One punch too far

433 16 4

TW mentions and descriptions of suicide attempt, self-harm, death, sexism and physical abuse.

Y/n pov

Nothing is going to be okay anymore. Not as i just spent two hours listening to Cassandra answer my questions and tell me about what happened and how we're going to solve it all. She'll stay here while we figure it out, Alex and Derek helped make up the bed in the attic. As soon as i got to the hospital this morning i had called Miami PD and told them everything about my father and what he's done, now he's on the run. It won't take long i suppose, he's an addict, he'll need to resurface to get those things. Tomorrow she'll spend the day thinking about what to say to the federal agents coming to interview her the day after tomorrow. I was the one to suggest the neutral ground, being a conference room in the hospital. That way i could still be there and she would feel safe. AND i could get her in for some prenatal care in the process. But when Lexie came back in with an almost sleeping Oliver in her arms the conversation was over.

Then we have Lexie, we've barely had the chance to talk all day. If it weren't for her sleeping next to me right now i would have thought she'd still be processing and maybe being mad at me. Even though i'm trying her way... the 'right' way to deal with emotions. It's hard for me to do just that. Subconsciously i let my fingers trace over deep scar that goes up my wrist. The one that's not from any accident or any threat my father could ever posses. The one that should... would have taken my life.

Flashback to twelve year old Y/n

Tears should be lining my eyes but their not. Only the slight sting of the bandages rubbing up against the stitched long cut.

"I'm not paying for a damn therapist because you have issues. You are a coward, this is a cowards way out Y/n" he grips hard onto my wrist, digging his fingers into my wrist. My face wincing in pain, but no sound.

"Maybe i just want to be with mom instead of you" he doesn't know that i know the truth of what happened. I haven't told Jonas, he's not old enough to understand yet. I'm not even sure i'm old enough to know what happened.

"Your mother left you, she doesn't care about you. She also took the easy way out, women are cowards" he says and as his nails dig deeper i let out a weak cry for him to stop. Not to loud for my brother to wake up in his room only down the hall. My room is upstairs, to keep me away from whatever's going on downstairs. "Now if you ever do something like this again i will make your life miserable" His words could be out of care but they're not, nothing about him is. He never wanted a daughter, but still he got me.

But my life is already miserable, so what can he really do? "I'm going over to Calliope's" i say as a try to get out of here, taking a step to pass him out the door again. And i get an answer to my question and it surprises me. The palm of his hand hitting my cheek, heating it up before a pulse goes through my face. A tear falls over it and burns it like it's chemicals over an opened wound.

"I didn't raise you like that, and you do not talk to me like that. You ungrateful bitch" the unsaid words are 'i own you'.

"May i go to Callie's?" i change my question and pull in my tears, meeting his stone hard gaze. I use every cell in my body to make my gaze as cold as his and it must be working, because he yields.

"Be home in time to make dinner" of course he's not going to start now, like he's never done. I grab my jacket and run out the door. It's in the middle of winter but it's not particular cold, but the wind is. In my pocket there lies a picture, a picture i had stolen from my mothers purse. A picture of them when they met, both of them in their early twenties, smiles and lovesick expressions. Mom had told me about that time before she died, before that damn rehab place mixed up her meds. I accidentally overheard grandmother talking about it. But back then they weren't hocked on the latest drug or drinking five beers before shipping us off to school.

Callie and my grandmother had been by my side in the hospital and were the ones that wanted to take me home. But in the end of it, my father just came and got me. Not caring, not talking, just taking me home. In only those hours since then my father has forbidden grandmother to see both me and Jonas, forbid me to utter words without being asked a question. And he's hit me. Hard grips and a little shoving was what i thought was the worse, i was just proven wrong. I'm twelve, Jonas is only seven. We're practically orphans since our father is no longer our father because of what he does. But i know one thing for sure, it's that i will do everything in my power to keep Jonas from enduring the same type of abuse. I will take every hit, ever slap, every fist. Not him.

The reason i really tried to take my life wasn't only to join mother. I was also because i didn't have a reason to live... didn't, past tense. I do now, protect my brother.

Allison + Victor

That's what's written inside a heart and an arrow. My parents, before they destroyed themselves. I wish i had met them like that. But i didn't. And it's unnecessary to dwell about a past no one can change.

End of flashback

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