First patient

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y/n pov

"Murphy labs, Newton patient workups, Grey get Mr Deacon up for a CT he's yours now"

"What? i though..." she starts but i interrupt her.

"Well you thought wrong. He's your patient now Grey, your responsibility" i say leaving them in the room with Mr Deacon.

"Wait, Dr Diaz" Dani says running up to me.

"What?" i answer kinda mean but am over the hole being nice now.

"What about me? What am i gonna do?" i kinda don't want to send her like Izzy.

"You can work in the clinic, I'm sure Steves in down there now and she'll put you to work" i say and walk away, i really don't have time to have someone hanging around me all day. And before i get the chance to decide where i'm going I am half way into an on-call room. Why not sleep? It's been a 32 hours shift already, but only 23 with Grey on me.

As i lay down in one of the beds i hear another person enter, laying down beside me before i get the chance to open my eyes.

"I heard you bumped into Mark earlier" Meredith says and i open my eyes.

"Yeah i did"

"Did you talk to him?"

"Of course not, did you talk to Derek"

"I actually did and i meet Lexie"

"Ooo, Lexie Grey. She's pretty good actually" i say not thinking that she might hate her.

"She's a happy poster kind of girl" she says, making me laugh.

"She's my intern now, i switched her with Christina"

"Why would you do that?" she asks more seriously looking up at me.

"It's a favor, thats what she has to pay and she thinks i'll be better the Christina"

"Well shes wrong there" she let another laugh out before continuing. "Are you gonna keep up your end of the bargaining?"

"I don't know, maybe i will. It includes you so maybe not"

"What includes me?" she asks but i just seal my lips.

"What includes me?" she asks again but with a smile and starts to tickle me so i start laughing. She asks me again but this time someone knocks on the door.

"Dr Diaz?" it's Lexie.

"It's your sister" i whisper making her look at me with an angry face.

"She's not my sister, you are my sister" she whispered back. I've always been her sister, ever since med school when i started hanging out with her. We've also always lived together, some might even have thought we were a couple.

"What is it Grey?" i say higher so that she can hear me.

"Mr Deacons scans just came through and i thought maybe you would like to see them" she answers and i get up over Meredith, causing her to laugh at me.

"What is rule number three Lexie?" i ask as i open the door and her eyes go directly to Meredith back on the bed.

"Not to disturb you while you sleep, but you weren't asleep"

"Loophole, i like you more now" i say with a more sarcastic smile. As i gesture for her to lead the way i say behind me. "See you later Mer"

"Have you talked to her yet?" Lexie asks after a few minutes of silence.

"You've been with me for what? Twenty-three hours and you think you've given something to me?"

"With this i think i have" she says opening the door and gesturing to the scans on the up lighted wall. And i have to admit that i'm kinda impressed.

Lexie pov

I don't know how to interpret your silence as you're studying the scans.

"There's bleeding in his temporal lobe." you mumble, more to yourself then to me.

"He's gonna need surgery right" i say in hope that this is what it'll take for you to talk to Meredith about me. Positive things.

"Page Dr Shepherd and congratulations, you might just have earned that favor" you say before turning back to the scans and i take that as my cue to leave and page Shepheard.

I didn't even need to page him as i find him at the nurse station talking to Dr Sloan. Your boyfriend, from what i've heard.

"Dr Shepherd, Dr Diaz is requesting your presence" i say, trying to ignore Sloan watching me. I know his reputation.

"Then she can page me herself"

"She sent me to page you but i found you instead"

"Then lead the way" he says, gesturing for me to lead the way to. I have no idea what that tone was that he used, but my guess it's against you not me.

We walk back into the scans room where you're still standing, studying the scans.

"What do we have" he asks and you turn around with hatred in your eyes at him. Then gesture to me to present.

"Keith Deacon, a 46 year old male, was brought in this morning after a car accident. The scans of the CT show a ruptured aneurysm" i say and you look impressed by me once again.

"He's gonna need surgery, Diaz pick your interns to assist and prep him for surgery in OR three" he says before exiting.

"Ready to be a part of your first surgery?" you ask me and i'm surprised.

"I'm joining you and dr Shepherd in brains surgery"

"He's your patient Grey, of course your joining in saving his life" you have a smile on your lips.

"It will be an honor to see you" your smile fades as you see someone through the window.

"Good, now go prep Mr Deacon for surgery or your not in" and i was right, you might be worse than Christina, but is it really worth it. You scoot me out of the room and i bump into Dr Sloan, which explains your lack of smile. I apologize and make my way back to Mr Deacon's room where i find his daughter sitting.

"Miss Deacon, im gonna have to ask you to leave the room for now"

"Why? what's wrong?" she asks worriedly, grabbing her fathers hand harder.

"The CT discovered a bleeding in the brain and we're taking him in for surgery."

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"We have the best neurosurgeon in america and i will be in there and will keep you updated, also will Dr Diaz acompany in the surgery and she's one of the best at seattle grace" i say and i can see how she managed so relax a little.

"But there is always a risk at brain surgery, so we need to talk to you about if your father is an organ donor" this is the worst part of being a doctor.

"Yes he is, but that's not gonna happen right. He's gonna live"

"I just have to clear out the risk, but there is always bigger chance of survival if we discover it quickly and we did thanks to Dr Diaz"

"Remind me which one she is, so many doctors have been in here i keep forgetting"

"She's the one who put me on this case, has y/h/c hair and y/s/c (your skin color) and is y/h (your height)"

"Yeah, she was hot" i can't argue with that, because you are.

"Yeah, she is" i mumble under my breath as i start to prep for moving him.

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