My kind of apology

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Lexie pov

"What are you doing? I thought you were gonna change" i ask as I turn around to see her leaning her back against the closed door, locking it.

"Could you at least try to be nice?" Y/n says but really there is something else hiding in tone.

"I am nice" I try to say but as she pushes herself off the wall I'm distracted by the smirk on her face. "I'm a nice person Y/n"

"I know, but they are here to stay. Unfortunately." The last word is more a mutter under her breath but I still hear it.

I make a dramatically shocking expressions before saying. "You don't like them either"

"It's not that I don't specifically hate them" she moves closer, close enough to put her hands on my waist, gripping my shirt to pull me close. But what i don't expect is the fall backwards onto the bed. "I just don't like the merger" and she holds me down, without really trying. I sit up again, letting her hover merely inches apart.

"I knew it." I say victoriously and she closes the space between us, pressing her lips soft against mine. One of her hands land on my ankle, the other coming down to my neck. Her hand moving higher and higher, brushing my calf, my knee, my thigh. Her tongue meets my lips and i open it to let her in without a doubt. My hand sinks lower and lower, until it is gripping the space underneath the collor of her shirt.

"This is my apology for not being home much, spending my time with Mer" our eyes meet, knowing and filled with lust and love, the loosest we've ever been and sharper than ever, knowing where we are. "Do you accept?" and it's not even an answer i have to think about, i'll cave so easily. Still i don't know who's breathing harder, me or Y/n. She hovers a gasp away, daring me to give in. It's so easy to give up everything in her company, especially wearing scrubs. It's normal, i would say, that work clothes are hot when they are on the one you love. Even scrubs.

"I accept your apology" i cave and with a bite of her lip, she presses them back upon mine. It fills me with so much adrenaline and exuberance that i could burst. Everytime, it feels like this everytime. It makes me feel too ethereal for my own body, as if i could tear out of my own skin. Her teeth grazes my lower lip, and i arch against her, my hands running across her shoulders, down to the muscle along her sides, up her shirt, and against the burning warmth of her bare skin. My blood is roaring in my ears. I feel her lips move from my mouth to my jaw to my collarbone, burning everywhere she touched.

And of course, as we all knew, a pager shouts out into the room only filled with muffled moans. "Dammit" Y/n mutters into the skin of my neck. Stretching to pick hers up from the floor.

"See, this is why you never try to have sex in the hospital" i say as she comes back up to brush some hair out of my face.

"Try? Darling i have many fond memories where we DID have sex in this hospital" heat spreads upon my cheeks.

"I meant while on call" i clarify as she pulls me with her up to our feet.

"Numerous times, Lexie" . I swear that if her hand wasn't still around my waist, my knees would buckle. "And this is only because i've been asleep, now people know i'm awake and pageable"

"I guess we were lucky it wasn't a 911"

"Nope, Shepherd needs me though. But..." she inches closer to me again and i feel my heart skip a beat. But she doesn't get to continue her sentence before there is a knock on the door.

"Diaz, are you sleeping again?" It's Christina. I don't think i've ever wanted to kill someone, now i have. Y/n laughs as she lets go of me and heads over to the door, opens it to show us both. "Oh, not sleeping. What happened to your scrubs?"

"Reed ran me over with hot coffee, i was on my way to change" she answers and i sense something with Christina's gaze as she brushes over that fact. "So i better go, Shepherd's paging me, i'll see you up there" And with one last glace and smile over at me she leaves the last few steps and into the lounge. That's when Christina looks to me for an answer.

"Did she say anything?" her tone is hushed, to make sure she doesn't hear anything. Instead of risking it i pick up my coat and starts walking down the other way, having her falling in my steps.

"Only thing i got was that she hates the merger, not the people in specifics" i answer when we're far enough down the hall for Y/n not being able to hear us. But as we're amongst other people i also have a hushed tone.

"Seriously that's all you could get?" i turn to face her, stopping us both.

"It's what i've got, but..."

"No buts, little Grey. I know she's not happy with them here, it has to be a specific reason and honestly, it scares me that she's acting to friendly with the intruders. Find out more" and then she leaves me there. But she is right. Ever since Meredith's surgery, she's been different. And i don't mean the kind of different she became when starting to date me. But the different she was when i first started, when she had tried to be more like Izzy.

"You think that just because i tell her, she'll like you?"


"Well we'll see about that, what do i get in return"

"And she's back ladies and gentlemen '' Stevens says mockingly. "Congrats you lasted almost half a day"

"Oh shut up, at least i tried" she say, looking back at me. "I'll talk to Christina about transfering you as my intern, maybe i'll get the chance to torture you myself"

One of my first interactions with her, well, third technically, i think it was. That's when she had given up on being the new happy person and go back to being... her. I have less nice words, but it only describes how she's to others. After her own accident, she's been nothing but nice to me, and if she wasn't she apologised. Even when she didn't have to.

I feel sick for using our relationship to get things out of her just because they asked. I mean, they're her friends, they could just ask her themselves. It's not like she would keep it from them, she doesn't have a reason for it.

A/n I'm snowed in at the moment so hopefully I'll have more chapters made by the end of it. If I don't get stuck reading the 'Shatter me' series, 'Ugly Love' by Colleen Hoover or the continued 'Our violent ends' the Romeo and Juliette rewrite. I'll cross my thumbs

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