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<time skip one week>

Lexie pov

"Hey, you want me to come over again? We can continue watching Lord of the rings" i say, leaning over the nurses station your sitting by.

"Sorry i can't today" you say without looking up at me.

"You on call?" i ask but you look hesitant to answer.

"No, but i have a meeting this afternoon and a surgery after that"

"What kind of meeting?"

"The kind that i can't tell you" you say, standing up and placing the charts in their place.

"Well that makes me even more curious" you look at me with a sweet smile and i give one back.

"I love you but i don't have time, maybe just later tonight" you say with a lower voice and the words still make me melt. I had admitted it wasn't a rumor the next day you heard it, and we talked, more then talked but worked it out.

"Sure, i need to check on patients so... see you later?"

"Naturally" you say, giving me a quick squiz of my hand. As you walk away i turn to meet Dani's hard eyes on me. They may be on the other side of the room but i feel the hate they hold. I know no one else knows about us then Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie, Christina, Hahn, Callie and Abby. Wow, it's a lot more people then i thought. I don't know what i'd do if it came out. I've heard about how Bailey treated Meredith when she found out about her and Derek, no one treated Christina and that Burke differently but they did with you and Mark too.

I don't have time to think about all that so i decide to make my way to my patient's room so i can get some discharged and some prepared for surgery.

y/n pov

"Dani" i say as soon as i've found her, where i was just minutes ago.

"Yes Dr Diaz" she answers nicely and i can't see what Lexie hates about her.

"I have a meeting to get to so i need you to check on my patients for the next hour"

"Why not just give them to Grey?" she mumbles under her breath, probably thinking i can't hear.

"Why would i give them to Dr Grey?"

"I thought she was the favorite"

"I don't do favorites, i don't do privileges, i hate suck-ups and i certainly don't wait for answers that are no. I can ask someone else if it's not important enough to do as i say and..."

"No, i mean yes i can check in on you patients" she cuts me off with a slight panic in her voice. But i just stand there with a victorious smile.

"Good, Tyler over there will get you the charts and i will be back in time for my surgery, if your done by then your welcome to scrub in with me"

"It would be an honor" she answers with that normal smile she usually has.

"Good" i say before i walk away.

<time skip>

"You know there are other ways to do this, adoption or even keeping it" she says again, like it's her job to convince me not to do it. When it's her job to get me to do it really.

"Look Dr Kelly, i have already decided and im not changing my mind" i say and she looks back to her papers.

"Then i just need you designate your emergency contact and we'll have you set for the day after tomorrow"

"Why do i need one?"

"You need someone to take you home afterwards" well oh shit. I think Callie has surgery the whole day and there's no one else i can tell. Maybe Jonas can pick me up, no he's like best friends with Mark now, he'd tell. I can't tell anyone about this, what the hell am i gonna do now?

"Dr Diaz? You do have an emergency contact person, don't you? I'd imagine you have your husband or perhaps Dr Grey" she says like it's obvious i'd have to be married. Well with my rings you'd think i was. I do have my mothers wedding ring on so. And maybe this is the same person Christina went to, or she just knows me and Meredith live together and work together and shit.

"I will have to... just... i don't know if she's off so i'll have to check. Um, i'll call when i've checked" i say awdardly as i stand up, ready to leave.

"You have until nine pm to check whatever it is if you want to keep the appointment"

"Will do" i say, almost backing out of the room. Taking in a deep breath at the situation I've put myself in. The thing i most didn't want to do i have to do.

I start to walk back as i think this through. Not that theres much to think through, i have to tell Meredith. But a part of me has been dying to tell her, just to not have it secret. When she asked if i was on my period a few days ago i had to lie to get out. Since we're three girls living in the same house we're synced. I told her i still had irregular sometimes. And to think it looked like she bought it. But i guess you get good at lying when you've had a life like mine. Sometimes i still don't know how im still alive. I mean come on, a suicidal teenager who tried to take her own life more then once, mother dead, being abused both physically and mentally, a bomb, watching my best friend die, a car crash that ended in fire. Haven't i've been through enough? Well i'll just add abortion to the list like it's anything else.

"Why would i be the one to know?" Izzy says and i realise i've made it back to the cafeteria where the rest are sitting.

"The one to know what?" i ask as i sit down. Everything is cool between us all now. Kinda.

"Alex heard from one of his interns that they found a positive pregnancy test in the resident lounge bathroom" Christina says, sipping on her coffee and panic strikes me even more.

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