One final goodbye

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Eleven years later - Meredith's coma

Meredith pov

I can feel the sand between my toes, it's warm, gritty, and small in size as i move my toes around in the sand as i sit in the swing set. The calming sound of the waves colliding with the compacted, wet sand on the beach. The sound of the water rolling back out to the seat ot be thrown back at the beach again. It's still like a dream, the hot sun beaming down at me, my long hair flailing around in the warm breeze. I feel relaxed as i take in my surroundings as i'm once again alone and my muscles loosen their tension.

"No matter how many times i see this view, it's still as breathtaking." A familiar voice says from behind me and i can feel tears filling my eyes as i can't turn around. Knowing all to well who that voice belongs so. But i guess she was the only one missing. "I told the others not to tell you i was here as well. Wanted to surprise you myself."

"That was very cruel." I mutter and she lets out a laugh before sitting down in the swing next to me. And i turn to look at her. Looking identical to the day that she died, Y/n is sitting there looking at me back. She's wearing the white flowery dress i had bought her the summer we travelled before residency.

"But i did let them tell me about everything. Mostly Deluca, since he's our newest addition." And there is that smile that always used to make me feel better when i was down. "You got two new sisters."

"Yeah, Maggie and Amelia."

"And Alex found someone and then left with a note, to go to Izzie who he has twins with?"

"Yes, that too." I let out a small laugh as she does as well.

But her smile sort of fades. "And you have three kids."

"Yes, Zola. We adopted her not long after... then we had Bailey, and lastly, Elis." And i remember every conversation we've ever had about how we would be godmothers to each others kids. Her hand reaches for mine and i clutch onto it as if we were hanging of a cliff. "Where do you'll live in a place like this? And don't tell me you're camping."

She laughs. "No, we're not camping. At least not every night, though the night sky here is a godsent." She raises her hand to point towards a cliff on the other side of the beach. "On the other side, there is a small town. We have a house there, atop the hill with the most wonderful view. Juliette loves it." But the last sentence makes me look back at her.

"Who's Juliette?"

And the smile on her lips are both happy and filled with sadness. "She got here only an hour after me." And at first i don't understand, but then i remember that day that's blocked in my mind. "And with each star on the sky that you can see, was another person coming to help me take care of her."

"We would have had a daughter?" It almost feels like i can't breath. The child i had miscarried that day, would have been a girl.

"Yes, and she's beautiful."

"Can i meet her?" And the smile fades as she looks out onto the fading sky. It's beginning to grow dark, showing of starts in the sky. The starts that are them.

"No, she's not... i don't know how this works. But you never meet her, so this place can't let you meet her."

"It's okay. I know she's fine, she has you." And the smile grows back on her lips as they do to mine. "Don't you want to hear about Jonas?"

"Not really, i know he married Abby." I look puzzled at her. How could she know that? It happened after Mark, after Derek. Guess Andrew would know. "When Abby gave birth to their twins, she came for a visit. But she couldn't stay for long. She said hi to me, and to Lexie as well." The twins that were named Y/n and Alexandra, in honour of the two they'd lost. And her gaze searches the distance. "And neither can you."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't stay here Meredith, you're only visiting. You need to back to your own world."

"But i don't want to leave you." She stands up and i feel it in my body.

I rise with her as she answers. "You have to. You have future patients to save, kids to raise and sister to take care of." She pulls me into her embrace and i wrap my arms around her. Even though she feels like air, it's better than i could ever imagine to hug her again.

"Will i ever see you again?"

"When it is your time, in many years, we will have a bed of roses waiting for you. And we will see each other again, to live in paradise, in peace."

"Do you promise?" I meet her gaze and she takes my cheeks in her hands.

"I promise. And i love you Meredith." She kisses my temple to then embrace me again.

"I love you too." And then we're forced to let go. Something forces us.

"Tell Jonas i love him and says hi." And i don't get how her smile can be so relaxed. But i guess death is peaceful. Is this what would have been on the other side of the corridor when i drowned?

"I will."

"Come on mommy, i wanna go to uncle Mark." A little girls voice calls out from down the beach. A blond eleven year old girl that almost looks identical to myself, standing next to Lexie who only waves.

"I'll be right there." She broken the rules. To give me a chance to see her. See what could have been mine if the shooting hadn't happened. "Take care." And as she leaves, her hand no longer touching mine i feel the wind around me. As my whole body begins to hurt. She runs across the sand to meet Juliette and Lexie. And as she takes their hands and they walk together, they fade into oblivion with one last gaze towards me.

And it all comes crashing against my body as the blinding lights of starts turns into the white light of a hospital room. The warm breeze turns into the air conditioning. The soft sand and clothes turns into a hospital bed. And tears run down my cheeks as i know that i won't see her again for a long time. But i will never forget her, not even when i'm gone will she be forgotten. She shall live long in these hospital walls, and through my children who will continue to be raised with stories about her. Especially about her and Lexie's unbending love.

The perfect love stories.
End in the most imperfect ways.

The absolute ending of this story. So happy to have you here and i hope you liked it. It's sort of a happy ending, but in the afterlife or wherever that beach was.

Word count -
Part one : 47 670
Part two : 35 456
The ending : 4 932
Total : 88 058
Reading time : 6h 26m

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