Extensive research

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A/n I'm literally playing bowling with extended family right now. But this is more important, right?

Y/n pov

"I hate this" i hear someone huff as they sit down in one of the armchairs, waking me up. It was Lexie.

"Was it Kepner?" Meredith asks with a half laugh.

"She's steeling your husband from me" Lexie answers and i let out a small laugh of my own, also letting them know that i'm now awake. More of less.

"Who was it?"


"Oh, April, i like her" i smile and Lexie throws a pillow on me and i laugh even more. But at least i do remember why he's gaze was so familiar. It's because i do know them. "What? She's nice"

"When did you meet her? All you've done since they came here has been to sleep" Lexie says frustrated and i lift my head of the bed and lean back in the chair instead. Looking at her. "I'm sorry"

"No, you're right, i have been sleeping because this one snores so much that it's hard to sleep in the same room as her" i answer with a smile and this time it's Meredith's time to shot the pillow in my face, but i catch it and put it in my lap instead. "I meet her the first time when Jones was sent to Mercy West after a bar fight"

"Oh, sorry" Lexie says but i just smile and shake my head. And i look at her, really look at her and i see all again all the things i feel in love with. But it's interrupted by Christina coming in and slumping down in the other armchair.

"I hate them" she says and looks at us.

"Who did you get?" i ask and give Meredith her pillow back, starting to let out my hair to put it up again. After Meredith had ruined my hairstyle, one that took eternity to get done by myself in her bathroom.


"He's a sweetheart" i say and they all look at me again.

"Okay, if you say that you know the others as well i'm gonna start thinking that you're a traitor" Meredith says, telling Christina that she came in for a second round of this.

"April Kepner, born in Columbus, Ohio. Insecure but a hella good surgeon. She's kind but reserved, probably won't stand up for herself when being pushed but maybe for others. She watches Oprah, cries at weddings, wears contacts. She loves to take photographs, as a kid she had a pony named Sparkle. When she becomes upset, her voice beams noticeable higher than usually, she also often waves her hands when trying to make a point. She is an excellent cook and very good when it comes to numbers and statistics. She very often becomes too emotionally involved with her patients. She loves the song 'Sexy and i know it', she's allergic to peanuts and loves fortune cookies. But is a terrible driver and is the second oldest out of four sisters" and it's the next name that gets Christina's full attention. I also skipped over the fact that i know she's a virgin and the nose thing. I may give them the full history, but she trusted me with that and i'm gonna keep it. "Jackson Avery, grandson to Harper Avery and son of Catherine Fox. Competitive and will try everything to prove himself, to prove he didn't get a spot because of his family name. He loses his composure and gets nervous when on camera. He had a favourite pencil before he broke it during his medical board exams. He once stated that he wanted to be a cardiothoracic surgeon" and i hear how that makes Christina scoff. "He played baseball in high school and football in college, he's pro-choice and likes waffles. He hates gambling and throwing pillows and is a slow reader. He was appointed prom king four years in a row and loves to listen to Michel Jackson as well as he's good at maths. You want me to continue?" It's funny how much time i've spent at Mercy West since it was there Jonas was always getting treated, until the accident.

"Yes, please" Alex says as he comes in and slumps down on the couch.

"Who'd you get?"


"Reed Adamson, abrasive to those she doesn't like or don't know well. Will probably be a big competition amongst us residents with this merger. And she would sleep with you to get what she wants, or give up some untrue sob story. She does yoga to relax after long surgeries and now has the cubby belonging to... George. She has no clue that she has an admire and calls him Charlie when his name is Charles. She also has a chore wheel with April, they live together"

"What about mine? I think he's a reach peach" Izzy asks from the doorway and i don't have to ask her who she's got, there is only one left.

"Charles Percy, a real peach for the ones he cares about. Is so in love with Reed but will do anything, including pretending to be a peach, to get what he wants. He often gets called when needing to do heavy lifting and moving due to his large size which i don't think is that large. He donates blood and is terrible at using metaphors. He is originally from Brookings, South Dakota and his favourite move is Blood Zombies from Saturn."

"Okay, how come you know so much about them?" Lexie asks and i just shrug my shoulders. Not really inclined to tell them everything.

"I do extensive research on the people assigned to my brother, that's all. I can tell you a lot about more of them. We have the nurses, Marguerite Strong, Domenic Noble, Gina Short and Sang Dauhgerty. Then the interns being Brooks Madden, Marian Hodges and Margret Melendez. And one anesthesiologist, Marian Hodges. I've seen them all in the halls in less than six hours."

"Remind me to thank Jonas at the next family dinner" Alex huffs from his chair and i let out a soft laugh. I don't know weather it is at the fact that they're grateful for my brothers carelessness and that he suggested a family dinner. Maybe both.

"Increíble, no puedo creer que en realidad. De verdad." Calliope says from outside and stops as she sees us all sitting in with Meredith. "What are you all doing? Get out and do your thing" and everyone does as she says, but she stops me as i actually get up. I can't sleep away the whole shift. "Can i talk to you"

"Yeah, sure" i answer, unsure over her worried expression. Especially since she was in the halls exclaiming words in spanish. Which she, just like me, only does when she's really upset. "I'll be back later Mer"

"Don't forget to report on everything that happens when you come back" Meredith calls after me.

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