. I read through the instructions at least a dozen times in the last thirty minutes. Still i can't believe what i'm actually seeing.

"As i said, you don't tell anybody" i say and let it fall out my hands into the trash can.

"You know i can't do that, Mark's my friend" she says and i snap at her.

"So am i" i calm down with a breath. "If you tell so much as one soul Calliope, i will hate you for the rest of my life"

I know it's gonna take a lot of energy out of me to hate her but i'm going to if she tells him. I can't break his heart even more. Though he broke mine, I'm not a revenger, i don't give back. I wait for god to deliver their punishment. Usually it's quick.

"Now, i need to get some sleep so that i can take care of my patients tomorrow" i say passing her out the door. She says something but im to far gone. What the hell am i gonna do. Now i have another secret from Mer, and everyone else. The only one i can talk to about it is Callie and she'll just keep trying to convince me to have it. But i can't live like that, i can't let a child into this world with a mother who doesn't want it and a future trauma surgeon, a father who's a plastic surgeon attending. It just won't work, not now.

A/N keep or not? Tell or not? You decide

Meredith pov

It took me a lot of convincing and about an hour to get Christina out the house after Lexie came by. I said that both Izzy and Alex was in the house and that Izzy would keep an eye on me in that case. At last she agreed and then i just pretended to fell asleep. I felt like a kid waiting for her parents to fall asleep to sneak out to a party. Except for the fact that im not a kid and im not going to a party, im on my way to the hospital.

I didn't want to leave you at the bar but i just got so mad you keep it from me. Not that you hid it very well. But she seems to really love you and i won't get in the way if your happy. And the attitude isn't pointed to me.

"Can you tell me where Dr Abby Newton is, she's Diaz intern" i ask one of the nurses on the station and she points me to a room full with two patients, one Dereks and the other one yours. There is a little boy in your patient's bed.

"Dr Grey?" a brown haired woman asks from a chair in the corner. She had lowered her voice since it's the middle of the night and they're sleeping. "Anything i can help you with?"

"Im looking for your resident, Lexie told me you knew"

"I left her with Dr Torres by the bathrooms close to the resident lounge" she says with a whisper, looking down to her charts again.

"Thanks" i say before getting out. Great, no way close to find you. I don't know if your in an on-call room or in a hospital bed.

As i walk over the bridge someone calls for me behind me.

"Dr Grey?" it's a blond haired woman who reminds me of Izzy in a kind of way.

"Yes?" i answer hesitantly.

"I'm Danielle Holmes but everybody calls me Dani" she introduced herself and i can see why you couldn't bear to act like that.

"How can i help you?"

"I heard you were looking for Dr Diaz, i know where she is"

"Good, then show me or are you gonna propose a bargaining?"

"No, im just concerned because she didn't seem to feel so great earlier and she completely ignored me when i tried to ask her about a case and locked herself in an on-call room" she says with a little sad smile. But still i see a part of myself and Christina in her. The trying to be the favorite. The only difference here is that she failed and Lexie won. Like we did with the attendings. Even George did that, but with Callie.

"Lead the way then Dr Holmes"

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