20 questions

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A/N its my birthday today so I'm gonna give you'll a gift. And my gift to you on this special day is.... Drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁.... The date

y/n pov

"Can all passengers of flight Miami to Seattle, make their way to gate 13. Boarding in five" they call out in the speakers, but we're already sitting outside the gate.

"Thirsty?" Meredith ask, holding out a bottle of water.

"No thanks, im good" i say and jeez, i could have just said no thank's or just no. I have barely talked to her because all i want to talk about is Lexie, but i can't do that because she's Meredith. I pick up my phone to text Lexie the time i'll get home to pick her up.

Me to Lexie
Im boarding the flight now, i'll just need a shower and i'll pick you up at seven

Lexie to me
Great, can't wait

"Are you okay?" she asks, noticing me fidgeting with my rings. I stop and just let my hands rest on the bag in my lap.

"Yeah, why wouldn't i be?"

"You've barely talked to me since you grandma talked about us telling each other everything, is there something your not telling me?"

"No of course not" good i hate laying to her.

"Well i know you're hiding something, but i won't push you. We have an almost seven hours flight ahead of us"

"I'm not hiding anything, i just want to go home" i say, getting up from my seat.

"Direct flight to Seattle boarding at gate 13" they say again and we take out bags to go board the plane.

"Boarding pass and passport please" the young man says and i give them to him to check before he lets me pass. Meredith just a few seconds after me.

"Do you have someone waiting for you at home? Are you together with Mark again?" she asks, catching up with me in the aisle of seats.

"No, not Mark"

"Oh so theres someone?" damn it, why can't things be easy in life. As i put my bag on the rack and meet her gaze. She almost looks hurt for me keeping something from her but under it i can see the curiosity.

"Your not gonna stop are you?" i ask her sitting down by the window seat.

"Why won't you just tell me who it is?"

"I never said it was someone?"

"Then tell me what it is" i get why she's like this. Im the only person never to lie to her or keep secrets from her.

"Okay fine, it's someone. And im not telling you who because i haven't talked to that person about telling anyone"

"Fine, but can we at least talk about that person. Is it a he or a her?"

"Are you seriously gonna play 20 questions about it?"

"Yes i am, so answer"

"Fine but im not telling he or her"

"Okay, have you kissed them yet?"


"Was it because of them you left?"


"What or who was the other reason?"

"Mark" i sign, it was bound to come out one way or another.

"What did he do this time?"

"Oh it wasn't him this time, it was on me"

"Please tell me you didn't" she says, guessing the answer."Please tell me you didn't sleep with Mark Sloan"

Lexie pov

"Sure you can't tell me who it is?" Abby asks once again.

"I don't want to tell anyone until i've talked to them about it"

"Fine, but promise to tell me when you've talked about it"

"You'll be the first one to know, i promise" i say as she starts to flatten the last of my hair. But i can't help but feel that something is off. Not with today but with this date. Like it's not right for us or it's just. I can't describe the feeling, it's just a feeling. Maybe it's just the secrecy.

"You know, it's nice to be friends with someone in our intergroup. Everyone looks at eachother like there just the competition"

"Maybe because it is, but i understand. We are gonna spend three years together and then maybe some of us will be in the same specialty"

"I know, i pity those who'll do it without friends" Abby says with a laugh. "There, finished"

"Wow this looks really good" i say, looking at myself in the mirror. My shoulder length hair layin flattened on my shoulders. The natural makeup look she did and the outfit she choose. A pair of dark blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. You had said casual so it's casual, but still not home on a Saturday casual.

"Now i'll leave and you'll call me when the date is over" she says, picking up her bag from my bed. I follow her out to the front door. "And i'll be the first to know who"

"As soon as i've talked to her" damn it. She stops in the step at the door.

"Her? Oh i wonder so who it could be?" she says sarcastically.

"It's not who you think Abby" i say trying to fix my slip up.

"So it's not Dr y/n Diaz that just pulled up in front of your house?" she says pointing out the sidewalk where a car just parked.

"Damn it, just get out of here and don't tell anyone" i say in a lower voice.

"It might slip up" she says with a laugh as she beings to walk.

"Abby i mean it" i say after her and see you begin to walk up to the house. You're wearing a pair of black jeans and a dark blue blouse.

"Dr Diaz" Abby says as she passes you.

"Newton" you answer with a smile. Before Abby disappears into her own car she gives me a smirk and a wink for good luck.

"Your early" is the first thing i say. Maybe the wrong approach when you've just come home from a plane ride.

"No i said it takes ten minuets to get here, and i messaged you fifteen minuets ago. So technically i'm late" you say with a smile.

"Who's at the door Lexie?" my father asks from the living room but i can hear him walk our way.

"It's no one dad" i say back but just before i can step out the door he appears behind me. Reeking of alcohol and looking at you.

"Mr Grey, I'm y/n Diaz, im a friend of your daughters" you say and i know im not that daughter your friends with.

"Right, i remember you, you live with Meredith"

"That's right" you say and i feel like if he knows you were with her when mom died he would blame you too and this would go to hell.

"Oh right, we're gonna go now" i say, grabbing your arm as i walk.

"Don't let her die too" we hear him call behind us before closing the door.

"Okay, nevermind him. We're not gonna let him ruin our night right?" you say, making me look at you. Meeting your e/c eyes who makes a quick glace at my lips.

"Where are we going?" i say noticing the car is gone.

"Oh Alex gave me a ride but i thought we could walk since it's a rainless night in seattle" you offer me your hand and i know it's a little fast or weird or whatever you wanna call it. But if you see this in a similar way as me i know you don't see it that way. For everyone else it might seem strange but if your us it's not.

I accept it and you intertwine your hand with mine as we start to walk the streets of the quiet neighborhood of seattle.

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