Daddy dearest

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y/n pov

"Do you have a room here?" the hostess Emely asks as she finally gets to my turn. At least that's what her name tag says.

"Yes but i think my company made the reservation"

"Under what name?"

"Diaz" she checks on her tablet before looking up to me.

"You know if it's charged to your room you get very good and cheap offers"

"We'll probably pay separately, can i still take my orders to my room?" i ask hoping, since i don't have that much money and im sure daddy isn't gonna pay for me. And i'm sensing he doesn't have money.

"Sure, i'll just need you room number and after you've eaten you can check everything on the tap that you want charged to your room"

"Great, it's 706" the almost top floor with the best view of the beach and ocean. Well the city was more expensive but the sea is better.

"Great, table for four right this way" she starts to walk as i get what she just said. Table for four, who's the fourth person to join us? Cassandra, dad and me, plus one more.

"Jess here will be your waiter for this lunch" the hostess Emely says and presents another woman who must be a teen. Probably trying to help out at home and pay for school, and the child she's carrying.

"Would you like to hear the specials?" Jess asks as the hostess leaves.

"I'm waiting for a few more so if you'll hold on the specialls Jess"

"Of course mrs"

"Oh it's miss but you can call me y/n, i'm no one for formalities" i say with a smile at her. She smiles back and it reminds me of Lexie. Her smile, that can literally break worlds.

"Do you want anything while you wait y/n?"

"I'll take a glass of wine, red" she looks me up and down and i laugh. "I'm older than i look"

"I'm sorry"

"No need"

"I'll go get that drink now" she says and leaves, flustered. I'm gonna miss leaving strangers all flustered by just smiling at them.

There i have it, the thing i needed to get away to think about. Now i have my answer, I'm gonna take Alex's advice and take a chance. Maybe it won't go to hell.

Well i got my answer faster then i thought, if everything goes alright here maybe i can leave tomorrow. or i can stay here, after all it's home. I can ask her to come here. No, she's an intern, she doesn't get so many free days and i can't tell her to spend it all with me here.

"Here you have your wine, anything else i can get you?" Jess asks, placing a large glass of red wine in front of me.

"Not for now, thanks" i say and she walks away. As im about to take my first sip i hear the horrid voice from behind me. Sending chills down my spine. But when i look back he looks all happy and better. Bet it's a facade, we're after all in public. But i didn't imagine the marks i saw on her shoulder. Cassandra is wearing a fully covering shirt and a pair of jeans while he's wearing a normal t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. And they're not ripped on purpose. On Cassandra's other side is a little boy. With dark blond hair and not with a smile on his lips. He looks to be no more than ten.

"Right here is your table, Jess will come right back so you can order" the hostess Emely says as she leads them right up to my table and they sit down. I meet my fathers broken hazel eyes, a scar ringeling up his check to his eye. His dark brown hair, longer than I remember but still short. And actually brushed.

The little boy was about to sit beside me but dad quickly takes him to their side and Cassandra sits beside me instead. Like he thinks I'm gonna kidnap him or hurt him. Guess he still thinks I'm an uncontrollable raging bitch.

"Hi Dad"

"Why are you here" he says with a raspy voice, wanting to get to the point. "I never thought you'd be dumb enough to show up here without your brother"

"Well i didn't have a choice since my brother is in the hospital" i say without thinking. I see actual concern pierce his face.

"What have you done?" he says, blaming me. "If you hadn't taken him he wouldn't be"

"I was picking him up from the police station and a truck hit us of the road, i was in the car to dad"

"So you did this to him?"

"The truck was filled with fuel and it exploded, he tackled me to the ground and took most of the hit" i snap at him, pulling up my sleeves to show the burn marks. Cassadra takes my arms with her cold hands and looks at the scaring. But i pull my arm back and pull back my sleeves down.

"Why was he at the police station?" she asks with a calm but still worried tone as dad just tugs harder around the little boy.

"He was caught to a DIU, he had been sober for three months and then dad here calls and he drinks again"

"How do you know he called?"

"He told me about it when he woke up from surgery by my ex boyfriend".

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