"You're cute"

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Meredith pov

<at the house>

I just bought a ticket for a plane that leaves in four hours, it's one hour to the airport, one hour to check in and a few minutes to pack. I know there is more than one reason why i'm going to Miami and it's not just to make sure you don't see you dad again. It's more questions that I need to ask you face to face. And i can't wait for you to come home and give me those answers. I can imagine your face when i show up at your hotel room. I don't even know what hotel your staying at.

I call five different hotels before i get to the right one. Since you told me not to come i don't think your gonna tell me where you live.

"You've reached the Lotus Flower hotel how can i help you?" a man answers the phone.

"Hey im looking for a y/n Diaz, she told me she has a room here"

"I will check the logs so if you could just hold for a second" he says and i hear the distant noise of the keyboard. "That is right, do you want me to connect you to her?"

"No i just want to make sure my keycard is ready when i get there, she just got here a few days before me"

"I will have to check the booking and can i have your name ma'am" Good i'm having the worst idea of my life.

"The booking will be under Diaz and my name is Meredith Diaz" oh my god, she wasn't gonna let me get a keycard of my own so i'll have to do it my way.

"Yes, double room for Diaz. We will have your keycard ready for when you get here" you got a double room all for yourself.

"Great, thank you" i say before hanging up. Worst ide ever, but it worked.

I throw my bag into the car and get myself in before driving to the airport. It's already very late so i'll get to sleep on the plane ride. The keycard will also let me into the room without waking you up since i'll be the middle of the night.

y/n pov

I was actually impressed it took her two days to not let me be alone. It was two days ago that I left Alice's room before her surgery, two days ago i kissed Lexie. How am I supposed to spend time with Meredith without telling her that? I'm probably the only person she acts like this for. I bet everyone at home is very worried and surprised by her behavior.

Just as im about to fall back onto my bed after my shower my phone rings.

"y/n Diaz speaking" i answer as i don't have the energy to see who's calling.

"It's Izzie, how are you doing"

"Im doing fine here"

"You know Meredith is on her way, she left like a few hours ago"

"I know"

"You do?"

"Yeah i told her not to come but she left me on read" i say in a laugh. "What can i do for you Izzie, i know you care but you didn't call just to check up on me"

"Well i did want to check up on you but your brother is getting discharged tomorrow and i wonder if he still lives in our house"

"Yes he does, he was very sorry for what happened and it was our fathers fault. Your taking him home?"

"No Sloan is, beside Jonas likes Sloan"

"I know he does, thanks"

"Your welcome, i need to go now"

"Sure i'll talk to you later" i hear someone talk in the background.

"And call Lexie please"

"Right, i forgot i was gonna do that when i got back. Tell her i'll call her after I've showered" i say with a laugh and she hums and answers.

"Bye" she says and i hang up. I know i've already showered once but i can't seem to get that drunken feeling off me. The one he gave me. I haven't felt it in what feels like forever, and i don't miss it. I decide it's better to call her before i get back into the bathtub, so i don't forget again. After one tone she answers.

"You know Meredith had me worried sick when she told me about your dad and then you didn't call me. I was on my way to have a heart attack y/n" she starts to ramble on and i can't help but laugh at how cute she is.

"What's so funny?" she asks seriously and i can imagine her face.

"First of all, if she told you what happened, you know i can take care of myself. Second, it's cute how you care, im not used to someone caring that much besides Meredith"

"Yeah she's on the plane to Miami as we speak"

"Oh i know that" i say with a laugh.

"You think i'm cute?" she asks and i can't help but smile.

"No i think your astonishing and beautiful and totally marvelous"

"You do?"

"If i remember correctly i kissed you in that stairwell"

"Right, what did Dr Bailey mean by you being the new Shepherd?"

"The new McDreamy, falling for an intern. He fell for an intern, i guess i fell for you"

"And you talked to Bailey about that?"

"No i didn't, the only one i told was Alex. That's why i was down there screaming at him"

"That makes sense, how come the whole hospital knew before we did?" i can hear the smile in her voice as she talks about her and me as an us.

"Apparently it's obvious to everyone but us, the way we look at each other when the other isn't' looking"

"You look at me when i'm not looking? Isn't that a little creepy"

"You convinced Callie to put you on my case after the accident when i barely knew you. Who's the creep now?" i laugh and hear her do the same.

"Your right, i started that. But should we talk about that when you come back?"

"I would love to talk to you about anything when i get back"

"Good" i can almost hear how flustered she is through the phone.

"Look I got to go back into the shower and lay in the bathtub" i say and i hear how her breath hitches.

"Yeah, you do that, i should get some sleep anyways so bye y/n"

"Bye Lexie" i say before hanging up. A huge smile cover my face as for what i had accomplished. Only to imagine her flustered skin, flaming hot over where her imagination takes her. I love it.

I walk into the bathroom where the bathtub is full once again. Letting the robe drop to the floor before I once again let the water rinse my skin. I put the radio back on and it's playing the top 100 of the year. Some Kelly Clarksson, Maroon 5. Avril Lavigne, Britney Spears and Kanye West. If i could just press pause, on life. Everything is good, i meet my father for the first time in over a decade even if it didn't go well. I get to help an old friend and another new friend survived the surgery. I have someone i like, like i like like her, that likes me back. I got my dream job and have a family home in Seattle. I'm on a kind of vacation where i can hear the waves of the ocean from my room. If everything could just pause it would be almost perfect.

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