No doctors

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Lexie pov

It feels like you hate me all of a sudden. Just as you and Dr Torres are about to literally fix someone's bones a pager starts blaring in the OR.

"Dr. Diaz, your paged 911 to the pit" one of the scrub nurses say, and you look up to Torres.

"It's okay, go. Grey take over" she says and i walk up beside you and take a hold of the suction so you can realise them.

"Don't screw up" you whisper in my ear before running out and leaving me with Torres, fixing a teenager's bones.

"First time not observing?" Torres asks and i look up to meet her eyes.

"Yes Dr. Torres, it is"

"Well now that we have some time to kill, do you have an answer for me?" she asks and i was hoping she wouldn't bring that up.

"For what question?" i ask, playing dumb which was the bumbest decistion i've ever made.

"Why did you want me to put you on y/n case instead of actually doing your internship?" she asks and i remember my answer last time when i convinced her to let me be on your case. 'I swear Dr. Torres i have a really good reason and if you let me take care of her i can figure that out'. The most stupid answer ever said.

"I still can't put it in words"

"For your sake i hope you can soon because she's no one that waits for a move to be made, but she doesn't take them herself either."

Y/n pov

"I was paged? Why did you page me?" i ask Meredith with a higher voice for her to hear me. She starts to drag me across the crowed to trauma room one as she says.

"She doesn't let us touch her and she keeps screaming for you so i thought you could help" she opens the door to reveal the same dark-haired woman that had come for a visit just this morning, now, thirteen hours later she's in the ER.

"Dr. Diaz" one of the interns says and drags me back to reality. I quickly make my way up to her side, stopping the tears from running down my cheeks.

"Fill me in" i say as i look into Alice's eyes and she smiles.

"Lost control over the car and crashed just a few blocks from here. We haven't gotten her up for scans but she seems to have internal bleeding, hence the sharp glass in her lower abdomen." i had stopped listening as i saw the glass. What is it with my life and attracting car crashes?

"No... i need... tell you...need to" she tries to stammer but her words don't connect to each other as she starts to cough up some blood.

"Alice, you need to let these doctors examine you" i put my hands on either side of her face to get her to focus on me, trying to get her to hear me.

"No, not doctors" she lets out in a weak voice.

"Then will you let me examine you?" i say as calmly as i can, she nods and i say with more anger then ever before. Because of course i had to fall for a girl who's afraid of doctors. "Okay, everybody who doesn't need to be here get out"

"What do you need?" Meredtih asks, putting her hand on my shoulder, making me jump. She looks apologising at me before i gather myself enough to speak.

"I need you to get her into an OR while I gather who we need" she nods and starts to prep the gurner for moving her.

"Your gonna go with Meredith okay, she will take care of you"

"No doctors"

"She's my sister, you can trust her as you trust me" i say and see a tear fall down her cheek and before she is about to talk i say. "Don't speak, just nod if you understand and agree"

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