"A guess goes a long way here"

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Meredith pov

"It was the bathroom outside Iz, it could have been anyone" Alex says, like he's defending someone.

"Why would Izzy know who it was?" you ask with a nervus tone. Like your hiding something.

"Because she knows everyone in this hospital and is in everybody's business" Christina answers with a laugh.

"It could have been old, they don't empty those very often because people don't use that bathroom" you say again nervously, not meeting my gaze. Avoiding it actually. Like your the one who's pregnant or knows who.

"So that leaves not many, if we ask around we could know who was in that bathroom the last week"

"Or you could just let it be Christina, now who's in someone else's business" you say defencive this time. You must know who it is, there's no other explanation. Well you could be the one but i would know if you were, so it can't. Because there is no way you could have hide it from me, right?

"Geez y/n, what's the matter with you today?" Izzy asks and you finally meet my gaze. I was right, you are hiding something.

"I just think it's none of your business if someone is pregnant. Maybe you don't know them, maybe you do and then they will tell you at there own time" you say without really looking away from me.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Christina says with a smile and Izzy decides to join in.

"Well they both sleeped in the middle so i don't know if that's possible" they both laugh like it's the funniest thing in the world.

"Hey, both of you stop. Why can't you just be happy for her that she's found someone, like she has been supportive of you all the time" i snap at them and they just look at me like i'm speaking a different language.

"I don't think you wake up on the wrong side if you sleep in the middle and on top of someone" Christina continues like she doesn't hear me.

"She was under, does that count as the wrong side? I don't know, it would if it were me" Izzy says and this time i can almost see a tear form in your eyes. Like you were gonna start crying in the middle of the cafeteria on a random late night.

"Meredith, can i speak to you in private please" you say instead of giving into the anger i see you hold against them. But the anger i see is in the form of tears.

"Sure, we can talk" i say and we both get up from our chairs and ignore the words of the women at the table. You continue to walk until we got to an on-call room. I follow you in and you lock the door behind you.

"Okay now you're kinda scaring me" i say and you turn to face me.

y/n pov

It's now or never, right. She won't be that mad, sure she'll be mad but she'll help right. She helped Christina without a second thought.

"y/n?" she says, dragging me out of my head. "You say you need to talk and then drag me into an on-call room. Then you just stand there for a few minutes not opening your mouth"

"I need a favor" is all i say and i can feel what a bad idea this really is. I should have just pushed the procedure to a time Callie would have made it.

"And you had to drag me here and lock the door to ask a favor?"

"Yes, because Calliope will be in surgery that day and i can't ask my brother to get me because he'll tell Mark and i didn't originally want to tell you either, not anyone actually. But your the only other person i can ask that won't make fun of me or tell half the hospital" i ramble on and she seems to understand without me actually having to say it.

"You want me to be your emergency contact person and pick you up?" she asks all causally.

"Yes" i answer under my breath. I'm actually surprised she's not reacting in any other way than being supportive. "Your not gonna lash out or try to convince me otherwise?"

"I know i can't change your mind and i'm just a little mad you didn't tell me but not enough to lash out on you"

"Your not? I actually thought you'd be pissed. I know with Christina it was different but..."

"But she also only told me because of the same reason you are now" she cuts me off and puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "And your not Christina"

"I know, i just thought you'd react different since we're family"

"I wouldn't care if you killed someone, you probably had your reasons" i give her a thankful smile. "Just answer one question."

"Sure, anything"

"Would you have told me if Callie hadn't been busy"

"Probably, you'd probably figure it out one way or another and if you'd ask me i wouldn't lie" It's actually the truth. I wouldn't tell her but if she asked i wouldn't lie.

"Good" she says with a smile before asking again. "Who knows you're pregnant?"

"Just Calliope, because she made me do the test the night you found out about me and Lexie. And now, you"

"Almost everyone here is trying to figure out who's it is, since they think someone is going to grow they'll find out"

"Well they won't"

"Anyone else see you or saw Callie take the test?"

"I don't know about Callie but Abby, my intern knew i was in the bathroom."

"So she could guess. And a guess goes long here y/n"

"I know, no need to reside the past to me Mer. I was in it"

"When's the appointment?" she asks, trying to change the subject but not too much.

"Day after tomorrow at four pm, i must call to confirm before nine if i don't want to lose the time"

"That's in twenty minuets, so you better do it now if you want to call before the surgery" she says, handing me her phone. Right, the surgery, i had almost forgotten about that.

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